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Conversational interfaces for grammY.
import { type ApiResponse, type CallbackQueryContext, type CommandContext, Composer, Context, delistify, type Filter, type FilterQuery, type GameQueryContext, GLOBAL_CONSTRUCTOR_MAP, GrammyError, type HearsContext, HttpError, type LazySessionFlavor, listify, type Middleware, type MiddlewareFn, type RawApi, type ReactionContext, type ReactionType, type ReactionTypeEmoji, type SessionFlavor, type Update, type User,} from "./deps.deno.ts";import { ConversationForm } from "./form.ts";import { clone, ident, IS_NOT_INTRINSIC, type Resolver, resolver,} from "./utils.ts";type MaybeArray<T> = T | T[];type StringWithSuggestions<S extends string> = | (string & Record<never, never>) | S;
/** * A user-defined conversation builder function that can be turned into * middleware for a conversation. This is the type of the function that you * should use to write your conversation. It can be used like so: * * ```ts * const myConversation: ConversationFn<MyContext> = async (conversation, ctx) => { * // TODO define the conversation * } * ``` * * The first parameter is the conversation handle which you can use to wait for * new messages, use forms, and access utilies such as random number generation. * * The second parameter is the initial context object. In this parameter, the * conversation builder function will receive the context object that was * received when the conversation was started. */export type ConversationFn<C extends Context> = ( conversation: Conversation<C>, ctx: C,) => unknown | Promise<unknown>;/** * Context flavor for the conversations plugin. Adds the conversation control * panel `ctx.conversation` which e.g. allows entering a conversation. It also * adds some properties to the session which the conversation plugin needs. */export type ConversationFlavor<C extends Context | undefined = undefined> = & { conversation: ConversationControls } & (C extends Context // workaround for ? C extends LazySessionFlavor<infer V> ? & Omit<C, "session"> & LazySessionFlavor<ConversationSessionData & V> : & C & SessionFlavor<ConversationSessionData> // TODO: remove additive flavor for 2.0 : | SessionFlavor<ConversationSessionData> | LazySessionFlavor<ConversationSessionData>);
interface Internals { /** Known conversation identifiers, used for collision checking */ ids: Set<string>; /** Session data supplier, used to persist conversation state */ session: () => Promise<ConversationSessionData>;}
const KNOWN_TYPES = new Map(GLOBAL_CONSTRUCTOR_MAP);const e = KNOWN_TYPES.get(;KNOWN_TYPES.delete(;KNOWN_TYPES.set(, { instance: GrammyError as unknown as new () => GrammyError, from: (err: GrammyError) => { const res: unknown[] = [ err.message, err.error_code, err.description, err.parameters, err.method, err.payload, ]; if (err.stack !== undefined) res.push(err.stack); if (err.cause !== undefined) { if (err.stack === undefined) res.push(undefined); res.push(err.cause); } return res; }, create: ( [ message, error_code, description, parameters, method, payload, stack, cause, ], ) => { const err = new GrammyError( message, { ok: false, error_code, description, parameters }, method, payload, ); if (stack === undefined) delete err.stack; else err.stack = stack; if (cause !== undefined) err.cause = cause; return err; },});KNOWN_TYPES.set(, { instance: HttpError as unknown as new () => HttpError, from: (err: HttpError) => { const res: unknown[] = [err.message, err.error]; if (err.stack !== undefined) res.push(err.stack); if (err.cause !== undefined) { if (err.stack === undefined) res.push(undefined); res.push(err.cause); } return res; }, create: ([message, error, stack, cause]) => { const err = new HttpError(message, error); if (stack === undefined) delete err.stack; else err.stack = stack; if (cause !== undefined) err.cause = cause; return err; },});if (e !== undefined) KNOWN_TYPES.set(, e);
/** * Used to store data invisibly on context object inside the conversation * control panel */const internal = Symbol("conversations");/** * The is the conversation control panel which is available on * `ctx.conversation`. It allows you to enter and exit conversations, and to * inspect which conversation is currently active. */class ConversationControls { /** List of all conversations to be started */ readonly [internal]: Internals;
constructor( session: () => Promise<ConversationSessionData>, ) { this[internal] = { ids: new Set(), session }; }
/** * Returns a map of the identifiers of currently active conversations to the * number of times this conversation is active in the current chat. For * example, you can use `"captcha" in` to check if * there are any active conversations in this chat with the identifier * `"captcha"`. */ async active() { return Object.fromEntries( Object.entries((await this[internal].session()).conversation ?? {}) .map(([id, conversations]) => [id, conversations.length]), ); }
