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MTProto API Client for Deno 🦕
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport { Api } from "./tl/api.js";import { ParseInterface } from "./client/types.ts";import { MarkdownParser } from "./extensions/markdown.ts";import { HTMLParser } from "./extensions/html.ts";import { CustomFile } from "./classes.ts";import { returnBigInt } from "./helpers.ts";import { bigInt, Buffer, getExtension as mGetExtension, getType,} from "./deps.ts";
import TypeInputFile = Api.TypeInputFile;
function _raiseCastFail(entity: any, target: string): never { let toWrite = entity; if (typeof entity === "object" && "className" in entity) { toWrite = entity.className; } throw new Error(`Cannot cast ${toWrite} to any kind of ${target}`);}
export function resolveId( markedId: bigInt.BigInteger,): [ bigInt.BigInteger, typeof Api.PeerUser | typeof Api.PeerChannel | typeof Api.PeerChat,] { if (markedId.greaterOrEquals( { return [markedId, Api.PeerUser]; }
const m = markedId.toString().match(/-100([^0]\d*)/); if (m) return [bigInt(m[1]), Api.PeerChannel]; return [markedId.negate(), Api.PeerChat];}
export function parseID(id: string) { const isValid = /^(-?[0-9][0-9]*)$/.test(id); return isValid ? bigInt(id) : undefined;}
export function parsePhone(phone: string) { phone = phone.toString().replace(/[()\s-]/gm, ""); if (phone.startsWith("+") && phone.split("+").length - 1 === 1) { return !isNaN(Number(phone)) ? phone.replace("+", "") : undefined; }}
export function rtrim(s: string, mask: string) { while (~mask.indexOf(s[s.length - 1])) { s = s.slice(0, -1); } return s;}
const USERNAME_RE = new RegExp( "@|(?:https?:\\/\\/)?(?:www\\.)?" + "(?:telegram\\.(?:me|dog)|t\\.me)\\/(@|joinchat\\/)?", "i",);const TG_JOIN_RE = new RegExp("tg:\\/\\/(join)\\?invite=", "i");const VALID_USERNAME_RE = new RegExp( "^([a-z]((?!__)[\\w\\d]){3,30}[a-z\\d]|gif|vid|" + "pic|bing|wiki|imdb|bold|vote|like|coub)$", "i",);
export function parseUsername( username: string,): { username?: string; isInvite: boolean } { username = username.trim(); const m = username.match(USERNAME_RE) || username.match(TG_JOIN_RE); if (m) { username = username.replace(m[0], ""); if (m[1]) { return { username: username, isInvite: true, }; } else { username = rtrim(username, "/"); } } if (username.match(VALID_USERNAME_RE)) { return { username: username.toLowerCase(), isInvite: false, }; } else { return { username: undefined, isInvite: false, }; }}
export function getInputPeer( entity: any, allowSelf = true, checkHash = true,): Api.TypeInputPeer { if (entity.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === undefined) { // e.g. custom.Dialog (can't cyclic import). if (allowSelf && "inputEntity" in entity) { return entity.inputEntity; } else if ("entity" in entity) { return getInputPeer(entity.entity); } else { _raiseCastFail(entity, "InputPeer"); } } if (entity.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === 0xc91c90b6) { // crc32(b'InputPeer') return entity; }
if (entity instanceof Api.User) { if (entity.self && allowSelf) { return new Api.InputPeerSelf(); } else if ( (entity.accessHash !== undefined && !entity.min) || !checkHash ) { return new Api.InputPeerUser({ userId:, accessHash: entity.accessHash || bigInt(0), }); } else { throw new Error("User without accessHash or min cannot be input"); } } if ( entity instanceof Api.Chat || entity instanceof Api.ChatEmpty || entity instanceof Api.ChatForbidden ) { return new Api.InputPeerChat({ chatId: }); } if (entity instanceof Api.Channel) { if ((entity.accessHash !== undefined && !entity.min) || !checkHash) { return new Api.InputPeerChannel({ channelId:, accessHash: entity.accessHash || bigInt(0), }); } else { throw new TypeError( "Channel without accessHash or min info cannot be input", ); } } if (entity instanceof Api.ChannelForbidden) { // "channelForbidden are never min", and since their hash is // also not optional, we assume that this truly is the case. return new Api.InputPeerChannel({ channelId:, accessHash: entity.accessHash, }); }
if (entity instanceof Api.InputUser) { return new Api.InputPeerUser({ userId: entity.userId, accessHash: entity.accessHash, }); } if (entity instanceof Api.InputChannel) { return new Api.InputPeerChannel({ channelId: entity.channelId, accessHash: entity.accessHash, }); } if (entity instanceof Api.UserEmpty) { return new Api.InputPeerEmpty(); } if (entity instanceof Api.UserFull) { return getInputPeer(; }
