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Handlebars template engine for Deno
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import HandlebarsJS from "";import { walk } from "";import { globToRegExp, normalize, join,} from "";const { readFile } = Deno;
interface HandlebarsConfig { baseDir: string; extname: string; layoutsDir: string; partialsDir: string; defaultLayout: string; helpers: any; compilerOptions: any;}
const DEFAULT_HANDLEBARS_CONFIG: HandlebarsConfig = { baseDir: "views", extname: ".hbs", layoutsDir: "layouts/", partialsDir: "partials/", defaultLayout: "main", helpers: undefined, compilerOptions: undefined,};
function getNormalizePath(path: string) { return normalize(path).replace(/\\/g, "/");}
export class Handlebars { constructor(private config: HandlebarsConfig = DEFAULT_HANDLEBARS_CONFIG) { this.config = { ...DEFAULT_HANDLEBARS_CONFIG, ...config };
console.log(this.config); }
/** * Processes of rendering view * * @param view * @param context * @param layout */ public async renderView( view: string, context?: Object, layout?: string, ): Promise<string> { if (!view) { console.warn("View is null"); return ""; }
const config: HandlebarsConfig = this.config as HandlebarsConfig;
const partialsPathes = await this.getTemplatesPath( join(config.baseDir, config.partialsDir), ); partialsPathes && (await this.registerPartials(partialsPathes));
const path = join(config.baseDir, view + config.extname); const body: string = await this.render(path, context);
layout = (layout as string) || config.defaultLayout;
if (layout) { const layoutPath: string = join( config.baseDir, config.layoutsDir, layout + config.extname, );
return this.render(layoutPath, { ...context, body }); }
return body; }
/** * Processes on render without partials and layouts */ public async render(path: string, context?: Object): Promise<string> { // TODO: use cashe const source: string = new TextDecoder().decode(await readFile(path)); const template = HandlebarsJS.compile(source, this.config!.compilerOptions);
return template(context); }
/** * Processes on register partials */ private async registerPartials(pathes: string[]) { for (const path of pathes) { const templateName: string = path .replace( getNormalizePath(this.config.baseDir) + "/" + this.config!.partialsDir, "", ) .replace(new RegExp(this.config!.extname + "$"), ""); const source: string = new TextDecoder().decode(await readFile(path));
HandlebarsJS.registerPartial(templateName, source); } }
/** * Gets template pathes with glob match */ private async getTemplatesPath(path: string): Promise<string[]> { const arr: string[] = [];
for await ( const w of walk( path, { match: [globToRegExp("**/*" + this.config!.extname)] }, ) ) { if (w.isFile) { arr.push(getNormalizePath(w.path)); } }
return arr; }}