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Heap data structure written in TypeScript/Deno
export type IComparator<T> = (a: T, b: T) => Number;
/** compare two values in a way that would sort them in descending order */const descendingComparator = <T>(a: T, b: T) => { if (a > b) return -1; else if (a < b) return 1; return 0;};
/** * Heap that supports popping the max item. */export function MaxHeap<T>(initialValues: T[] = []) { return Heap(descendingComparator, initialValues);}
/** compare two values in a way that would sort them in ascending order */const ascendingComparator = <T>(a: T, b: T) => { if (a < b) return -1; else if (a > b) return 1; return 0;};
/* * Heap that supports popping the min item. */export function MinHeap<T>(initialValues: T[] = []) { return Heap(ascendingComparator, initialValues);}
/** * A Heap: i.e. a collection of sorted values that supports the following operations: * * buildHeap - Create Heap from initialValues in O(n) time * * length - get number of items in collection in O(1) time * * peek - get first item in collection in O(1) time * * pop - remove the first item in collection in O(log(n)) time * * push - add a new item to the collection in O(log(n)) time * * Space complexity is O(n). * * @param initialValues {Array} Initial values to add to the Heap * @param comparator {(a: T, b: T) -> Number} Function to compare values. Determines which items can be peeked/popped. * Same behavior expectations of comparator argument to Array#sort. */export function Heap<T>(comparator: IComparator<T>, initialValues: T[] = []) { /** * Store all values in this array. * Array indexes are determined by position in the binary tree * at (2 * level) + indexAtLevel, where both level and indexAtLevel start at 0 */ buildHeap(initialValues, comparator); const array: T[] = initialValues; return { get length() { return array.length; }, peek, pop, push, };
/** * @returns the minimum value of all items. */ function peek() { return array[0]; } /** * Remove the minimum value from the collection. * @returns The minimum value that was removed */ function pop() { swap(array, 0, array.length - 1); const popped = array.pop(); siftDown(array, 0, comparator); return popped; } /** * Add a new value. * @param value The value to add */ function push(value: T) { array.push(value); siftUp(array, array.length - 1, comparator); }}
/** Given an index in an array storing a binary tree, return the index of its left child. There may be no value at that index. */function leftIndex(index: number) { return (2 * index) + 1;}/** Given an index in an array storing a binary tree, return the index of its right child. There may be no value at that index. */function rightIndex(index: number) { return (2 * index) + 2;}/** Given an index in an array storing a binary tree, return the index of its parent */function parentIndex(index: number) { return Math.floor((index - 1) / 2);}
/** * Given an array of values, order the items so they represent a MinHeap binary tree. */function buildHeap<T>(initialValues: Array<T>, comparator: IComparator<T>) { const lastChild = initialValues.length - 1; const firstParent = parentIndex(lastChild); for (let i = firstParent; i >= 0; i--) { siftDown(initialValues, i, comparator); }}
/** * Move the value at the provided index down in the binary tree until it satiesfies the Heap property. * (i.e. move it down until all its descendents are larger that it) * @param array {Array} An array of values representing a binary tree that has the Heap property * @param comparator {Function} comparator to use to sort values (same as argment to Array#sort) * @param index {Number} index of value to siftDown */function siftDown<T>( array: Array<T>, index: number, comparator: IComparator<T>,) { while (index < array.length) { let left = leftIndex(index); let right = rightIndex(index); let hasLeft = left < array.length; let hasRight = right < array.length; if ((!hasLeft) && (!hasRight)) { } let minChild; if ((!hasLeft) && (!hasRight)) { // node with index is a leaf. nothing more to do return; } else if (!hasLeft) { minChild = right; } else if (!hasRight) { minChild = left; } else { // have both left and right minChild = (comparator(array[left], array[right]) < 0) ? left : right; } if (comparator(array[index], array[minChild]) > 0) { swap(array, index, minChild); index = minChild; } else { return; } }}
/** * Move the value at the provided index up in the binary tree until it satiesfies the Heap property. * (i.e. move it up until all its descendents are greater than it) * @param array {Array} An array of values representing a binary tree that has the Heap property * @param index {Number} index of value to siftUp * @param comparator {Function} comparator to use to sort values (same as argment to Array#sort) */function siftUp<T>(array: Array<T>, index: number, comparator: IComparator<T>) { while (index) { const parent = parentIndex(index); // min heap if (comparator(array[index], array[parent]) < 0) { swap(array, index, parent); } index = parent; }}
/** * Swap the values at two indexes in the array. * @param array * @param i {Number} first index to swap * @param j {Number} second index to swap */function swap<T>(array: Array<T>, i: number, j: number) { const temp = array[i]; array[i] = array[j]; array[j] = temp;}