if (entity instanceof Api.ChatFull) { return new Api.InputPeerChat({ chatId: }); }
if (entity instanceof Api.PeerChat) { return new Api.InputPeerChat({ chatId: entity.chatId, }); }
_raiseCastFail(entity, "InputPeer");}
export function getPeer(peer: Api.TypeEntityLike | any) { if (!peer) _raiseCastFail(peer, "undefined"); if (typeof peer === "string") _raiseCastFail(peer, "peer"); if (typeof peer === "number" || typeof peer === "bigint") { peer = returnBigInt(peer); } try { if (bigInt.isInstance(peer)) { const res = resolveId(peer); if (res[1] === Api.PeerChannel) { return new Api.PeerChannel({ channelId: res[0] }); } else if (res[1] === Api.PeerChat) { return new Api.PeerChat({ chatId: res[0] }); } else { return new Api.PeerUser({ userId: res[0] }); } } if (peer.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === undefined) { throw new Error(); } if (peer.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === 0x2d45687) { // crc32('Peer') return peer; } else if ( peer instanceof Api.contacts.ResolvedPeer || peer instanceof Api.InputNotifyPeer || peer instanceof Api.TopPeer || peer instanceof Api.Dialog || peer instanceof Api.DialogPeer ) { return peer.peer; } else if (peer instanceof Api.ChannelFull) { return new Api.PeerChannel({ channelId: }); } if ( peer.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === 0x7d7c6f86 || peer.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === 0xd9c7fc18 ) { // ChatParticipant, ChannelParticipant if ("userId" in peer) { return new Api.PeerUser({ userId: peer.userId }); } } peer = getInputPeer(peer, false, false); if (peer instanceof Api.InputPeerUser) { return new Api.PeerUser({ userId: peer.userId }); } else if (peer instanceof Api.InputPeerChat) { return new Api.PeerChat({ chatId: peer.chatId }); } else if (peer instanceof Api.InputPeerChannel) { return new Api.PeerChannel({ channelId: peer.channelId }); } } catch (_e) { // } _raiseCastFail(peer, "peer");}
export function getPeerId(peer: Api.TypeEntityLike, addMark = true) { if (typeof peer === "string" && parseID(peer)) { peer = returnBigInt(peer); } // First we assert it's a Peer TLObject, or early return for integers if (bigInt.isInstance(peer)) { return addMark ? peer.toString() : resolveId(peer)[0].toString(); } // Tell the user to use their client to resolve InputPeerSelf if we got one if (peer instanceof Api.InputPeerSelf) { _raiseCastFail(peer, "int (you might want to use client.get_peer_id)"); }
try { peer = getPeer(peer); } catch (_e) { _raiseCastFail(peer, "int"); } if (peer instanceof Api.PeerUser) { return peer.userId.toString(); } else if (peer instanceof Api.PeerChat) { // Check in case the user mixed things up to avoid blowing up peer.chatId = resolveId(returnBigInt(peer.chatId))[0]; return addMark ? peer.chatId.negate().toString() : peer.chatId.toString(); } else if (typeof peer === "object" && "channelId" in peer) { // if (peer instanceof Api.PeerChannel) // Check in case the user mixed things up to avoid blowing up peer.channelId = resolveId(returnBigInt(peer.channelId))[0]; if (!addMark) { return peer.channelId.toString(); } // Concat -100 through math tricks, .to_supergroup() on // Madeline IDs will be strictly positive -> log works. return "-100" + peer.channelId.toString(); } _raiseCastFail(peer, "int");}
export function getInputUser(entity: Api.TypeEntityLike): Api.TypeInputUser { if ( typeof entity === "string" || typeof entity === "number" || typeof entity === "bigint" || bigInt.isInstance(entity) ) { _raiseCastFail(entity, "InputUser"); }
if (entity.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === undefined) { _raiseCastFail(entity, "InputUser"); } if (entity.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === 0xe669bf46) { // crc32(b'InputUser') return entity; }
if (entity instanceof Api.User) { if (entity.self) { return new Api.InputUserSelf(); } else { return new Api.InputUser({ userId:, accessHash: entity.accessHash ||, }); } } if (entity instanceof Api.InputPeerSelf) { return new Api.InputUserSelf(); } if ( entity instanceof Api.UserEmpty || entity instanceof Api.InputPeerEmpty ) { return new Api.InputUserEmpty(); } if (entity instanceof Api.UserFull) { return getInputUser(entity); }
