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Functional programming tools: option, either, task, state, optics, etc.
import type * as HKT from "./hkt.ts";import type * as TC from "./type_classes.ts";import type { Fn } from "./types.ts";
import { hasOwnProperty, pipe } from "./fns.ts";
/******************************************************************************* * Types ******************************************************************************/
export type ReadonlyRecord<V> = Readonly<Record<string, V>>;
/******************************************************************************* * Kind Registration ******************************************************************************/
export const URI = "ReadonlyRecord";
export type URI = typeof URI;
declare module "./hkt.ts" { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any export interface Kinds<_ extends any[]> { [URI]: ReadonlyRecord<_[0]>; }}
/******************************************************************************* * Optimizations ******************************************************************************/
export const _map = <A, B, KS extends string>( fab: (a: A, i: string) => B, as: { [K in KS]: A },): { [K in KS]: B } => { const keys = Object.keys(as) as KS[]; const out: Partial<{ [K in KS]: B }> = {}; for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const key = keys[i]; out[key] = fab(as[key], key); } return out as { [K in KS]: B };};
export const _reduce = <A, B, KS extends string>( faba: (b: B, a: A, i: string) => B, b: B, as: { [K in KS]: A },): B => { const keys = Object.keys(as) as KS[]; let out = b; for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const key = keys[i]; out = faba(out, as[key], key); } return out;};
export const _assign = <KS extends string>(i: KS) => <R extends { [K in KS]: unknown }>(bs: R) => (b: R[typeof i]): Partial<R> => { bs[i] = b; return bs; };
/******************************************************************************* * Modules ******************************************************************************/
export const Functor: TC.Functor<URI> = { map: (fai) => (ta) => _map(fai, ta),};
export const IndexedFunctor: TC.IndexedFunctor<URI, string> = { map: (fai) => (ta) => _map(fai, ta),};
export const IndexedFoldable: TC.IndexedFoldable< URI, string> = { reduce: (faba, a) => (tb) => _reduce(faba, a, tb),};
export const IndexedTraversable: TC.IndexedTraversable< URI, string> = { map: (fai) => (ta) => _map(fai, ta), reduce: IndexedFoldable.reduce, traverse: (A) => (faui) => (ta) => _reduce( (ubs, a, index) => pipe( faui(a, index), A.ap(pipe(ubs, => (i) => _assign(index)(is)(i)))), ), A.of({}), ta, ),};
export const Foldable: TC.Foldable<URI> = IndexedFoldable;
export const Traversable = IndexedTraversable as TC.Traversable<URI>;
/******************************************************************************* * Module Getters ******************************************************************************/
export const getShow = <A>(SA: TC.Show<A>): TC.Show<Record<string, A>> => ({ show: (ta) => `{${ Object.entries(ta).map(([key, value]) => `${key}: ${}`) .join(", ") }}`,});
/******************************************************************************* * Pipeables ******************************************************************************/
export const { traverse, reduce, map } = Traversable;
export const { traverse: indexedTraverse, reduce: indexedReduce, map: indexedMap,} = IndexedTraversable;
export const insertAt = <K extends string, A>(k: K, a: A) => <KS extends K>( r: Record<KS | K, A>, ): Record<KS | K, A> => (r[k] === a ? r : { ...r, [k]: a });
export const deleteAt = <K extends string>(k: K) => <KS extends string, A>( r: Record<KS | K, A>, ): Record<Exclude<KS, K>, A> => { if (!, k)) { return r; } const out = Object.assign({}, r); delete out[k]; return out; };
export const omit = <A, P extends keyof A>( props: [P, ...Array<P>], a: A,): { [K in keyof A]: K extends P ? never : A[K] } => { const out: A = Object.assign({}, a); for (const k of props) { delete out[k]; } return out as { [K in keyof A]: K extends P ? never : A[K] };};
export const pick = <R, K extends keyof R>(...props: [K, K, ...K[]]) => (record: R): Pick<R, K> => { const output: Partial<Pick<R, K>> = {};
for (const k of props) { output[k] = record[k]; }
return output as Pick<R, K>; };
export const keys = <P extends Record<string, unknown>>(p: P): keyof P[] => (Object.keys(p) as unknown) as keyof P[];
export const zipFirst = <A, I>(fabi: Fn<[string, A, unknown], I>) => <KS extends string>(a: { [K in KS]: A }) => (b: Record<string, unknown>): { [K in KS]: I } => _map<A, I, KS>((a, key) => fabi(key, a, b[key]), a);