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class Interaction
extends SnowflakeBase
import { Interaction } from "";

Represents a base Interaction.

There are different types of interactions which have different actions you can perform ("respond") based on. Because of that, Interaction class is extended by those subclasses to structure the code properly.

You will be (most of the time if not all) provided with an Interaction object that is actually one of those subclasses, but just TS-type is Interaction - in that case you use type-guards such as isApplicationCommand, isMessageComponent, etc.


client: Client,
others: { channel?: TextChannel | GuildTextChannel; guild?: Guild; member?: Member; user: User; message?: Message; },


_httpRespond: (d: InteractionResponsePayload) => unknown
_httpResponded: boolean
applicationID: string
channel: TextChannel | GuildTextChannel

Channel in which Interaction was initiated

Data sent with Interaction. Only applies to Application Command

deferred: boolean

Whether response was deferred or not

guild: Guild

Guild in which Interaction was initiated

guildLocale: string

Guild locale (not present on PING type)

id: string

Interaction ID

locale: string

User locale (not present on PING type)

member: Member

Member object of who initiated the Interaction

message: Message
responded: boolean

Whether we have responded to Interaction or not

token: string

Interaction Token

Type of Interaction

url: string
user: User

User object of who invoked Interaction


defer(ephemeral?): Promise<this>

Defer the Interaction i.e. let the user know bot is processing and will respond later. You only have 15 minutes to edit the response!

deleteMessage(msg: Message | string): Promise<this>

Delete a follow-up Message

deleteResponse(): Promise<this>

Delete the original Interaction Response

editMessage(msg: Message | string, data: { content?: string; components?: MessageComponentData[]; embeds?: Array<Embed | EmbedPayload>; file?: MessageAttachment; allowed_mentions?: { parse?: string; roles?: string[]; users?: string[]; everyone?: boolean; }; }): Promise<this>

Edit a Followup message

Edit the original Interaction response

Fetch the Message object of the Interaction Response

Checks whether the Interaction is Application Command

Checks whether the Interaction is for Application Command Option autocompletions

Checks whether the Interaction is Message Component

Checks whether the Interaction is for the modal/form submitted by the user

isPing(): boolean

Checks whether the Interaction is Ping (HTTP only)

reply(content: string): Promise<this>

Reply with a Message to the Interaction

reply(options: InteractionMessageOptions): Promise<this>
reply(content: string, options: InteractionMessageOptions): Promise<this>
respond(data: InteractionResponse): Promise<this>

Respond to an Interaction

send(text?: string | AllWebhookMessageOptions, option?: AllWebhookMessageOptions): Promise<Message>

Send a followup message

showModal(modal: InteractionResponseModal): Promise<this>

Respond with a Modal