if (entity instanceof Api.InputPeerUser) { return new Api.InputUser({ userId: entity.userId, accessHash: entity.accessHash, }); } if (entity instanceof Api.InputPeerUserFromMessage) { return new Api.InputUserFromMessage({ userId: entity.userId, peer: entity.peer, msgId: entity.msgId, }); } _raiseCastFail(entity, "InputUser");}
export function _photoSizeByteCount(size: Api.TypePhotoSize) { if (size instanceof Api.PhotoSize) return size.size; if (size instanceof Api.PhotoStrippedSize) { if (size.bytes.length < 3 || size.bytes[0] != 1) { return size.bytes.length; } return size.bytes.length + 622; } if (size instanceof Api.PhotoCachedSize) return size.bytes.length; if (size instanceof Api.PhotoSizeEmpty) return 0; return undefined;}
export function getDisplayName(entity: Api.TypeEntityLike) { if (entity instanceof Api.User) { if (entity.lastName && entity.firstName) { return `${entity.firstName} ${entity.lastName}`; } else if (entity.firstName) { return entity.firstName; } else if (entity.lastName) { return entity.lastName; } else { return ""; } } else if (entity instanceof Api.Chat || entity instanceof Api.Channel) { return entity.title; } return "";}
export function resolveInviteLink(_link: string): [number, number, number] { throw new Error("not implemented");}
export function getMessageId( message: number | Api.TypeMessage | Api.TypeMessageIDLike | undefined,): number | undefined { if (!message) { return; } else if (typeof message === "number") { return message; } else if (message.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === 0x790009e3 || "id" in message) { // crc32(b'Message') return; } else { throw new Error(`Invalid message type: ${}`); }}
export function sanitizeParseMode( mode: string | ParseInterface,): ParseInterface { if (mode === "md" || mode === "markdown") { return MarkdownParser; } if (mode === "html") { return HTMLParser; } if (typeof mode === "object") { if ("parse" in mode && "unparse" in mode) { return mode; } } throw new Error(`Invalid parse mode type ${mode}`);}
export function getAppropriatedPartSize(fileSize: bigInt.BigInteger) { if (fileSize.lesser(104857600)) return 128; // 100MB if (fileSize.lesser(786432000)) return 256; // 750MB return 512;}
export function getFileInfo( fileLocation: | Api.Message | Api.MessageMediaDocument | Api.MessageMediaPhoto | Api.TypeInputFileLocation,): { dcId?: number; location: Api.TypeInputFileLocation; size?: bigInt.BigInteger;} { if (!fileLocation || !fileLocation.SUBCLASS_OF_ID) { _raiseCastFail(fileLocation, "InputFileLocation"); } if (fileLocation.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === 354669666) { return { dcId: undefined, location: fileLocation, size: undefined, }; } let location; if (fileLocation instanceof Api.Message) { location =; } if (fileLocation instanceof Api.MessageMediaDocument) { location = fileLocation.document; } else if (fileLocation instanceof Api.MessageMediaPhoto) { location =; }
if (location instanceof Api.Document) { return { dcId: location.dcId, location: new Api.InputDocumentFileLocation({ id:, accessHash: location.accessHash, fileReference: location.fileReference, thumbSize: "", }), size: location.size, }; } else if (location instanceof Api.Photo) { return { dcId: location.dcId, location: new Api.InputPhotoFileLocation({ id:, accessHash: location.accessHash, fileReference: location.fileReference, thumbSize: location.sizes[location.sizes.length - 1].type, }), size: bigInt( _photoSizeByteCount(location.sizes[location.sizes.length - 1]) || 0, ), }; } _raiseCastFail(fileLocation, "InputFileLocation");}
export function* chunks<T>(arr: T[], size = 100): Generator<T[]> { for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += size) { yield arr.slice(i, i + size); }}
export function getInnerText(text: string, entities: Api.TypeMessageEntity[]) { const result: string[] = []; entities.forEach(function (value, _key) { const start = value.offset; const end = value.offset + value.length; result.push(text.slice(start, end)); }); return result;}
