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An easy to use Discord API Library for Deno.
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import { Client } from '../client/mod.ts'import { Channel } from '../structures/channel.ts'import { Embed } from '../structures/embed.ts'import { Message } from '../structures/message.ts'import type { TextChannel } from '../structures/textChannel.ts'import type { User } from '../structures/user.ts'import type { ChannelPayload, GuildChannelPayload, MessageOptions, MessagePayload} from '../types/channel.ts'import { CHANNEL } from '../types/endpoint.ts'import getChannelByType from '../utils/channel.ts'import { BaseManager } from './base.ts'import { transformComponent } from '../utils/components.ts'import { Collection } from '../utils/collection.ts'
export type AllMessageOptions = MessageOptions | Embed | Embed[]
export class ChannelsManager extends BaseManager<ChannelPayload, Channel> { constructor(client: Client) { super(client, 'channels', Channel) }
async getUserDM(user: User | string): Promise<string | undefined> { return this.client.cache.get( 'user_dms', typeof user === 'string' ? user : ) }
async setUserDM(user: User | string, id: string): Promise<void> { await this.client.cache.set( 'user_dms', typeof user === 'string' ? user :, id ) }
// Override get method as Generic async get<T extends Channel = Channel>(key: string): Promise<T | undefined> { const data = await this._get(key) if (data === undefined) return let guild if ('guild_id' in data) { guild = await this.client.guilds.get( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion (data as GuildChannelPayload).guild_id ) } const res = getChannelByType(this.client, data, guild) return res as T }
async array(): Promise<Channel[]> { const arr = await (this.client.cache.array( this.cacheName ) as ChannelPayload[]) if (arr === undefined) return [] const result = [] for (const elem of arr) { let guild if ('guild_id' in elem) { guild = await this.client.guilds.get( (elem as unknown as GuildChannelPayload).guild_id ) } result.push(getChannelByType(this.client, elem, guild)!) } return result }
/** Fetches a Channel by ID, cache it, resolve it */ async fetch<T = Channel>(id: string): Promise<T> { return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { .get(CHANNEL(id)) .then(async (data) => { this.set(id, data as ChannelPayload) let guild if (data.guild_id !== undefined) { guild = await this.client.guilds.get(data.guild_id) } resolve( getChannelByType( this.client, data as ChannelPayload, guild ) as unknown as T ) }) .catch((e) => reject(e)) }) }
async sendMessage( channel: string | TextChannel, content?: string | AllMessageOptions, option?: AllMessageOptions ): Promise<Message> { const channelID = typeof channel === 'string' ? channel :
if (typeof content === 'object') { option = content content = undefined } if (content === undefined && option === undefined) { throw new Error('Either text or option is necessary.') } if (option instanceof Embed) { option = { embeds: [option] } } if (Array.isArray(option)) { option = { embeds: option } }
const payload = { content: content ?? option?.content, embed: option?.embed, embeds: option?.embeds, file: option?.file, files: option?.files, tts: option?.tts, allowed_mentions: option?.allowedMentions, components: option?.components !== undefined ? typeof option.components === 'function' ? option.components : transformComponent(option.components) : undefined, message_reference: option?.reply === undefined ? undefined : typeof option.reply === 'string' ? { message_id: option.reply } : typeof option.reply === 'object' ? option.reply instanceof Message ? { message_id:, channel_id:, guild_id: option.reply.guild?.id } : option.reply : undefined }
if (payload.content === undefined && payload.embed === undefined) { payload.content = '' }
const resp = await[channelID] payload ) const chan = typeof channel === 'string' ? (await this.get<TextChannel>(channel))! : channel const res = new Message(this.client, resp, chan, this.client.user!) await res.mentions.fromPayload(resp) return res }
async editMessage( channel: string | TextChannel, message: Message | string, text?: string | MessageOptions, option?: MessageOptions ): Promise<Message> { const channelID = typeof channel === 'string' ? channel :
if (text === undefined && option === undefined) { throw new Error('Either text or option is necessary.') }
if (this.client.user === undefined) { throw new Error('Client user has not initialized.') }
if (typeof text === 'object') { if (typeof option === 'object') Object.assign(option, text) else option = text text = undefined }
if (option?.embed !== undefined) { option.embeds = [option.embed] delete option.embed }
const newMsg = await[channelID].messages[ typeof message === 'string' ? message : ].patch({ content: text ?? option?.content, embeds: option?.embeds, // Cannot upload new files with Message // file: option?.file, tts: option?.tts, allowed_mentions: option?.allowedMentions, components: option?.components !== undefined ? typeof option.components === 'function' ? option.components : transformComponent(option.components) : undefined })
const chan = typeof channel === 'string' ? // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion (await this.get<TextChannel>(channel))! : channel const res = new Message(this.client, newMsg, chan, this.client.user) await res.mentions.fromPayload(newMsg) return res }
async getPinnedMessages( channel: string | TextChannel ): Promise<Collection<string, Message>> { const res = new Collection<string, Message>() const channelID = typeof channel === 'string' ? channel : const channelStruct = typeof channel === 'string' ? await this.get<TextChannel>(channelID) : channel
if (channelStruct === undefined) { throw new Error(`Channel ${channelID} not found.`) }
const pins: MessagePayload[] = await[ channelID ].pins.get()
for (const pin of pins) { await channelStruct.messages.set(, pin) const msg = (await channelStruct.messages.get( )) as unknown as Message res.set(, msg) }
return res }
async pinMessage( channel: string | TextChannel, message: string | Message ): Promise<void> { const channelID = typeof channel === 'string' ? channel : const messageID = typeof message === 'string' ? message :
await[channelID].pins[messageID].put() }
async unpinMessage( channel: string | TextChannel, message: string | Message ): Promise<void> { const channelID = typeof channel === 'string' ? channel : const messageID = typeof message === 'string' ? message :
await[channelID].pins[messageID].delete() }
/** Get cache size for messages. Returns total messages cache size if channel param is not given */ async messageCacheSize(channel?: string | TextChannel): Promise<number> { if (channel === undefined) { const channels = (await this.client.cache.keys('channels')) ?? [] if (channels.length === 0) return 0 let size = 0 for (const id of channels) { size += await this.messageCacheSize(id) } return size }
const id = typeof channel === 'object' ? : channel return (await this.client.cache.size(`messages:${id}`)) ?? 0 }}