/** * Enters a conversation with the given identifier. * * Note that this method is async. You must `await` this method. * * While it is possible to enter a conversation from within another * conversation in order to start a parallel conversation, it is usually * preferable to simply call the other conversation function directly: * */ public enter(id: string, _opts: { /** * Specify `true` if all running conversations in the same chat should * be terminated before entering this conversation. Defaults to `false`. */ overwrite?: boolean; } = {}): Promise<void> { // Each installed conversation will wrap this function and intercept the // call chain for their own identifier, so if we are actually called, an // unknown identifier was passed. Hence, we simply throw an error. const known = Array.from(this[internal].ids.values()) .map((id) => `'${id}'`) .join(", "); throw new Error( `The conversation '${id}' has not been registered! Known conversations are: ${known}`, ); }
/** * Kills all conversations with the given identifier (if any) and enters a * new conversation for this identifier. Equivalent to passing `overwrite: * true` to `enter`. * * Note that this method is async. You must `await` this method. * * While it is possible to reenter a conversation from within another * conversation in order to start a parallel conversation, it is usually * preferable to simply call the other conversation function directly: * */ public async reenter(id: string) { await this.enter(id, { overwrite: true }); }
/** * Hard-kills all conversations for a given identifier. Note that the normal * way for conversations to exit is for their conversation builder function * to complete (return or throw). * * If no identifier is specified, all running conversations of all * identifiers will be killed. * * Note that if you call `exit` from within a conversation, the conversation * will not terminate immediately once it reaches the `exit` call. Instead, * it will continue until it reaches the next `wait` or `skip` statement, * and then exit. This is another reason why it is usually easier to return * or throw in order to leave a conversation. */ public async exit(id?: string) { const session = await this[internal].session(); if (session.conversation == null) return; if (id === undefined) { // Simply clear all conversation data session.conversation = undefined; } else { // Strip out specified conversations from active ones delete session.conversation[id]; // Do not store empty object if (Object.keys(session.conversation).length === 0) { session.conversation = undefined; } } }}
/** Data which the conversations plugin adds to `ctx.session` */interface ConversationSessionData { /** Internal data used by the conversations plugin. Do not modify. */ conversation?: Record<string, ActiveConversation[]>;}interface ActiveConversation { /** * Log of operations that were performed so far in the conversation. Used to * replay past operations when resuming. */ log: OpLog; /** * Time in milliseconds since The Epoch which describes that last time the * conversation builder function was advanced. Used to implement timeouts. */ last?: number;}/** * Describes a log entry that does not only know its chronological position in * the log which indicates in what order the op was created, but also stores the * index at which the operation resolved. This makes it possible to accurately * track concurrent operations and deterministically replay the order in which * they resolved. */interface AsyncOrder { /** Index used to determine the op resolve order */ i: number;}/** Log of operations */interface OpLog { /** Strictly ordered log of incoming updates */ u: WaitOp[];}/** A `wait` call that was recorded onto the log */interface WaitOp { /** Incoming update object used to recreate the context */ u: Update; /** * All enumerable properties on the context object which should be persisted * in the session and restored when replaying. Excludes intrinsic * properties. */ x: Record<string, unknown>; /** * All properties on the context object, enumerable or not, which could not * be persisted and will be proxied to the alive context object. */ f?: string[]; /** Method-keyed log of async-ordered API call results */ a?: Record<string, ApiOp[]>; /** Log of async-ordered external operation results */ e?: ExtOp[];}/** A Bot API call that was recorded onto the log */interface ApiOp extends AsyncOrder { /** API call result, absent if the call did not complete in time */ r?: ApiResponse<Awaited<ReturnType<RawApi[keyof RawApi]>>>;}/** An external operation that was recorded onto the log */interface ExtOp extends AsyncOrder { /** Result of the task, absent if it did not complete in time */ r?: { /** The operation succeeded and `v` was returned */ // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any v: any; } | { /** The operation failed and `e` was thrown */ e: unknown; };}
/** * Ops that can lead to interruption of function execution. * * - wait: conversation advanced, rerun it with next update (consumed: true, exit: false) * - skip: skip this conversation, run next one (consumed: false, exit: false) * - timeout: conversation timed out, exit it and then `skip` (consumed: false, exit: true) * - done: conversation finished normally, exit it (consumed: true, exit: true) */interface ResolveOps { /** Has the conversation consumed the update? */ consumed: boolean; /** Should this conversation be exited? */ exit: boolean;}
