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import { sha256 } from './crypto.ts'
export const equal = (a: ArrayBuffer, b: ArrayBuffer) => { if (a === b) { return true } if (a.byteLength !== b.byteLength) { return false }
const va = new DataView(a) const vb = new DataView(b)
let i = va.byteLength while (i--) { if (va.getUint8(i) !== vb.getUint8(i)) { return false } }
return true}
export const timingSafeEqual = async ( a: string | object | boolean, b: string | object | boolean, hashFunction?: Function) => { if (!hashFunction) { hashFunction = sha256 } const sa = await hashFunction(a) const sb = await hashFunction(b) return sa === sb && a === b}
export const bufferToString = (buffer: ArrayBuffer): string => { if (buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) { const enc = new TextDecoder('utf-8') return enc.decode(buffer) } return buffer}