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interface ParseOptions
import { type ParseOptions } from "";

Configuration options to control parser behavior


noLocation: boolean

By default, the parser creates AST nodes that know the location in the source that they correspond to. This configuration flag disables that behavior for performance or testing.

allowLegacySDLEmptyFields: boolean

If enabled, the parser will parse empty fields sets in the Schema Definition Language. Otherwise, the parser will follow the current specification.

This option is provided to ease adoption of the final SDL specification and will be removed in v16.

allowLegacySDLImplementsInterfaces: boolean

If enabled, the parser will parse implemented interfaces with no & character between each interface. Otherwise, the parser will follow the current specification.

This option is provided to ease adoption of the final SDL specification and will be removed in v16.

experimentalFragmentVariables: boolean


If enabled, the parser will understand and parse variable definitions contained in a fragment definition. They'll be represented in the variableDefinitions field of the FragmentDefinitionNode.

The syntax is identical to normal, query-defined variables. For example:

fragment A($var: Boolean = false) on T { ... }

Note: this feature is experimental and may change or be removed in the future.