/** * Creates a runner function which is in turn able to execute conversation * builder functions based on an op log. */function conversationRunner<C extends Context>( ctx: C & ConversationFlavor, builder: ConversationFn<C>, timeout: number | undefined,) { /** * Adds an entry for the current context object to the given log, * effectively turning the most recent wait op into a old wait which will be * replayed */ function waitOp(): WaitOp { // Need to log both update (in `update`) and all enumerable properties // on the context object (in `extra`). let functions: string[] | undefined; const extra = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(ctx) // Do not copy over intrinsic properties .filter(([k]) => IS_NOT_INTRINSIC(k)) .map(([k, v]) => [k, v, clone(v)]) // Remember functions .filter(([k, v, c]) => { if (v !== undefined && c === undefined) { (functions ??= []).push(k); return false; } return true; }) .map(([k, , c]) => [k, c]), ); // Do not store old session data, removing a lot of unused data delete extra.session.conversation; return { u: ctx.update, x: extra, f: functions }; }
/** * Defines how to run a conversation builder function. Returns `false` if * the conversation decided to pass on the control flow, and `true` if it * handled the update, i.e. completed normally or via a wait call. Note that * this function re-throws errors thrown by the conversation. */ async function run(data: ActiveConversation): Promise<ResolveOps> { // Create the conversation handle const rsr = resolver<ResolveOps>(); // used to catch `wait` calls const handle = new ConversationHandle<C>(ctx, data, rsr, timeout); // We are either starting the conversation builder function from // scratch, or we are beginning a replay operation. In both cases, the // current context object is new to the conversation builder function, // be it the inital context object or the result of a `wait` call. // Hence, we should log an op with the current context object. handle._logWait(waitOp()); // appends to end of log // Now, we invoke the conversation builder function. We start by // replaying the initial context object manually. const initialContext = await handle._replayWait(); // retrieves from start of log // Call the target builder function supplied by the user, but don't // blindly await it because when `wait` is called somewhere inside, // execution is aborted. The `Promise.race` intercepts this again and // allows us to resume normal middleware handling. try { await Promise.race([rsr.promise, builder(handle, initialContext)]); } finally { handle._deactivate(); } return rsr.value ?? { consumed: true, exit: true }; }
return run;}
/** * Main installer of the conversations plugin. Call this function and pass the * result to `bot.use`: * * ```ts * bot.use(conversations()); * ``` * * This registers the control panel for conversations which is available through * `ctx.conversation`. After installing this plugin, you are already able to * exit conversations, even before registering them. * * Moreover, this function is the prerequisite for being able to register the * actual conversations which can in turn be entered. * * ```ts * function settings(conversation: MyConversation, ctx: MyContext) { * // define your conversation here * } * bot.use(createConversation(settings)); * bot.command("settings", async (ctx) => { * await ctx.conversation.enter("settings"); * }); * ``` * * Check out the [documentation]( * to learn more about how to create conversations. */export function conversations<C extends Context>(): MiddlewareFn< C & ConversationFlavor> { return async (ctx, next) => { if (!("session" in ctx)) { throw new Error("Cannot use conversations without session!"); } let transformed = false; ctx.conversation ??= new ConversationControls(async () => { // Access session lazily const session = await ctx.session; if (!transformed) { transformed = true; if ( typeof session.conversation === "number" || (typeof session.conversation === "object" && Array.isArray(session.conversation)) ) { session.conversation = delistify( session.conversation, KNOWN_TYPES, ); } } return session; }); await next(); if (transformed) { const session = await ctx.session; if (session.conversation != null) { session.conversation = listify( session.conversation, KNOWN_TYPES, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ) as any; } } };}
/** * Configuration options that can be passed when using `createConversation` to * turn a conversation builder function into middleware. */export interface ConversationConfig { /** * Identifier of the conversation which can be used to enter it. Defaults to * the name of the function. */ id?: string; /** * Maximum number of milliseconds to wait. If an update is received after * this time has elapsed, the conversation will be left automatically * instead of resuming, and the update will be handled as if the * conversation had not been active. * * This is the default value that each conversation with this identifier * starts with. Note that you can override this value for a specific run of * the conversation when calling `ctx.conversation.enter`. In addition, you * can adjust this value from within a conversation between wait calls by * assigning a new value to `conversation.millisecondsToWait`. */ maxMillisecondsToWait?: number;}
