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Safely format messages and keep their source code maintainable.
import * as grammyParseMode from "";


Represents the formatted string after the parsing.


Formats the Stringable as a blockquote. Cannot be nested.

Formats the Stringable as bold. Incompatible with code and pre.

Formats the Stringable as inline code. Cannot be combined with any other formats.

Inserts a custom emoji.

This is the format tagged template function. It accepts a template literal containing any mix of Stringable and string values, and constructs a FormattedString that represents the combination of all the given values. The constructed FormattedString also implements Stringable, and can be used in further fmt tagged templates.

Formats the Stringable as italic. Incompatible with code and pre.

Formats the Stringable as a link. Incompatible with code and pre.

Formats the Stringable`` as a Telegram link to a chat message. Incompatible with codeandpre`.

Formats the Stringable as an internal Telegram link to a user. Incompatible with code and pre.

Formats the Stringable as a code block. Cannot be combined with any other formats.

Formats the Stringable as a spoiler. Incompatible with code and pre.

Formats the Stringable as a strikethrough. Incompatible with code and pre.

Formats the Stringable as a underline. Incompatible with code and pre.


Objects that implement this interface implement a .toString() method that returns a string value representing the object.