Current version released
3 years ago
Descriptive GraphQL error handling for Deno/Oak servers.
- Provides additional context to GraphQL’s native error messaging for faster debugging.
- Classifies the error type and includes a link to the GraphQL spec for more information about the error.
- Gives descriptive error messagages to null responses, identifying the cause of the issue.
- Traditionally, GraphQL null responses lack error messaging.
- Enables quick development of GraphQL-equipped router.
- Generates GraphQL Playground IDE, allowing developers to write and execute queries.
Getting Started with GraphErr
Below is an example of a basic server you can use to run GraphErr. This server will run on http://localhost:3000/graphql by default.
import { Application, Router } from "";
import { applyGraphQL } from "./applyGQL.ts"
import { gql } from '';
const app = new Application();
// Define the GQL schema using GraphQL-tag (gql). More information on GraphQL-tag below in the README.
const typeDefs = gql`
type Query {
allUsers: [User!]!
type User {
_id: ID!
username: String!
password: String!
// Define resolvers
const resolvers = {
Query: {
allUsers: () => {
return [
{ _id: 1, username: 'JohnDoe', password: 'Password123!' },
{ _id: 2, username: 'JaneDoe', password: 'Password1234!!' }
const GraphQLService = await applyGraphQL<Router>({
typeDefs: typeDefs,
resolvers: resolvers,
app.use(GraphQLService.routes(), GraphQLService.allowedMethods());
await app.listen({ port: 3000 });
- Please import all necessary 3rd party modules (graphErr, oak, and gql).
- Oak is a middleware framework for handling HTTP requests.
- GraphQL-tag (gql) is a Javascript template literal tag that parses GraphQL query strings into the standard GraphQL AST.
- Define typedefs (using GraphQL-tag) and resolvers and pass both into applyGraphQL as shown in the code above.
- ApplyGQL accepts four arguments:
- Router: oak Router module
- path?: string
- A target path that handles the GraphQL post request (*optional: default as /graphql)
- typeDefs: any
- generated type tags by the gql
- resolvers: any
- An object that handles the queries and mutations
- ApplyGQL utilizes code from the Oak-GraphQL module. For additional information on ApplyGQL, please check out the OakGQL repository.
Making a Query
Here is an example query in the GraphQL playground:
query {
allUsers {
The response would look like:
Example #1 - Null response
Standard response:
GraphErr response:
Example #2 - Native GraphQL error
Standard response:
GraphErr response:
GraphErr is currently in beta. If you would like to contribute please contact the authors.
Notice any issues or bugs? Please open an issue. All feedback is greatly appreciated!