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Functional programming tools: option, either, task, state, optics, etc.
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any
import type { Ord, Semigroup } from "./type_classes.ts";
import { constant } from "./fns.ts";
/******************************************************************************* * Free Semigroup * @from ******************************************************************************/
export type Of<A> = { readonly tag: "Of"; readonly value: A;};
export type Concat<A> = { readonly tag: "Concat"; readonly left: Free<A>; readonly right: Free<A>;};
export type Free<A> = Of<A> | Concat<A>;
export const Free = { of: <A>(a: A): Free<A> => ({ tag: "Of", value: a }), concat: <A>(left: Free<A>) => (right: Free<A>): Free<A> => ({ tag: "Concat", left, right, }), fold: <A, R>( onOf: (value: A) => R, onConcat: (left: Free<A>, right: Free<A>) => R, ) => (f: Free<A>): R => { switch (f.tag) { case "Of": return onOf(f.value); case "Concat": return onConcat(f.left, f.right); } },};
/******************************************************************************* * Module Instances ******************************************************************************/
export const semigroupAll: Semigroup<boolean> = { concat: (x) => (y) => x && y,};
export const semigroupAny: Semigroup<boolean> = { concat: (x) => (y) => x || y,};
export const semigroupSum: Semigroup<number> = { concat: (x) => (y) => x + y,};
export const semigroupProduct: Semigroup<number> = { concat: (x) => (y) => x * y,};
export const semigroupString: Semigroup<string> = { concat: (x) => (y) => x + y,};
export const semigroupVoid: Semigroup<void> = { concat: () => () => undefined,};
/******************************************************************************* * Module Getters ******************************************************************************/
export const getFreeSemigroup = <A = never>(): Semigroup<Free<A>> => ({ concat: Free.concat,});
export const getFirstSemigroup = <A = never>(): Semigroup<A> => ({ concat: constant,});
export const getLastSemigroup = <A = never>(): Semigroup<A> => ({ concat: (_) => (y) => y,});
export const getTupleSemigroup = <T extends ReadonlyArray<Semigroup<any>>>( ...semigroups: T): Semigroup< { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Semigroup<infer A> ? A : never }> => ({ concat: (x) => (y) =>, i) => s.concat(x[i])(y[i])) as any,});
export const getDualSemigroup = <A>(S: Semigroup<A>): Semigroup<A> => ({ concat: (x) => (y) => S.concat(y)(x),});
export const getStructSemigroup = <O extends Readonly<Record<string, any>>>( semigroups: { [K in keyof O]: Semigroup<O[K]> },): Semigroup<O> => ({ concat: (x) => (y) => { const r: any = {}; for (const key of Object.keys(semigroups)) { r[key] = semigroups[key].concat(x[key])(y[key]); } return r; },});
export const getMeetSemigroup = <A>(O: Ord<A>): Semigroup<A> => ({ concat: (a) => (b) => (O.lte(a)(b) ? a : b),});
export const getJoinSemigroup = <A>(O: Ord<A>): Semigroup<A> => ({ concat: (a) => (b) => (O.lte(a)(b) ? b : a),});
/******************************************************************************* * Pipeables ******************************************************************************/
export const fold = <A>(S: Semigroup<A>) => (startWith: A) => (as: ReadonlyArray<A>): A => as.reduce((a, c) => S.concat(a)(c), startWith);