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🦕 Simple Graphviz library for Deno.
import { RootClusterAttributes } from "./types.ts";import { Digraph, Graph, RootCluster } from "./model/root_clusters.ts";/** * Type indicating that it is a constructor of T. * @hidden */// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-anytype Type<T> = new (...args: any[]) => T;interface CreateRootFunction<R extends RootCluster> { ( id?: string, attributes?: RootClusterAttributes, callback?: (g: R) => void, ): R; (attributes?: RootClusterAttributes, callback?: (g: R) => void): R; (id?: string, callback?: (g: R) => void): R; (callback?: (g: R) => void): R;}/** @hidden */function builder<R extends RootCluster>( cls: Type<R>, strictMode = false,): CreateRootFunction<R> { function createRoot( id?: string, attributes?: RootClusterAttributes, callback?: (g: R) => void, ): R; function createRoot( attributes?: RootClusterAttributes, callback?: (g: R) => void, ): R; function createRoot(id?: string, callback?: (g: R) => void): R; function createRoot(callback?: (g: R) => void): R; function createRoot(...args: unknown[]): R { const id = args.find((arg): arg is string => typeof arg === "string"); const attributes = args.find((arg): arg is RootClusterAttributes => typeof arg === "object" ); const callback = args.find((arg): arg is (g: R) => void => typeof arg === "function" ); const g = new cls(id, attributes, strictMode); if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(g); } return g; } return createRoot;}/** API for creating directional graph objects. */export const digraph = builder(Digraph);/** API for creating omnidirectional graph objects. */export const graph = builder(Graph);/** Provides a strict mode API. */export const strict = { /** API for creating directional graph objects in strict mode. */ digraph: builder(Digraph, true), /** API for creating omnidirectional graph objects in strict mode. */ graph: builder(Graph, true),};