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Router middleware for grammY
import { Composer, Context, Middleware, MiddlewareFn, MiddlewareObj,} from "./deps.deno.ts";
type MaybePromise<T> = T | Promise<T>;
/** * A router lets you specify a number of middlewares, each of them identified by * a string key. You can then pass a routing function that decides based on the * context which middleware to choose by returning one of the keys. * * ```ts * const router = new Router(ctx => { * // determine route to pick here * return 'key' * }) * * router.route('key', ctx => { ... }) * router.route('other-key', ctx => { ... }) * router.otherwise(ctx => { ... }) // called if no route matches * * bot.use(router) * ``` * * If you use a [custom context * type]( * for your bot, you need to pass it when constructing the `Router` instance, * too. * * ```ts * const router = new Router<MyContext>(ctx => { ... }) * ``` */export class Router<C extends Context> implements MiddlewareObj<C> { public routeHandlers: Record<string, Middleware<C>>; private otherwiseHandler: Composer<C> | undefined;
/** * Constructs a router with a routing function and optionally some * preinstalled middlewares. Note that you can always install more * middleware on the router by calling `route`. * * @param router A routing function that decides which middleware to run * @param routeHandlers A number of middlewares */ constructor( private readonly router: (ctx: C) => MaybePromise<string | undefined>, routeHandlers: | Record<string, Middleware<C>> | Map<string, Middleware<C>> = {}, ) { this.routeHandlers = routeHandlers instanceof Map ? Object.fromEntries(routeHandlers.entries()) : { ...routeHandlers }; }
/** * Registers new middleware for a given route. The intially supplied routing * function may return this route as a string to select the respective * middleware for execution for an incoming update. * * @param route The route for which to register the middleware * @param middleware The middleware to register */ route(route: string, ...middleware: Array<Middleware<C>>) { const composer = new Composer(...middleware); this.routeHandlers[route] = composer; return composer; }
/** * Allows to register middleware that is executed when no route matches, or * when the routing function returns `undefined`. If this method is not * called, then the router will simply pass through all requests to the * downstream middleware. * * @param middleware Middleware to run if no route matches */ otherwise(...middleware: Array<Middleware<C>>) { return this.otherwiseHandler = new Composer(...middleware); }
middleware(): MiddlewareFn<C> { return new Composer<C>().route( (ctx) => this.router(ctx), this.routeHandlers, this.otherwiseHandler, ).middleware(); }}