/** * Takes a conversation builder function, and turns it into grammY middleware * which can be installed on your bot. Check out the * [documentation]( to learn more * about how conversation builder functions can be created. * * @param builder Conversation builder function * @param config Identifier of the conversation or configuration object * @returns Middleware to be installed on the bot */export function createConversation<C extends Context>( builder: ConversationFn<C>, config: string | ConversationConfig = {},): MiddlewareFn<C & ConversationFlavor> { const { id =, maxMillisecondsToWait }: ConversationConfig = typeof config === "string" ? { id: config } : config; if (!id) throw new Error("Cannot register a function without name!"); return async (ctx, next) => { if (ctx.conversation === undefined) { throw new Error( "Cannot register a conversation without first installing the conversations plugin!", ); }
// Add ourselves to the conversation index const index = ctx.conversation[internal].ids; if (index.has(id)) { throw new Error(`Duplicate conversation identifier '${id}'!`); } index.add(id);
// Define how to run a conversation builder function const runOnData = conversationRunner( ctx, builder, maxMillisecondsToWait, );
/** * Runs our conversation builder function for all given logs in * ascending order until the first decides to handle the update. */ async function runUntilComplete(conversations: ActiveConversation[]) { let op: ResolveOps = { consumed: false, exit: false }; for (let i = 0; !op.consumed && i < conversations.length; i++) { const current = conversations[i]; try { op = await runOnData(current); } catch (e) { conversations.splice(i, 1); throw e; } if (op.exit) conversations.splice(i--, 1); } return op; }
// Register ourselves in the enter function const oldEnter = ctx.conversation.enter.bind(ctx.conversation); ctx.conversation.enter = async (enterId, opts) => { if (enterId !== id) { await oldEnter(enterId, opts); return; } const session = await ctx.conversation[internal].session(); session.conversation ??= {}; const entry: ActiveConversation = { log: { u: [] }, last:, }; const append = [entry]; if (opts?.overwrite) session.conversation[id] = append; else (session.conversation[id] ??= []).push(...append); const pos = session.conversation[id].length - 1; try { await runUntilComplete(append); } finally { if (append.length === 0) { session.conversation[id].splice(pos, 1); } if (session.conversation[id].length === 0) { delete session.conversation[id]; } } };
const session = await ctx.conversation[internal].session(); try { // Run all existing conversations with our identifier let op: ResolveOps = { consumed: false, exit: false }; if (session.conversation?.[id] !== undefined) { try { op = await runUntilComplete(session.conversation[id]); } finally { // Clean up if no logs remain if (session.conversation[id].length === 0) { delete session.conversation[id]; } } }
// If all ran conversations (if any) called skip as their last op, // we run the downstream middleware if (!op.consumed) await next(); } finally { // Clean up if no conversations remain if ( session.conversation != null && Object.keys(session.conversation).length === 0 ) { session.conversation = undefined; } } };}
/** * Handler for a context object that will be invoked when a condition fails. */export type OtherwiseHandler<C extends Context> = ( ctx: C,) => unknown | Promise<unknown>;/** * Options object with settings that determine how to handle a failing * condition. */export interface OtherwiseOptions<C extends Context> { drop?: boolean; maxMilliseconds?: number; otherwise?: OtherwiseHandler<C>;}/** * Configuration for how to handle a failing condition, either a function or an * options object. */export type OtherwiseConfig<C extends Context> = | OtherwiseHandler<C> | OtherwiseOptions<C>;function toObj<C extends Context>( otherwise?: OtherwiseConfig<C>,): OtherwiseOptions<C> { return typeof otherwise === "function" ? { otherwise } : otherwise ?? {};}
/** * Index of a replay operation. Used while replaying a function to where it left * off after the last wait call was reached. */interface ReplayIndex { /** * Index of the current wait operation. * * If this value equals the length of the wait op log, it means that the * next wait operation is undefined so far. In other words, the conversation * builder function needs to be executed normally, whithout replaying. * Hence, this value can be used to check if the replay operation is still * active. */ wait: number; /** * For every API method in the API call log, stores the index of the next * API call result. */ api?: Map<string, number>; /** * Index of the next external operation that will be called. */ ext?: number; /** * Index of the next operation that should resolve. Will be incremented * every time an API call or an external operation completes. This allows us * to accurately restore the order in which concurrent operations complete. */ resolve?: number; /** * Index of all currently pending tasks. The promises are assigned to the * array in an arbitrary order, and will be resolved in ascending order. */ tasks?: Array<Resolver<unknown>>;}