export function getInputChannel(entity: Api.TypeEntityLike) { if ( typeof entity === "string" || typeof entity === "number" || typeof entity === "bigint" || bigInt.isInstance(entity) ) { _raiseCastFail(entity, "InputChannel"); } if (entity.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === undefined) { _raiseCastFail(entity, "InputChannel"); } if (entity.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === 0x40f202fd) { // crc32(b'InputChannel') return entity; } if ( entity instanceof Api.Channel || entity instanceof Api.ChannelForbidden ) { return new Api.InputChannel({ channelId:, accessHash: entity.accessHash ||, }); }
if (entity instanceof Api.InputPeerChannel) { return new Api.InputChannel({ channelId: entity.channelId, accessHash: entity.accessHash, }); } _raiseCastFail(entity, "InputChannel");}
export function getInputMessage(message: any): Api.InputMessageID { if (typeof message === "number") { return new Api.InputMessageID({ id: message }); } if (message === undefined || message.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === undefined) { _raiseCastFail(message, "InputMessage"); } if (message.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === 0x54b6bcc5) { // crc32(b'InputMessage') return message; } else if (message.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === 0x790009e3) { // crc32(b'Message'): return new Api.InputMessageID({ id: }); } _raiseCastFail(message, "InputMessage");}
export function getInputPhoto(photo: any): Api.TypeInputPhoto { if (photo.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === undefined) { _raiseCastFail(photo, "InputPhoto"); }
if (photo.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === 2221106144) { return photo; }
if (photo instanceof Api.Message) { photo =; } if ( photo instanceof || photo instanceof Api.MessageMediaPhoto ) { photo =; } if (photo instanceof Api.Photo) { return new Api.InputPhoto({ id:, accessHash: photo.accessHash, fileReference: photo.fileReference, }); } if (photo instanceof Api.PhotoEmpty) { return new Api.InputPhotoEmpty(); } if (photo instanceof Api.messages.ChatFull) { photo = photo.fullChat; } if (photo instanceof Api.ChannelFull) { return getInputPhoto(photo.chatPhoto); } else { if (photo instanceof Api.UserFull) { return getInputPhoto(photo.profilePhoto); } else { if ( photo instanceof Api.Channel || photo instanceof Api.Chat || photo instanceof Api.User ) { return getInputPhoto(; } } } if ( photo instanceof Api.UserEmpty || photo instanceof Api.ChatEmpty || photo instanceof Api.ChatForbidden || photo instanceof Api.ChannelForbidden ) { return new Api.InputPhotoEmpty(); } _raiseCastFail(photo, "InputPhoto");}
export function getInputChatPhoto(photo: any): Api.TypeInputChatPhoto { if (photo === undefined || photo.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === undefined) { _raiseCastFail(photo, "InputChatPhoto"); } if (photo.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === 0xd4eb2d74) { //crc32(b'InputChatPhoto') return photo; } else if (photo.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === 0xe7655f1f) { // crc32(b'InputFile'): return new Api.InputChatUploadedPhoto({ file: photo, }); } photo = getInputPhoto(photo); if (photo instanceof Api.InputPhoto) { return new Api.InputChatPhoto({ id: photo, }); } else if (photo instanceof Api.InputPhotoEmpty) { return new Api.InputChatPhotoEmpty(); } _raiseCastFail(photo, "InputChatPhoto");}
export function getInputDocument( document: any,): Api.InputDocument | Api.InputDocumentEmpty { if (document.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === undefined) { _raiseCastFail(document, "InputDocument"); } if (document.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === 0xf33fdb68) { return document; } if (document instanceof Api.Document) { return new Api.InputDocument({ id:, accessHash: document.accessHash, fileReference: document.fileReference, }); } if (document instanceof Api.DocumentEmpty) { return new Api.InputDocumentEmpty(); } if (document instanceof Api.MessageMediaDocument) { return getInputDocument(document.document); } if (document instanceof Api.Message) { return getInputDocument(; } _raiseCastFail(document, "InputDocument");}
const JPEG_HEADER = Buffer.from( "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", "hex",);const JPEG_FOOTER = Buffer.from("ffd9", "hex");
export function strippedPhotoToJpg(stripped: Buffer) { // Note: Changes here should update _stripped_real_length if (stripped.length < 3 || stripped[0] !== 1) { return stripped; } const header = Buffer.from(JPEG_HEADER); header[164] = stripped[1]; header[166] = stripped[2]; return Buffer.concat([header, stripped.slice(3), JPEG_FOOTER]);}
