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Deno 2 is finally here 🎉️
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✖️ hex-functions

Function abstraction framework for better portability between platforms. Write your code once in functional approach, then run on mainstream environments such as cli, bot platforms, cloud-function runtimes and web apis.

This project is in early stages of its development. Descriptions or instructions are not mature yet as well as the project itself.



  • Basic functions
  • Input and context interfaces
  • Middlewares
  • CLI platform
  • Runtime
  • Web platform w/ oak
  • Hypertext format
  • Web platform w/ Deno’s http
  • Telegram bot platform

Next Milestones

  • API Maturity
  • AWS Lambda platform
  • Knative platform
  • Discord bot platform
  • Slack bot platform
  • Unit and integration testing utilities
  • Dockerization
  • Manifest files
  • Kafka/queue events
  • Scheduled events
  • Deployments (to cloud providers)

See for further development details (in Turkish).



import { results, createRuntime, cli } from "";

function main(input) {
  const to = input.parameters[0] ?? "world";
  const message = `hello ${to}`;

  return results.text(message);

// will be removed in future versions
// propably will be replaced w/ export
const runtime = createRuntime(cli);

With Middlewares

import { composer, results, createRuntime, cli } from "";

function initMiddleware(input, context, next) {
  context.vars.number = 1;

  return next();

function validationMiddleware(input, context, next) {
  if (input.parameters[0] === undefined) {
    return results.error(
      "parameter is not specified",
      new Error("parameter is not specified"),

  return next();

function main(input, context) {
  const message = `hello ${context.vars.number} ${input.parameters[0]}`;

  return results.text(message);

const composed = composer(initMiddleware, validationMiddleware, main);

// will be removed in future versions
// propably will be replaced w/ export
const runtime = createRuntime(cli);

Quick start

Ensure that Deno is installed on your system first.

Clone this git repo git clone - and checkout the tagged release you’d like to use.

Then run a sample file under samples/ directory,

$ deno run samples/cli/basic.ts eser

hello eser

Todo List

See GitHub Projects for more.



Apache 2.0, for further details, please see LICENSE file.


See for details.

It is publicly open for any contribution. Bugfixes, new features and extra modules are welcome.

  • To contribute to code: Fork the repo, push your changes to your fork, and submit a pull request.
  • To report a bug: If something does not work, please report it using GitHub Issues.

To Support

Visit my patreon profile at