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Have I Been Pwned CLI - Deno

This is a small and simple CLI script to check against “Have I Been Pwned” (HIBP) if a given password has been involved in a breach.

The password never leaves your device, only the first 5 chars of the SHA-1 hashed password are sent to the HIBP API/server, and the comparison is then made locally, with the hundreds of potential matches sent back.

You can learn more about it at


This was tested with deno@1.20.1, though it’s possible older versions might work.

There are no other dependencies. Deno!

Usage (no install)

# interactive (password asked via prompt, so it's not logged in the shell history):
$ deno run --allow-net --unstable

# non-interactive:
$ deno run --allow-net --unstable --password=1234

Usage (install)

$ deno install --allow-net --unstable --name haveibeenpwned

# interactive
$ haveibeenpwned

# non-interactive:
$ haveibeenpwned --password=1234


# interactive
$ make start

# non-interactive
$ deno run --allow-net --unstable main.ts --password=1234

# format
$ make format

# test
$ make test


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