interface GetAttributesParams { attributes?: any; mimeType?: string; forceDocument?: boolean; voiceNote?: boolean; videoNote?: boolean; supportsStreaming?: boolean; thumb?: any;}
export function getExtension(media: any): string { // Photos are always compressed as .jpg by Telegram try { getInputPhoto(media); return ".jpg"; } catch (_e) { // } if ( media instanceof Api.UserProfilePhoto || media instanceof Api.ChatPhoto ) { return ".jpg"; }
if (media instanceof Api.MessageMediaDocument) { media = media.document; } if ( media instanceof Api.Document || media instanceof Api.WebDocument || media instanceof Api.WebDocumentNoProxy ) { if (media.mimeType === "application/octet-stream") { // Octet stream are just bytes, which have no default extension return ""; } else { return mGetExtension(media.mimeType) || ""; } } return "";}
function _getExtension(file: any): string { if (typeof file === "string") { return "." + file.split(".").pop(); } else if ("name" in file) { return _getExtension(; } else { return getExtension(file); }}
export function isAudio(file: any): boolean { const ext = _getExtension(file); if (!ext) { const metadata = _getMetadata(file); return (metadata.get("mimeType") || "").startsWith("audio/"); } else { file = "a" + ext; return (getType(file) || "").startsWith("audio/"); }}
export function isImage(file: any): boolean { const ext = _getExtension(file).toLowerCase(); return ( ext.endsWith(".png") || ext.endsWith(".jpg") || ext.endsWith(".jpeg") );}
function _getMetadata(_file: any): Map<string, string> { // TODO Return nothing for now until we find a better way return new Map<string, string>();}
function isVideo(file: any): boolean { const ext = _getExtension(file); if (!ext) { const metadata = _getMetadata(file); if (metadata.has("mimeType")) { return metadata.get("mimeType")?.startsWith("video/") || false; } else { return false; } } else { file = "a" + ext; return (getType(file) || "").startsWith("video/"); }}
export interface GetInputMediaInterface { isPhoto?: boolean; attributes?: Api.TypeDocumentAttribute[]; forceDocument?: boolean; voiceNote?: boolean; videoNote?: boolean; supportsStreaming?: boolean;}
export function getInputGeo(geo: any): Api.TypeInputGeoPoint { if (geo === undefined || geo.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === undefined) { _raiseCastFail(geo, "InputGeoPoint"); } if (geo.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === 0x430d225) { // crc32(b'InputGeoPoint'): return geo; }
if (geo instanceof Api.GeoPoint) { return new Api.InputGeoPoint({ lat:, long: geo.long }); } if (geo instanceof Api.GeoPointEmpty) { return new Api.InputGeoPointEmpty(); } if (geo instanceof Api.MessageMediaGeo) { return getInputGeo(geo.geo); } if (geo instanceof Api.Message) { return getInputGeo(; } _raiseCastFail(geo, "InputGeoPoint");}
export function getAttributes( file: File | CustomFile | TypeInputFile | string, { attributes = null, mimeType = undefined, forceDocument = false, voiceNote = false, videoNote = false, supportsStreaming = false, thumb = null, }: GetAttributesParams,) { const name: string = typeof file === "string" ? file : || "unnamed"; if (mimeType === undefined) { mimeType = getType(name) || "application/octet-stream"; } const attrObj = new Map(); attrObj.set( Api.DocumentAttributeFilename, new Api.DocumentAttributeFilename({ fileName: name.split(/[\\/]/).pop() || "", }), ); if (isAudio(file)) { const m = _getMetadata(file); attrObj.set( Api.DocumentAttributeAudio, new Api.DocumentAttributeAudio({ voice: voiceNote, title: m.has("title") ? m.get("title") : undefined, performer: m.has("author") ? m.get("author") : undefined, duration: Number.parseInt(m.get("duration") ?? "0"), }), ); } if (!forceDocument && isVideo(file)) { let doc; if (thumb) { const t_m = _getMetadata(thumb); const width = Number.parseInt(t_m?.get("width") || "1"); const height = Number.parseInt(t_m?.get("height") || "1"); doc = new Api.DocumentAttributeVideo({ duration: 0, h: height, w: width, roundMessage: videoNote, supportsStreaming: supportsStreaming, }); } else { const m = _getMetadata(file); doc = new Api.DocumentAttributeVideo({ roundMessage: videoNote, w: Number.parseInt(m.get("width") ?? "1"), h: Number.parseInt(m.get("height") ?? "1"), duration: Number.parseInt(m.get("duration") ?? "0"), supportsStreaming: supportsStreaming, }); }
