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Ultrafast web framework for Cloudflare Workers, Deno, and Bun. Fast, but not only fast.
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import { compose } from './compose.ts'import type { Context } from './context.ts'import { HonoContext } from './context.ts'import { extendRequestPrototype } from './request.ts'import type { Router } from './router.ts'import { METHOD_NAME_ALL, METHOD_NAME_ALL_LOWERCASE } from './router.ts'import { TrieRouter } from './router/trie-router/index.ts' // Default Routerimport { getPathFromURL, mergePath } from './utils/url.ts'
export interface ContextVariableMap {}
export type Bindings = Record<string, any> // For Cloudflare Workersexport type Variables = Record<string, any> // For c.set/c.get functionsexport type Environment = { Bindings: Bindings Variables: Variables}
export type Handler< RequestParamKeyType extends string = string, E extends Partial<Environment> = Environment> = ( c: Context<RequestParamKeyType, E>, next: Next) => Response | Promise<Response> | Promise<void> | Promise<Response | undefined>
export type NotFoundHandler<E extends Partial<Environment> = Environment> = ( c: Context<string, E>) => Response | Promise<Response>
export type ErrorHandler<E extends Partial<Environment> = Environment> = ( err: Error, c: Context<string, E>) => Response
export type Next = () => Promise<void>
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-varstype ParamKeyName<NameWithPattern> = NameWithPattern extends `${infer Name}{${infer _Pattern}` ? Name : NameWithPattern
type ParamKey<Component> = Component extends `:${infer NameWithPattern}` ? ParamKeyName<NameWithPattern> : never
type ParamKeys<Path> = Path extends `${infer Component}/${infer Rest}` ? ParamKey<Component> | ParamKeys<Rest> : ParamKey<Path>
interface HandlerInterface< T extends string = string, E extends Partial<Environment> = Environment, U = Hono<E, T>> { // app.get(handler...) <Path extends string, Env extends Partial<Environment> = E>( ...handlers: Handler<ParamKeys<Path> extends never ? string : ParamKeys<Path>, Env>[] ): U (...handlers: Handler<string, E>[]): U // app.get('/', handler, handler...) <Path extends string, Env extends Partial<Environment> = E>( path: Path, ...handlers: Handler<ParamKeys<Path> extends never ? string : ParamKeys<Path>, Env>[] ): U (path: string, ...handlers: Handler<string, E>[]): U}
const methods = ['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'head', 'options', 'patch'] as consttype Methods = typeof methods[number] | typeof METHOD_NAME_ALL_LOWERCASE
function defineDynamicClass(): { new <E extends Partial<Environment> = Environment, T extends string = string, U = Hono>(): { [K in Methods]: HandlerInterface<T, E, U> }} { return class {} as any}
interface Route<E extends Partial<Environment> = Environment> { path: string method: string handler: Handler<string, E>}
export class Hono< E extends Partial<Environment> = Environment, P extends string = '/'> extends defineDynamicClass()<E, P, Hono<E, P>> { readonly router: Router<Handler<string, E>> = new TrieRouter() readonly strict: boolean = true // strict routing - default is true private _tempPath: string = '' private path: string = '/'
routes: Route<E>[] = []
constructor(init: Partial<Pick<Hono, 'router' | 'strict'>> = {}) { super()
const allMethods = [...methods, METHOD_NAME_ALL_LOWERCASE] => { this[method] = <Path extends string = ''>( args1: Path | Handler<ParamKeys<Path>, E>, ...args: [Handler<ParamKeys<Path>, E>] ): this => { if (typeof args1 === 'string') { this.path = args1 } else { this.addRoute(method, this.path, args1) } => { if (typeof handler !== 'string') { this.addRoute(method, this.path, handler) } }) return this } })
Object.assign(this, init) }
private notFoundHandler: NotFoundHandler = (c: Context) => { const message = '404 Not Found' return c.text(message, 404) }
private errorHandler: ErrorHandler = (err: Error, c: Context) => { console.error(`${err.stack || err.message}`) const message = 'Internal Server Error' return c.text(message, 500) }
route(path: string, app?: Hono<any>): Hono<E, P> { this._tempPath = path if (app) { => { this.addRoute(r.method, r.path, r.handler) }) this._tempPath = '' }
return this }
use<Path extends string = string, Env extends Partial<Environment> = E>( ...middleware: Handler<Path, Env>[] ): Hono<Env, Path> use<Path extends string = string, Env extends Partial<Environment> = E>( arg1: string, ...middleware: Handler<Path, Env>[] ): Hono<Env, Path> use(arg1: string | Handler<string, E>, ...handlers: Handler<string, E>[]): Hono<E, P> { if (typeof arg1 === 'string') { this.path = arg1 } else { handlers.unshift(arg1) } => { this.addRoute(METHOD_NAME_ALL, this.path, handler) }) return this }
onError(handler: ErrorHandler): Hono<E, P> { this.errorHandler = handler return this }
notFound(handler: NotFoundHandler): Hono<E, P> { this.notFoundHandler = handler return this }
private addRoute(method: string, path: string, handler: Handler<string, E>): void { method = method.toUpperCase() if (this._tempPath) { path = mergePath(this._tempPath, path) } this.router.add(method, path, handler) const r: Route<E> = { path: path, method: method, handler: handler } this.routes.push(r) }
private matchRoute(method: string, path: string) { return this.router.match(method, path) }
private async dispatch( request: Request, eventOrExecutionCtx?: ExecutionContext | FetchEvent, env?: E['Bindings'] ): Promise<Response> { const path = getPathFromURL(request.url, this.strict) const method = request.method
const result = this.matchRoute(method, path) request.paramData = result?.params
const handlers = result ? result.handlers : [this.notFoundHandler]
const c = new HonoContext<string, E>(request, env, eventOrExecutionCtx, this.notFoundHandler)
const composed = compose<HonoContext<string, E>>(handlers, this.notFoundHandler) let context: HonoContext<string, E> try { context = await composed(c) if (!context.finalized) { throw new Error( 'Context is not finalized. You may forget returning Response object or `await next()`' ) } } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Error) { return this.errorHandler(err, c as Context<string, Environment>) } throw err }
return context.res }
handleEvent(event: FetchEvent): Promise<Response> { return this.dispatch(event.request, event) }
fetch = (request: Request, Environment?: E['Bindings'], executionCtx?: ExecutionContext) => { return this.dispatch(request, executionCtx, Environment) }
request(input: RequestInfo, requestInit?: RequestInit): Promise<Response> { const req = input instanceof Request ? input : new Request(input, requestInit) return this.dispatch(req) }}