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import { Context } from './context.ts'import type { ErrorHandler, NotFoundHandler } from './hono.ts'
// Based on the code in the MIT licensed `koa-compose` package.export const compose = <C>( middleware: Function[], onError?: ErrorHandler, onNotFound?: NotFoundHandler) => { return async (context: C, next?: Function) => { let index = -1 return dispatch(0) async function dispatch(i: number): Promise<C> { if (i <= index) { return Promise.reject(new Error('next() called multiple times')) } let handler = middleware[i] index = i if (i === middleware.length && next) handler = next
if (!handler) { if (context instanceof Context && context.finalized === false && onNotFound) { context.res = await onNotFound(context) } return Promise.resolve(context) }
return Promise.resolve(handler(context, () => dispatch(i + 1))) .then(async (res: Response) => { // If handler return Response like `return c.text('foo')` if (res && context instanceof Context) { context.res = res } return context }) .catch((err) => { if (context instanceof Context && onError) { if (err instanceof Error) { context.res = onError(err, context) } return context } else { throw err } }) } }}