attrObj.set(Api.DocumentAttributeVideo, doc); } if (videoNote) { if (attrObj.has(Api.DocumentAttributeAudio)) { attrObj.get(Api.DocumentAttributeAudio).voice = true; } else { attrObj.set( Api.DocumentAttributeAudio, new Api.DocumentAttributeAudio({ duration: 0, voice: true, }), ); } } /* Now override the attributes if any. As we have a dict of {cls: instance}, we can override any class with the list of attributes provided by the user easily. */ if (attributes) { for (const a of attributes) { attrObj.set(a.constructor, a); } }
return { attrs: Array.from(attrObj.values()) as Api.TypeDocumentAttribute[], mimeType: mimeType, };}
export function getInputMedia( media: any, { isPhoto = false, attributes = undefined, forceDocument = false, voiceNote = false, videoNote = false, supportsStreaming = false, }: GetInputMediaInterface = {},): Api.TypeInputMedia { if (media.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === undefined) { _raiseCastFail(media, "InputMedia"); }
if (media.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === 0xfaf846f4) { // crc32(b'InputMedia') return media; } else { if (media.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === 2221106144) { // crc32(b'InputPhoto') return new Api.InputMediaPhoto({ id: media }); } else { if (media.SUBCLASS_OF_ID === 4081048424) { // crc32(b'InputDocument') return new Api.InputMediaDocument({ id: media }); } } }
if (media instanceof Api.MessageMediaPhoto) { return new Api.InputMediaPhoto({ id: getInputPhoto(, ttlSeconds: media.ttlSeconds, }); } if ( media instanceof Api.Photo || media instanceof || media instanceof Api.PhotoEmpty ) { return new Api.InputMediaPhoto({ id: getInputPhoto(media) }); } if (media instanceof Api.MessageMediaDocument) { return new Api.InputMediaDocument({ id: getInputDocument(media.document), ttlSeconds: media.ttlSeconds, }); } if (media instanceof Api.Document || media instanceof Api.DocumentEmpty) { return new Api.InputMediaDocument({ id: getInputDocument(media) }); } if (media instanceof Api.InputFile || media instanceof Api.InputFileBig) { if (isPhoto) { return new Api.InputMediaUploadedPhoto({ file: media }); } else { const { attrs, mimeType } = getAttributes(media, { attributes: attributes, forceDocument: forceDocument, voiceNote: voiceNote, videoNote: videoNote, supportsStreaming: supportsStreaming, }); return new Api.InputMediaUploadedDocument({ file: media, mimeType: mimeType, attributes: attrs, forceFile: forceDocument, }); } } if (media instanceof Api.MessageMediaGame) { return new Api.InputMediaGame({ id: new Api.InputGameID({ id:, accessHash:, }), }); } if (media instanceof Api.MessageMediaContact) { return new Api.InputMediaContact({ phoneNumber: media.phoneNumber, firstName: media.firstName, lastName: media.lastName, vcard: "", }); } if (media instanceof Api.MessageMediaGeo) { return new Api.InputMediaGeoPoint({ geoPoint: getInputGeo(media.geo) }); } if (media instanceof Api.MessageMediaVenue) { return new Api.InputMediaVenue({ geoPoint: getInputGeo(media.geo), title: media.title, address: media.address, provider: media.provider, venueId: media.venueId, venueType: "", }); } if (media instanceof Api.MessageMediaDice) { return new Api.InputMediaDice({ emoticon: media.emoticon, }); } if ( media instanceof Api.MessageMediaEmpty || media instanceof Api.MessageMediaUnsupported || media instanceof Api.ChatPhotoEmpty || media instanceof Api.UserProfilePhotoEmpty || media instanceof Api.ChatPhoto || media instanceof Api.UserProfilePhoto ) { return new Api.InputMediaEmpty(); } if (media instanceof Api.Message) { return getInputMedia(, { isPhoto: isPhoto }); } if (media instanceof Api.MessageMediaPoll) { let correctAnswers; if (media.poll.quiz) { if (!media.results.results) { throw new Error( "Cannot cast unanswered quiz to any kind of InputMedia.", ); }
correctAnswers = []; for (const r of media.results.results) { if (r.correct) { correctAnswers.push(r.option); } } } else { correctAnswers = undefined; } return new Api.InputMediaPoll({ poll: media.poll, correctAnswers: correctAnswers, solution: media.results.solution, solutionEntities: media.results.solutionEntities, }); } if (media instanceof Api.Poll) { return new Api.InputMediaPoll({ poll: media, }); } _raiseCastFail(media, "InputMedia");}