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Ultrafast web framework for Cloudflare Workers, Deno, and Bun. Fast, but not only fast.
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interface Context
import { type Context } from "";

Type Parameters

RequestParamKeyType extends string = string
E extends Partial<Environment> = any


env: E["Bindings"]
event: FetchEvent
executionCtx: ExecutionContext
finalized: boolean
header: (name: string, value: string) => void
status: (status: StatusCode) => void
set: { <Key extends keyof ContextVariableMap>(key: Key, value: ContextVariableMap[Key]): void; <Key extends keyof E["Variables"]>(key: Key, value: E["Variables"][Key]): void; (key: string, value: any): void; }
get: { <Key extends keyof ContextVariableMap>(key: Key): ContextVariableMap[Key]; <Key extends keyof E["Variables"]>(key: Key): E["Variables"][Key]; <T = any>(key: string): T; }
pretty: (prettyJSON: boolean, space?: number) => void
newResponse: (
data: Data | null,
status: StatusCode,
headers: Headers,
) => Response
body: (
data: Data | null,
status?: StatusCode,
headers?: Headers,
) => Response
text: (
text: string,
status?: StatusCode,
headers?: Headers,
) => Response
json: <T>(
object: T,
status?: StatusCode,
headers?: Headers,
) => Response
html: (
html: string,
status?: StatusCode,
headers?: Headers,
) => Response
redirect: (location: string, status?: StatusCode) => Response
notFound: () => Response | Promise<Response>


res(): Response
res(_res: Response)