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Hasura NDC Typescript (Deno) Connector


The Typescript (Deno) Connector allows a running connector to be inferred from a Typescript file (optionally with dependencies).


Github Repository

See the Github Repo for additional details.


Once your project is set up, run locally with:

> cat config.json
  "functions": "./functions/index.ts",
  "vendor": "./vendor",
  "schemaMode": "INFER"

> deno vendor -f ./functions/index.ts --output ./vendor`
> deno run --allow-sys --allow-run --allow-net --allow-read --allow-write --allow-env --watch --check serve --configuration ./config.json

Typescript Functions Format

Your functions should be organised into a directory with one file acting as the entrypoint.

An example Typescript entrypoint:

// functions/index.ts

import { Hash, encode } from "";

export function make_password_hash(pw: string): string {
  return new Hash("md5").digest(encode(pw)).hex();

 * Returns the github bio for the userid provided
 * @param username - Username of the user who's bio will be fetched.
 * @returns The github bio for the requested user.
 * @pure This function should only query data without making modifications
export async function get_github_profile_description(username: string): Promise<string> {
  const foo = await fetch(`${username}`);
  const response = await foo.json();

export function make_array(): Array<string> {
  return ['this', 'is', 'an', 'array']

type MyObjectType = {'foo': string, 'baz': Boolean}

export function make_object(): MyObjectType {
  return { 'foo': 'bar', 'baz': true}

export function make_object_array(): Array<MyObjectType> {
  return [make_object(), make_object()]

 * @pure
export function has_optional_args(a: string, b?: string) {
  if(b) {
    return `Two args: ${a} ${b}`;
  } else {
    return `One arg: ${a}`;