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Functional programming tools: option, either, task, state, optics, etc.
import type * as HKT from "./hkt.ts";import type * as TC from "./type_classes.ts";import type { Fn, Predicate } from "./types.ts";
import { pipe } from "./fns.ts";import { _reduce } from "./array.ts";import { fromEquals } from "./setoid.ts";
/******************************************************************************* * Kind Registration ******************************************************************************/
export const URI = "Set";
export type URI = typeof URI;
declare module "./hkt.ts" { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any export interface Kinds<_ extends any[]> { [URI]: Set<_[0]>; }}
/******************************************************************************* * Constructors ******************************************************************************/
export const zero: Set<never> = new Set();
export const empty = <A = never>(): Set<A> => new Set();
export const make = <A>( [A, ...A[]]): Set<A> => new Set(as);
/******************************************************************************* * Utilities ******************************************************************************/
export const some = <A>( predicate: Predicate<A>,) => (set: Set<A>): boolean => { for (const a of set) { if (predicate(a)) { return true; } } return false; };
export const every = <A>( predicate: Predicate<A>,) => (set: Set<A>): boolean => { for (const a of set) { if (!predicate(a)) { return false; } } return true; };
export const elem = <A>(S: TC.Setoid<A>) => (a: A) => some(S.equals(a));
export const elemOf = <A>(S: TC.Setoid<A>) => (set: Set<A>) => (a: A) => elem(S)(a)(set);
export const isSubset = <A>(S: TC.Setoid<A>) => (set: Set<A>) => every(elemOf(S)(set));
export const union = <A>(S: TC.Setoid<A>) => (as: Set<A>) => (bs: Set<A>): Set<A> => { const out = new Set(as); const isIn = elemOf(S)(out); for (const b of bs) { if (!isIn(b)) { out.add(b); } } return out; };
export const intersection = <A>(S: TC.Setoid<A>) => (ta: Set<A>) => (tb: Set<A>): Set<A> => { const out = new Set<A>(); const isIn = elemOf(S)(ta); for (const b of tb) { if (isIn(b)) { out.add(b); } } return out; };
export const compact = <A>(S: TC.Setoid<A>) => (ta: Set<A>): Set<A> => { const out = new Set<A>(); const isIn = elemOf(S)(out); for (const a of ta) { if (!isIn(a)) { out.add(a); } } return out; };
export const join = <A>(tta: Set<Set<A>>): Set<A> => { const out = new Set<A>(); for (const ta of tta) { for (const a of ta) { out.add(a); } } return out;};
/******************************************************************************* * Modules ******************************************************************************/
export const Functor: TC.Functor<URI> = { map: <A, B>(fab: (a: A) => B) => (ta: Set<A>): Set<B> => { const out = new Set<B>(); for (const a of ta) { out.add(fab(a)); } return out; },};
export const Apply: TC.Apply<URI> = { ap: <A, B>(tfab: Set<(a: A) => B>) => (ta: Set<A>): Set<B> => { const out = new Set<B>(); for (const fab of tfab) { for (const a of ta) { out.add(fab(a)); } } return out; }, map:,};
export const Filterable: TC.Filterable<URI> = { filter: <A>(predicate: Predicate<A>) => (ta: Set<A>): Set<A> => { const out: Set<A> = new Set(); for (const a of ta) { if (predicate(a)) { out.add(a); } } return out; },};
export const Foldable: TC.Foldable<URI> = { reduce: <A, B>(faba: Fn<[A, B], A>, a: A) => (tb: Set<B>): A => _reduce(Array.from(tb), faba, a),};
export const Traversable: TC.Traversable<URI> = { map:, reduce: Foldable.reduce, traverse: (A) => (faub) => (ta) => pipe( ta, Foldable.reduce( (fbs, a) => pipe( faub(a), A.ap(pipe( fbs, => (b) => { bs.add(b); return bs; } ), )), ), A.of(new Set()), ), ),};
/******************************************************************************* * Module Getters ******************************************************************************/
export const getShow = <A>(S: TC.Show<A>): TC.Show<Set<A>> => ({ show: (s) => `Set([${Array.from(s.values()).map(", ")}])`,});
export const getSetoid = <A>(S: TC.Setoid<A>): TC.Setoid<Set<A>> => { const subset = isSubset(S); return fromEquals((x) => (y) => subset(x)(y) && subset(y)(x));};
export const getUnionMonoid = <A>(S: TC.Setoid<A>): TC.Monoid<Set<A>> => ({ concat: union(S), empty,});
/******************************************************************************* * Pipeables ******************************************************************************/
export const { filter } = Filterable;
export const { map, reduce, traverse } = Traversable;