/** * > This should be the first parameter in your conversation builder function. * * This object gives you access to your conversation. You can think of it as a * handle which lets you perform basic operations in your conversation, such as * waiting for new messages. * * Typically, a conversation builder function has this signature: * * ```ts * async function greet(conversation: Conversation<MyContext>, ctx: MyContext) { * // define your conversation here * } * ``` * * It may be helpful to define a type alias. * * ```ts * type MyConversation = Conversation<MyContext> * * async function greet(conversation: MyConversation, ctx: MyContext) { * // define your conversation here * } * ``` * * Check out the [documentation]( * to learn more about how to create conversations. */export type Conversation<C extends Context> = ConversationHandle<C>;/** * Internally used class which acts as a conversation handle. */export class ConversationHandle<C extends Context> { private replayIndex: ReplayIndex = { wait: 0 }; private currentCtx?: C; private active = true; private mw = new Composer<C>();
constructor( private readonly ctx: C, private readonly data: ActiveConversation, private readonly rsr: Resolver<ResolveOps>, private readonly timeout: number | undefined, ) { // We intercept Bot API calls, returning logged responses while // replaying, and logging the responses of performed calls otherwise. ctx.api.config.use(async (prev, method, payload, signal) => { if (! return prev(method, payload, signal); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any if (this._isReplaying) return this._replayApi(method) as any; const slot = this._logApi(method); const result = await prev(method, payload, signal); slot.r = result; this._finalize(slot); return result; }); }
/** * Internal method, deactivates the conversation handle. Do not use unless * you know exactly what you are doing. */ _deactivate() { = false; }
/** * Internal flag, `true` if the conversation is currently replaying in order * to jump back to an old state, and `false` otherwise. Do not use unless * you know exactly what you are doing. */ get _isReplaying() { return this.replayIndex.wait <; } /** * Internal method, replays a wait operation and advances the replay cursor. * Do not use unless you know exactly what you are doing. */ async _replayWait(): Promise<C> { if (!this._isReplaying) { throw new Error( "Replay stack exhausted, you may not call this method!", ); } const { u, x, f = [] } =[this.replayIndex.wait]; this.replayIndex = { wait: 1 + this.replayIndex.wait }; let ctx: C; if (!this._isReplaying) { // Return original context if we're about to resume execution ctx = this.ctx; } else { // Create fake context, and restore all enumerable properties ctx = Object.assign( new Context(u, this.ctx.api,, x, ) as C; // Copy over functions which we could not store f.forEach((key) => { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const current = (this.ctx as any)[key]; if (typeof current === "function") { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (ctx as any)[key] = current.bind(this.ctx); } }); } this.currentCtx = ctx; await runAsLeaf(ctx,; return ctx; }
/** * Internal method, replays an API call operation and advances the replay * cursor. Do not use unless you know exactly what you are doing. */ _replayApi(method: string): Promise<NonNullable<ApiOp["r"]>> { let index = this.replayIndex.api?.get(method); if (index === undefined) { index = 0; this.replayIndex.api ??= new Map(); this.replayIndex.api.set(method, index); } const result =[this.replayIndex.wait - 1].a ?.[method][index]; this.replayIndex.api?.set(method, 1 + index); if (result === undefined) { return new Promise<never>(() => {}); } return this._resolveAt(result.i, result.r); }
/** * Internal method, replays an external operation and advances the replay * cursor. Do not use unless you know exactly what you are doing. */ _replayExt(): Promise<NonNullable<ExtOp["r"]>> { let index = this.replayIndex.ext; if (index === undefined) this.replayIndex.ext = index = 0; const result =[this.replayIndex.wait - 1].e?.[index]; this.replayIndex.ext = 1 + index; if (result === undefined) return new Promise<never>(() => {}); return this._resolveAt(result.i, result.r); } /** * Internal method, logs a wait call. Do not use unless you know exactly * what you are doing. */ _logWait(op: WaitOp) {; } /** * Internal method, unlogs the most recent call. Do not use unless you know * exactly what you are doing. */ _unlogWait() { const op =; if (op === undefined) throw new Error("Empty log, cannot unlog!"); return op; } /** * Internal method, logs an API call and returns the assigned slot. Do not * use unless you know exactly what you are doing. */ _logApi(method: string): ApiOp { const index = this.replayIndex.wait; const slot = { i: -1 }; (([index - 1].a ??= {})[method] ??= []).push(slot); return slot; } /** * Internal method, logs an external operation and returns the assigned * slot. Do not use unless you know exactly what you are doing. */ _logExt(): ExtOp { const index = this.replayIndex.wait; const slot = { i: -1 }; ([index - 1].e ??= []).push(slot); return slot; } /** * Internal method, finalizes a previously generated slot. Do not use unless * you know exactly what you are doing. */ _finalize(slot: AsyncOrder) { slot.i = this.replayIndex.resolve ??= 0; this.replayIndex.resolve++; } /** * Internal method, creates a promise from a given value that will resolve * at the given index in order to accurately restore the order in which * different operations complete. Do not use unless you know exactly what * you are doing. */ _resolveAt<T>(index: number, value?: T): Promise<T> { const r = resolver(value); (this.replayIndex.tasks ??= [])[index] = r; const resolveNext = () => { if (this.replayIndex.tasks === undefined) return; this.replayIndex.resolve ??= 0; if ( this.replayIndex.tasks[this.replayIndex.resolve] !== undefined ) { this.replayIndex.tasks[this.replayIndex.resolve].resolve(); this.replayIndex.resolve++; setTimeout(resolveNext, 0); } }; setTimeout(resolveNext, 0); return r.promise; }
