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An easy to use Discord API Library for Deno.
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import type { Client } from '../client/mod.ts'import { Base } from '../structures/base.ts'import { Collection } from '../utils/collection.ts'import { BaseManager } from './base.ts'
/** Child Managers validate data from their parents i.e. from Managers */export class BaseChildManager<T, T2> extends Base { /** Parent Manager */ parent: BaseManager<T, T2>
constructor(client: Client, parent: BaseManager<T, T2>) { super(client) this.parent = parent }
get cacheName(): string { return typeof this.parent === 'undefined' ? 'unknown_parent' : this.parent.cacheName }
async get(key: string): Promise<T2 | undefined> { return this.parent.get(key) }
async set(key: string, value: T): Promise<void> { return this.parent.set(key, value) }
async delete(_: string): Promise<boolean> { return false }
async array(): Promise<T2[]> { return this.parent.array() }
async collection(): Promise<Collection<string, T2>> { const arr = (await this.array()) as undefined | T2[] if (arr === undefined) return new Collection() const collection = new Collection() for (const elem of arr) { collection.set((elem as unknown as { id: string }).id, elem) } return collection }
async *[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<T2> { for (const data of (await this.array()) ?? []) { yield data } }
async fetch(...args: unknown[]): Promise<T2 | undefined> { return this.parent.fetch(...args) }
/** Try to get value from cache, if not found then fetch */ async resolve(key: string): Promise<T2 | undefined> { const cacheValue = await this.get(key) if (cacheValue !== undefined) return cacheValue else { const fetchValue = await this.fetch(key).catch(() => undefined) if (fetchValue !== undefined) return fetchValue } }
/** Gets number of values stored in Cache */ async size(): Promise<number> { return this.parent.size() }
async keys(): Promise<string[]> { return this.parent.keys() }
[Symbol.for('Deno.customInspect')](): string { return `ChildManager(${this.cacheName})` }}