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hash-based message authentication code
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import { assert, assertEquals,} from "";import { hmac } from "./mod.ts";import { encode } from "./deps.ts";
interface TestVector { count: number; keyByteLength: number; macByteLength: number; key: Uint8Array; msg: Uint8Array; mac: Uint8Array;}
function loadTestVectors(): { [key: string]: TestVector[] } { const doc: { [key: string]: any[] } = JSON.parse( new TextDecoder().decode(Deno.readFileSync("./test_vectors.json")), );
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(doc)) { doc[k] = ({ count, keyByteLength, macByteLength, key, msg, mac, }): TestVector => ({ count, keyByteLength, macByteLength, key: encode(key, "hex"), msg: encode(msg, "hex"), mac: encode(mac, "hex"), }), ); }
return doc;}
const testVectors: { [key: string]: TestVector[] } = loadTestVectors();
testVectors["HMAC-SHA1"].forEach( ( { macByteLength, key, msg, mac: expectedMac }: TestVector, i: number, ): void => { Deno.test({ name: `HMAC-SHA1 ${i}`, fn(): void { const mac: Uint8Array = hmac("sha1", key, msg) as Uint8Array; assertEquals(mac.subarray(0, macByteLength), expectedMac); }, }); },);
testVectors["HMAC-SHA256"].forEach( ( { macByteLength, key, msg, mac: expectedMac }: TestVector, i: number, ): void => { Deno.test({ name: `HMAC-SHA256 ${i}`, fn(): void { const mac: Uint8Array = hmac("sha256", key, msg) as Uint8Array; assertEquals(mac.subarray(0, macByteLength), expectedMac); }, }); },);
testVectors["HMAC-SHA512"].forEach( ( { macByteLength, key, msg, mac: expectedMac }: TestVector, i: number, ): void => { Deno.test({ name: `HMAC-SHA512 ${i}`, fn(): void { const mac: Uint8Array = hmac("sha512", key, msg) as Uint8Array; assertEquals(mac.subarray(0, macByteLength), expectedMac); }, }); },);
Deno.test({ name: `base64 digest encoding uses std base64 - not the urlsafe variant`, fn(): void { const stdMac: string = hmac( "sha512", "key", "msg", "utf8", "base64", ) as string; const urlSafeMac: string = hmac( "sha512", "key", "msg", "utf8", "base64url", ) as string;
assert(/[+/]/.test(stdMac)); assert(!/[_-]/.test(stdMac)); assert(/[_-]/.test(urlSafeMac)); assert(!/[+/]/.test(urlSafeMac)); },});