/** * Waits for a new update (e.g. a message, callback query, etc) from the * user. Once received, this method returns the new context object for the * incoming update. */ async wait( opts: { maxMilliseconds?: number } = { maxMilliseconds: this.timeout }, ): Promise<C> { // If this is an old wait, simply return the old context object if (this._isReplaying) { const ctx = await this._replayWait(); // Exit the conversation if the wait expired const timeout = opts.maxMilliseconds; if ( !this._isReplaying && // limit to the current wait !== undefined && timeout !== undefined && + timeout < ) { // conversation expired, leave it this.rsr.resolve({ consumed: false, exit: true }); await new Promise<never>(() => {}); } return ctx; } // Notify the resolver so that we can catch the function interception // and resume middleware execution normally outside of the conversation this.rsr.resolve({ consumed: true, exit: false }); // Intercept function execution await new Promise<never>(() => {}); // BOOM // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return 0 as any; // dead code }
/** * Waits for a new update (e.g. a message, callback query, etc) that * fulfils a certain condition. This condition is specified via the given * predicate function. As soon as an update arrives for which the predicate * function returns `true`, this method will return it. * * @param predicate Condition to fulfil * @param opts Optional config for discarded updates */ async waitUntil<D extends C>( predicate: (ctx: C) => ctx is D, opts?: OtherwiseConfig<C>, ): Promise<D>; async waitUntil( predicate: (ctx: C) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, opts?: OtherwiseConfig<C>, ): Promise<C>; async waitUntil( predicate: (ctx: C) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, opts?: OtherwiseConfig<C>, ): Promise<C> { const { otherwise, drop, maxMilliseconds } = toObj(opts); const ctx = await this.wait({ maxMilliseconds }); if (!await predicate(ctx)) { await otherwise?.(ctx); await this.skip({ drop }); } return ctx; }
/** * Waits for a new update (e.g. a message, callback query, etc) that does * not fulfil a certain condition. This condition is specified via the given * predicate function. As soon as an update arrives for which the predicate * function returns `false`, this method will return it. * * @param predicate Condition not to fulfil * @param opts Optional config for discarded updates */ async waitUnless( predicate: (ctx: C) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, opts?: OtherwiseConfig<C>, ): Promise<C> { return await this.waitUntil(async (ctx) => !await predicate(ctx), opts); }
/** * Waits for a new update (e.g. a message, callback query, etc) that matches * the given filter query. As soon as an update arrives that matches the * filter query, the corresponding context object is returned. * * @param query The filter query to check * @param opts Optional config for discarded updates */ async waitFor<Q extends FilterQuery>( query: Q | Q[], opts?: OtherwiseConfig<C>, ): Promise<Filter<C, Q>> { return await this.waitUntil(Context.has.filterQuery(query), opts); }
/** * Waits for a new message or channel post that contains the given text, or * that contains text which matches the given regular expression. This uses * the same logic as `bot.hears`. * * @param trigger The string or regex to match * @param opts Optional config for discarded updates */ async waitForHears( trigger: MaybeArray<string | RegExp>, opts?: OtherwiseConfig<C>, ): Promise<HearsContext<C>> { return await this.waitUntil(Context.has.text(trigger), opts); }
/** * Waits for the specified command. This uses the same logic as * `bot.command`. * * @param command The command to match * @param opts Optional config for discarded updates */ async waitForCommand<S extends string>( command: MaybeArray< StringWithSuggestions<S | "start" | "help" | "settings"> >, opts?: OtherwiseConfig<C>, ): Promise<CommandContext<C>> { return await this.waitUntil(Context.has.command(command), opts); }
/** * Waits for the specified reaction. This uses the same logic as * `bot.reaction`. * * @param reaction The reaction to wait for * @param opts Optional config for discarded updates */ async waitForReaction( reaction: MaybeArray<ReactionTypeEmoji["emoji"] | ReactionType>, opts?: OtherwiseConfig<C>, ): Promise<ReactionContext<C>> { return await this.waitUntil(Context.has.reaction(reaction), opts); }
/** * Waits for an update which contains the given callback query, or for the * callback query data to match the given regular expression. This uses the * same logic as `bot.callbackQuery`. * * @param trigger The string or regex to match * @param opts Optional config for discarded updates */ async waitForCallbackQuery( trigger: MaybeArray<string | RegExp>, opts?: OtherwiseConfig<C>, ): Promise<CallbackQueryContext<C>> { return await this.waitUntil(Context.has.callbackQuery(trigger), opts); }
