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Functional programming tools: option, either, task, state, optics, etc.
import type * as HKT from "./hkt.ts";import type * as TC from "./type_classes.ts";import type { Lazy } from "./types.ts";
import * as E from "./either.ts";import * as T from "./task.ts";import { createDo } from "./derivations.ts";import { constant, flow, identity, pipe, wait } from "./fns.ts";
/******************************************************************************* * Types ******************************************************************************/
export type TaskEither<L, R> = T.Task<E.Either<L, R>>;
/******************************************************************************* * Kind Registration ******************************************************************************/
export const URI = "TaskEither";
export type URI = typeof URI;
declare module "./hkt.ts" { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any export interface Kinds<_ extends any[]> { [URI]: TaskEither<_[1], _[0]>; }}
/******************************************************************************* * Constructors ******************************************************************************/
export const left = <E = never, A = never>(left: E): TaskEither<E, A> => T.of(E.left(left));
export const right = <E = never, A = never>(right: A): TaskEither<E, A> => T.of(E.right(right));
export const tryCatch = <E, A>( f: Lazy<A>, onError: (e: unknown) => E,): TaskEither<E, A> => () => { try { return Promise.resolve(E.right(f())); } catch (e) { return Promise.resolve(E.left(onError(e))); } };
export const fromFailableTask = <E, A>(onError: (e: unknown) => E) => (ta: T.Task<A>): TaskEither<E, A> => () => ta().then(E.right).catch((e) => E.left(onError(e)));
export const fromEither = <E, A>(ta: E.Either<E, A>): TaskEither<E, A> => pipe(ta, E.fold((e) => left(e), right));
/******************************************************************************* * Utilities ******************************************************************************/
export const then = <A, B>(fab: (a: A) => B) => (p: Promise<A>): Promise<B> => p.then(fab);
/******************************************************************************* * Modules (Parallel) ******************************************************************************/
export const Functor: TC.Functor<URI> = { map: (fai) => (ta) => flow(ta, then(,};
export const Bifunctor: TC.Bifunctor<URI> = { bimap: (fab, fcd) => (tac) => () => tac().then(E.bimap(fab, fcd)), mapLeft: (fef) => (ta) => pipe(ta, Bifunctor.bimap(fef, identity)),};
export const Apply: TC.Apply<URI> = { ap: flow(, T.ap), map:,};
export const Applicative: TC.Applicative<URI> = { of: right, ap: Apply.ap, map:,};
export const Chain: TC.Chain<URI> = { ap: Apply.ap, map:, chain: (fatb) => (ta) => async () => { const ea = await ta(); if (E.isLeft(ea)) { return ea; } return await fatb(ea.right)(); },};
export const Monad: TC.Monad<URI> = { of: Applicative.of, ap: Apply.ap, map:, join: Chain.chain(identity), chain: Chain.chain,};
export const MonadThrow: TC.MonadThrow<URI> = { of: Applicative.of, ap: Apply.ap, map:, join: Monad.join, chain: Chain.chain, throwError: left,};
export const Alt: TC.Alt<URI> = ({ map:, alt: (tb) => (ta) => () => ta().then((te) => E.isLeft(te) ? tb() : te),});
/******************************************************************************* * Modules (Sequential) ******************************************************************************/
// TODO Refactor in terms of Task.ap (Sequential)export const ApplySeq: TC.Apply<URI> = { ap: (tfab) => (ta) => async () => { const efab = await tfab(); const ea = await ta(); return pipe(ea, E.ap(efab)); }, map:,};
export const ApplicativeSeq: TC.Applicative<URI> = { of: right, ap: ApplySeq.ap, map:,};
export const ChainSeq: TC.Chain<URI> = { ap: ApplySeq.ap, map:, chain: Chain.chain,};
export const MonadSeq: TC.Monad<URI> = { of: ApplicativeSeq.of, ap: ApplySeq.ap, map:, join: ChainSeq.chain(identity), chain: ChainSeq.chain,};
export const MonadThrowSeq: TC.MonadThrow<URI> = { of: ApplicativeSeq.of, ap: ApplySeq.ap, map:, join: MonadSeq.join, chain: ChainSeq.chain, throwError: left,};
/******************************************************************************* * Pipeables ******************************************************************************/
export const { of, ap, map, join, chain } = Monad;
export const { bimap, mapLeft } = Bifunctor;
export const { ap: apSeq } = ApplySeq;
export const chainLeft = <E, A>(onLeft: (e: E) => TaskEither<E, A>) => T.chain(E.fold<E, A, TaskEither<E, A>>(onLeft, right));
export const widen: <F>() => <E, A>( ta: TaskEither<E, A>,) => TaskEither<E | F, A> = constant(identity);
// This leaks async ops so we cut it for now.//export const timeout = <E, A>(ms: number, onTimeout: () => E) =>// (ta: TaskEither<E, A>): TaskEither<E, A> =>// () => Promise.race([ta(), wait(ms).then(flow(onTimeout, E.left))]);
/******************************************************************************* * Do Notation ******************************************************************************/
export const { Do, bind, bindTo } = createDo(Monad);