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Safely format messages and keep their source code maintainable.
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import type { MessageEntity } from "./deps.deno.ts";
/** * Objects that implement this interface implement a `.toString()` * method that returns a `string` value representing the object. */export interface Stringable { /** * Returns the string representation of this object */ toString(): string;}
/** * Represents the formatted string after the parsing. */class FormattedString implements Stringable { /** * Plain text value for this `FormattedString` */ text: string;
/** * Format entities for this `FormattedString` */ entities: MessageEntity[];
/** * Creates a new `FormattedString`. Useful for constructing a * `FormattedString` from user's formatted message * * ```ts * // Constructing a new `FormattedString` from user's message * const userMsg = new FormattedString(ctx.message.text, ctx.entities()); * ``` * * @param text Plain text value * @param entities Format entities */ constructor(text: string, entities: MessageEntity[]) { this.text = text; this.entities = entities; }
/** * Returns the string representation of this object */ toString() { return this.text; }}
const unwrap = (stringLike: Stringable): FormattedString => { if (stringLike instanceof FormattedString) { return stringLike; } return new FormattedString(stringLike.toString(), []);};
const buildFormatter = <T extends Array<any> = never>( type: MessageEntity["type"], ...formatArgKeys: T) => { return (stringLike: Stringable, ...formatArgs: T) => { const formattedString = unwrap(stringLike); const formatArgObj = Object.fromEntries(, i) => [formatArgKey, formatArgs[i]]), ); return new FormattedString( formattedString.text, [{ type, offset: 0, length: formattedString.text.length, ...formatArgObj, }, ...formattedString.entities], ); };};
// === Native entity functions/** * Formats the `Stringable` as bold. Incompatible with `code` and `pre`. * @param stringLike The `Stringable` to format. */const bold = buildFormatter("bold");/** * Formats the `Stringable` as inline code. Cannot be combined with any other formats. * @param stringLike The `Stringable` to format. */const code = buildFormatter("code");/** * Formats the `Stringable` as italic. Incompatible with `code` and `pre`. * @param stringLike The `Stringable` to format. */const italic = buildFormatter("italic");/** * Formats the `Stringable` as a link. Incompatible with `code` and `pre`. * @param stringLike The `Stringable` to format. * @param url The URL to link to. */const link = buildFormatter<[url: string]>("text_link", "url");/** * Formats the `Stringable` as a code block. Cannot be combined with any other formats. * @param stringLike The `Stringable` to format. * @param language The language of the code block. */const pre = buildFormatter<[language: string]>("pre", "language");/** * Formats the `Stringable` as a spoiler. Incompatible with `code` and `pre`. * @param stringLike The `Stringable` to format. */const spoiler = buildFormatter("spoiler");/** * Formats the `Stringable` as a blockquote. Cannot be nested. * @param stringLike The `Stringable` to format. */const blockquote = buildFormatter("blockquote");/** * Formats the `Stringable` as a strikethrough. Incompatible with `code` and `pre`. * @param stringLike The `Stringable` to format. */const strikethrough = buildFormatter("strikethrough");/** * Formats the `Stringable` as a underline. Incompatible with `code` and `pre`. * @param stringLike The `Stringable` to format. */const underline = buildFormatter("underline");
// Utility functions
/** * Formats the `Stringable` as an internal Telegram link to a user. Incompatible with `code` and `pre`. * @param stringLike The `Stringable` to format. * @param userId The user ID to link to. */const mentionUser = (stringLike: Stringable, userId: number) => { return link(stringLike, `tg://user?id=${userId}`);};
/** * Inserts a custom emoji. * @param placeholder A placeholder emoji * @param emoji The custom emoji identifier */const customEmoji = (placeholder: Stringable, emoji: number) => { return link(placeholder, `tg://emoji?id=${emoji}`);};
/** * Formats the `Stringable`` as a Telegram link to a chat message. Incompatible with `code` and `pre`. * @param stringLike The `Stringable` to format. * @param chatId The chat ID to link to. * @param messageId The message ID to link to. */const linkMessage = ( stringLike: Stringable, chatId: number, messageId: number,) => { if (chatId > 0) { console.warn( "linkMessage can only be used for supergroups and channel messages. Refusing to transform into link.", ); return stringLike; } else if (chatId < -1002147483647 || chatId > -1000000000000) { console.warn( "linkMessage is not able to link messages whose chatIds are greater than -1000000000000 or less than -1002147483647 at this moment. Refusing to transform into link.", ); return stringLike; } else { return link( stringLike, `${(chatId + 1000000000000) * -1}/${messageId}`, ); }};
// === Format tagged template function
/** * This is the format tagged template function. It accepts a template literal * containing any mix of `Stringable` and `string` values, and constructs a * `FormattedString` that represents the combination of all the given values. * The constructed `FormattedString` also implements Stringable, and can be used * in further `fmt` tagged templates. * * Can also be called like regular function and passed an array of `Stringable`s. * * ```ts * // Using return values of fmt in fmt * const left = fmt`${bold('>>>')} >>>`; * const right = fmt`<<< ${bold('<<<')}`; * * const final = fmt`${left} ${ctx.msg.text} ${right}`; * await ctx.replyFmt(final); * * // Using regular function form * const cart = fmt([ * "Your shopping cart:\n", * => fmt`- ${bold(} (${item.price})\n`), * ]); * // Using result in editMessageText * await ctx.editMessageText(cart.text, { entities: cart.entities }); * ``` * * @param rawStringParts An array of `string` parts found in the tagged template (can also be `Stringable`s) * @param stringLikes An array of `Stringable`s found in the tagged template */const fmt = ( rawStringParts: TemplateStringsArray | Stringable[], ...stringLikes: Stringable[]): FormattedString => { let text = ""; const entities: MessageEntity[] = [];
const length = Math.max(rawStringParts.length, stringLikes.length); for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { for (const stringLike of [rawStringParts[i], stringLikes[i]]) { if (stringLike instanceof FormattedString) { entities.push( => ({ ...e, offset: e.offset + text.length, })), ); } if (stringLike != null) text += stringLike.toString(); } } return new FormattedString(text, entities);};
export { blockquote, bold, code, customEmoji, fmt, FormattedString, italic, link, linkMessage, mentionUser, pre, spoiler, strikethrough, underline,};