/** * Waits for an update which contains the given game query, or for the * game query data to match the given regular expression. This uses the * same logic as `bot.gameQuery`. * * @param trigger The string or regex to match * @param opts Optional config for discarded updates */ async waitForGameQuery( trigger: MaybeArray<string | RegExp>, opts?: OtherwiseConfig<C>, ): Promise<GameQueryContext<C>> { return await this.waitUntil(Context.has.gameQuery(trigger), opts); }
/** * Waits for a new update (e.g. a message, callback query, etc) from the * given user. As soon as an update arrives from this user, the * corresponding context object is returned. * * @param user The user to wait for * @param opts Optional config for discarded updates */ async waitFrom( user: number | User, opts?: OtherwiseConfig<C>, ): Promise<C & { from: User }> { const id = typeof user === "number" ? user :; const predicate = (ctx: C): ctx is C & { from: User } => ctx.from?.id === id; return await this.waitUntil(predicate, opts); }
/** * Waits for a new message or channel post which replies to the specified * message. As soon as an update arrives that contains such a message or * channel post, the corresponding context object is returned. * * @param message_id The message to which to reply * @param opts Optional config for discarded updates */ async waitForReplyTo( message_id: number | { message_id: number }, opts?: OtherwiseConfig<C>, ): Promise<Filter<C, "message" | "channel_post">> { const id = typeof message_id === "number" ? message_id : message_id.message_id; return await this.waitUntil( (ctx): ctx is Filter<C, "message" | "channel_post"> => ctx.message?.reply_to_message?.message_id === id || ctx.channelPost?.reply_to_message?.message_id === id, opts, ); }
/** * Utilities for building forms. Contains methods that let you wait for * messages and automatically perform input validation. */ form = new ConversationForm(this);
/** * Skips handling the update that was received in the last `wait` call. Once * called, the conversation resets to the last `wait` call, as if the update * had never been received. Unless `{ drop: true }` is passed, the control * flow is passed on immediately, so that middleware downstream of the * conversation can continue handling the update. * * Effectively, calling `await conversation.skip()` behaves as if this * conversation had not received the update at all. * * While the conversation rewinds its logs internally, it does not unsend * messages that you send between the calls to `wait` and `skip`. */ async skip(opts: { drop?: boolean } = {}) { const { drop = false } = opts; // We decided not to handle this update, so we purge the last wait // operation again. It also contains the log of all operations performed // since that wait. Hence, we effectively completely rewind the // conversation until before the update was received. this._unlogWait(); // Notify the resolver so that we can catch the function interception // and resume middleware execution normally outside of the conversation this.rsr.resolve({ consumed: drop, exit: false }); // Intercept function execution return await new Promise<never>(() => {}); // BOOM }
/** * Safely performs an operation with side-effects. You must use this to wrap * all communication with external systems that does not go through grammY, * such as database communication or calls to external APIs. * * This function will then make sure the operation is only performed once, * and not every time a message is handled by the conversation. * * It will need to be able to store the result value of this operation in * the session. Hence, it must store and load the result of the operation * according to your storage adapter. It is therefore best to only return * primitive values or POJOs. If you need to transform your data before it * can be stored, you can specify the `beforeStore` function. If you need to * transform your data after it was loaded, you can specify the `afterLoad` * function. * * @param op An external operation to perform * @returns The result of the operation */ // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any async external<F extends (...args: any[]) => any, I = any>( op: F | { /** An operation to perform */ task: F; /** Parameters to supply to the operation */ args?: Parameters<F>; /** Prepare the result for storing */ beforeStore?: (value: Awaited<ReturnType<F>>) => I | Promise<I>; /** Recover a result after storing */ afterLoad?: (value: I) => ReturnType<F> | Promise<ReturnType<F>>; /** Prepare the result for storing */ beforeStoreError?: (value: unknown) => unknown | Promise<unknown>; /** Recover a result after storing */ afterLoadError?: (value: unknown) => unknown; }, ): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<F>>> { if (typeof op === "function") op = { task: op }; const { task, args = [], beforeStore = ident, afterLoad = ident, beforeStoreError = ident, afterLoadError = ident, } = op; // Return the old result if we are replaying if (this._isReplaying) { const result = await this._replayExt(); if ("v" in result) return await afterLoad(result.v); else throw await afterLoadError(result.e); } // Otherwise, execute the task and log its result const slot = this._logExt(); try { const result = await task(...args); const value = await beforeStore(result); slot.r = { v: value }; return result; } catch (error) { const value = await beforeStoreError(error); slot.r = { e: value }; throw error; } finally { this._finalize(slot); } }
