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Ultrafast web framework for Cloudflare Workers, Deno, and Bun. Fast, but not only fast.
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import { Context } from './context.ts'
describe('Context', () => { const req = new Request('http://localhost/')
let c: Context beforeEach(() => { c = new Context(req) })
it('c.text()', async () => { const res = c.text('text in c', 201, { 'X-Custom': 'Message' }) expect(res.status).toBe(201) expect(res.headers.get('Content-Type')).toBe('text/plain; charset=UTF-8') expect(await res.text()).toBe('text in c') expect(res.headers.get('X-Custom')).toBe('Message') })
it('c.json()', async () => { const res = c.json({ message: 'Hello' }, 201, { 'X-Custom': 'Message' }) expect(res.status).toBe(201) expect(res.headers.get('Content-Type')).toMatch('application/json; charset=UTF-8') const text = await res.text() expect(text).toBe('{"message":"Hello"}') expect(res.headers.get('X-Custom')).toBe('Message') })
it('c.json() with c.pretty(true)', async () => { c.pretty(true) const res = c.json({ message: 'Hello' }) const text = await res.text() expect(text).toBe(`{ "message": "Hello"}`) })
it('c.json() with c.pretty(true, 4)', async () => { c.pretty(true, 4) const res = c.json({ message: 'Hello' }) const text = await res.text() expect(text).toBe(`{ "message": "Hello"}`) })
it('c.html()', async () => { const res = c.html('<h1>Hello! Hono!</h1>', 201, { 'X-Custom': 'Message' }) expect(res.status).toBe(201) expect(res.headers.get('Content-Type')).toMatch('text/html') expect(await res.text()).toBe('<h1>Hello! Hono!</h1>') expect(res.headers.get('X-Custom')).toBe('Message') })
it('c.redirect()', async () => { let res = c.redirect('/destination') expect(res.status).toBe(302) expect(res.headers.get('Location')).toMatch(/^https?:\/\/.+\/destination$/) res = c.redirect('') expect(res.status).toBe(302) expect(res.headers.get('Location')).toBe('') })
it('c.header()', async () => { c.header('X-Foo', 'Bar') const res = c.body('Hi') const foo = res.headers.get('X-Foo') expect(foo).toBe('Bar') })
it('c.status()', async () => { c.status(201) const res = c.body('Hi') expect(res.status).toBe(201) })
it('Complex pattern', async () => { c.status(404) const res = c.json({ hono: 'great app' }) expect(res.status).toBe(404) expect(res.headers.get('Content-Type')).toMatch('application/json; charset=UTF-8') const obj: { [key: string]: string } = await res.json() expect(obj['hono']).toBe('great app') })
it('Has headers and status', async () => { c.header('x-custom1', 'Message1') c.header('x-custom2', 'Message2') c.status(200) const res = c.newResponse('this is body', 201, { 'x-custom3': 'Message3', 'x-custom2': 'Message2-Override', }) expect(res.headers.get('x-Custom1')).toBe('Message1') expect(res.headers.get('x-Custom2')).toBe('Message2-Override') expect(res.headers.get('x-Custom3')).toBe('Message3') expect(res.status).toBe(201) expect(await res.text()).toBe('this is body')
// res is already set. c.res = res c.header('X-Custom4', 'Message4') c.status(202) expect(c.res.headers.get('X-Custom4')).toBe('Message4') expect(c.res.status).toBe(201) })
it('Should return 200 response', async () => { const res = c.text('Text') expect(res.status).toBe(200) })
it('Should return 204 response', async () => { c.status(204) const res = c.body(null) expect(res.status).toBe(204) expect(await res.text()).toBe('') })
it('Should be able read env', async () => { const req = new Request('http://localhost/') const key = 'a-secret-key' const ctx = new Context(req, { API_KEY: key, }) expect(ctx.env.API_KEY).toBe(key) })
it('set and set', async () => { const ctx = new Context(req) expect(ctx.get('k-foo')).toEqual(undefined) ctx.set('k-foo', 'v-foo') expect(ctx.get('k-foo')).toEqual('v-foo') expect(ctx.get('k-bar')).toEqual(undefined) ctx.set('k-bar', { k: 'v' }) expect(ctx.get('k-bar')).toEqual({ k: 'v' }) })
it('has res object by default', async () => { c = new Context(req) c.res.headers.append('foo', 'bar') const res = c.text('foo') expect(res.headers.get('foo')).not.toBeNull() expect(res.headers.get('foo')).toBe('bar') })})