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Experimental script runner, inspired by make and GitHub’s Scripts To Rule Them All.


This is still very much in development, although it should work…

If you find a bug, please open an issue.

What is it?

A CLI application that wraps a layer of developer-convenience around running ./scripts/*.

It’s intended for human’s to use while working, rather than for CI systems etc.

What does it offer?

  • ability to define dependencies between ./scripts/* files in a ./gu.config.ts (makefile-style)
  • able to discover and list all available scripts for the current directory
  • can run multiple scripts at once (in series only, for now)
  • provides visual feedback on what it’s doing in your terminal

It also comes with some helper functions for gu.config.ts file that standardise some common tasks (e.g. checking the current Node version) – see Configuration below.


screenshot of gu running

What can it run?

If a file is executable and lives in ./scripts, gu can run it.


├── build.mjs #!/usr/bin/env node
├── lint      #!/usr/bin/env ruby
└── test      #!/usr/bin/env bash

Now you can run:

gu lint test build

Note that file extensions are ignored by gu, so having both lint.rb and lint.mjs would throw an error.


For now, you’ll need to install gu using Deno. See if you need to install Deno as well.

deno install --allow-read --allow-run


gu <script_name> [<script_name> ...] [-- args...]


# runs ./scripts/test
gu test

You can run multiple scripts:

# runs ./scripts/test and ./scripts/lint serially, in order
gu test lint


Like make (which inspired it), gu will only run a script once. So running gu test lint test is no different to running gu test lint.

You can pass arguments to individual scripts by quoting them:

gu test 'lint --cache'

Or you can pass arguments to all scripts by passing them after --:

gu test lint -- --cache

You can also provide globs:

# run all scripts in ./scripts/ that start with "build-"
gu 'build-*'

# run all 'test' scripts in ./scripts/, including subdirectories
gu '**/test'

# run all scripts in ./scripts/
gu '*'


--list, -l

List all available tasks in the current directory.

--help, -h

Show help.

--version, -v

Show the version number.


You can optionally define a gu.config.ts file in the root of your project. This allows you to enhance the behaviour of the raw scripts while working with them.


You can define descriptions for scripts in the config file. This will be used when running gu --list to describe them to users.


// gu.config.ts
import { type Config } from '';

export default {
    'build': {
        // describes `./scripts/build`
        description: 'Builds the project and the internal libraries it depends on.',
} satisfies Config;


You can define dependencies between scripts, like in a makefile.


// gu.config.ts
import { type Config } from '';

export default {
    'build': { dependencies: ['test'] },
} satisfies Config;

Now gu build will run ./scripts/test then ./scripts/build.

Dependencies can also be TypeScript (or JavaScript) async functions:

// gu.config.ts

import { type Config } from '';

const cleanDist = async () => {};

export default {
    'build': { dependencies: [cleanDist] },
} satisfies Config;

Now gu build will call cleanDist then run ./scripts/build.

Keys in the config file are the names of scripts, and like the CLI, they can be globs:

// gu.config.ts
export default {
    '*': { dependencies: ['test'] },
    'build-*': { dependencies: [beforeBuild] },
} satisfies Config;

Now gu build-foo will run ./scripts/test, call beforeBuild then run ./scripts/build-foo.


As with the CLI (and make), gu will only run a dependency once. So, given the example above, running gu test build will still only test run once.


gu provides some helpers for common tasks in the config file.


Ensures the current Node version matches the one in your .nvmrc.

// gu.config.ts

import { type Config } from '';
import { checkNode } from '';

export default {
    '*': { dependencies: [checkNode] },
} satisfies Config;

More helpers to come…

Why would I want this?

Currently, projects at the Guardian define tasks in a variety of ways: makefiles, npm-scripts, shell scripts, sbt (and probably more) are all in use across our projects – often in the same project.

For example, in DCR right now, we use a mix of executable and non-executable files in scripts directories, a makefile and npm-scripts in multiple package.jsons. CI workflows use a mixture of calls to those and direct calls to commands.

This creates a steep learning curve for newcomers to the project, and adds complexity and confusion for people working on the project’s workflows.

Context matters

In development, the task-at-hand is usually close-up – you don’t want to have to worry about how the entire application runs and fits together.

For example, in projects like DCR, dependencies change frequently enough (and between branches) that things can unexpectedly break in development.

In this case, it would improve the developer experience to always run yarn install before running anything in ./scripts – gu can do that for you.

In CI or production, it’s opposite – you are only dealing with how it all runs and fits together.

The codebase doesn’t change, and you only probably only need to run yarn install once. Running the same task you ran in development would be wasteful. It makes much more sense to do it once manually and then run ./scripts/start etc directly.

In both cases, you need to do achieve things, but in very different contexts. By keeping the raw, key functionality in ./scripts/* files, and enhancing it with gu in development, we can keep the task definitions DRY and add a rich DX where it’s useful, and not where it isn’t.

That’s the plan, anyway…

Why scripts?

The idea behind GitHub’s Scripts To Rule Them All is to formalise where and how tasks are defined.

This means that people who know a project well can manage all the complexity of running it (installing dependencies/runtimes, starting servers, running tests etc), while people who don’t can expect a standard set of scripts that abstract that detail away.

By standardising on writing executable scripts, we can (hopefully) make these tasks:

  1. easy to discover (all in one place)
  2. simple to run (you just run the script)
  3. flexible to write (much more so than, for example, npm-scripts)

Why not just run them directly?

You can! That’s part of the point.

gu is intended to ease pain-points that arise in development. If you (or your project) don’t feel that pain, you don’t need it!


You will need Deno. See for more information.

While developing, you can install gu from disk by running:

deno install --allow-read --allow-run gu.ts

Now running gu will use your local copy.