/** * Safe alias for `ctx.session`. Use this instead of `ctx.session` when * inside a conversation. * * As you call `conversation.wait` several times throughout the * conversation, your session data may evolve. The conversations plugin * makes sure to track these changes so that your conversation can work * correctly each time it is run. This means that there are several * snapshots of the session throughout time which all co-exist. It can be * cumbersome to always make sure to use the correct session so that the * code does not alter history (this would lead to data loss). You should * use this helper type to make sure you are accessing the correct session * object at all times. */ // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any get session(): C extends { session: any } ? C["session"] : never { if (this.currentCtx === undefined) throw new Error("No context!"); const ctx: C & { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any session?: C extends { session: any } ? C["session"] : never; } = this.currentCtx; if (ctx.session === undefined) { throw new Error("Session is missing!"); } return ctx.session; } set session( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any value: C extends { session: any } ? C["session"] | undefined : never, ) { if (this.currentCtx === undefined) throw new Error("No context!"); const ctx: C & { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any session?: C extends { session: any } ? C["session"] : never; } = this.currentCtx; ctx.session = value; } /** * > This method is rarely useful because it freezes your bot and that's * > most likely not actually what you want to do. Consider using one of the * > variants of `wait` instead. * * Freezes your bot for the specified number of milliseconds. The current * middleware execution will simply stop for a while. Note that if you're * processing updates concurrently (with grammY runner) then unrelated * updates will still be handled in the meantime. Note further that sleeping * during webhooks is dangerous because [it can lead to duplicate * updates]( * * You should use this instead of your own sleeping function so that you * don't block the conversation while it is restoring a previous position. * * @param milliseconds The number of milliseconds to sleep */ async sleep(milliseconds: number): Promise<void> { if (this._isReplaying) return; await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, milliseconds)); } /** * Safely generates a random number from `Math.random()`. You should use * this instead of `Math.random()` in your conversation because * non-deterministic behavior is not allowed. * * @returns A random number as generated by `Math.random()` */ random() { return this.external({ task: () => Math.random() }); } /** * Safely perform `console.log` calls, but only when they should really be * logged (so not during replay operations). * * @param args Arguments to pass to `console.log` */ log(...args: Parameters<typeof console.log>) { if (this._isReplaying) return; console.log(...args); } /** * Safely perform `console.error` calls, but only when they should really be * logged (so not during replay operations). * * @param args Arguments to pass to `console.error` */ error(...args: Parameters<typeof console.error>) { if (this._isReplaying) return; console.error(...args); } /** * Safely gets the value of ``. You should use this instead of * `` in your conversation because the time value changes * continuously, which may lead to unpredictable and non-deterministic * behavior. * * @returns The value of `` */ now() { return this.external({ task: () => }); } /** * Runs a piece of middleware for each already received context object every * time a context object is received. This can be used to install plugins * inside conversations. * * For instance, if three context objects arrive, this is what happens: * * 1. the first update is received * 2. the middleware runs for the first update * 3. the second update is received * 4. the middleware runs for the first update * 5. the middleware runs for the second update * 6. the third update is received * 7. the middleware runs for the first update * 8. the middleware runs for the second update * 9. the middleware runs for the third update * * Note that the middleware is run with first update thrice. * * @param middleware The middleware to run */ async run(...middleware: Middleware<C>[]) { if (this.currentCtx === undefined) throw new Error("No context!"); await runAsLeaf(this.currentCtx, ...middleware); (ctx, next) => { if (await runAsLeaf(ctx, ...middleware)) await next(); }); }}
async function runAsLeaf<C extends Context>( ctx: C, ...middleware: Middleware<C>[]) { const mw = new Composer(...middleware).middleware(); let nextCalled = false; await mw(ctx, () => (nextCalled = true, Promise.resolve())); return nextCalled;}