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export type JSONPrimitive = string | boolean | number | null | undefinedexport type JSONArray = (JSONPrimitive | JSONObject | JSONArray)[]export type JSONObject = { [key: string]: JSONPrimitive | JSONArray | JSONObject }export type JSONValue = JSONObject | JSONArray | JSONPrimitive
const JSONPathCopyInternal = ( src: JSONObject, dst: JSONObject, parts: string[], results: JSONArray): JSONValue => { let srcVal: JSONObject = src let dstVal: JSONObject = dst const length = parts.length for (let i = 0; i < length && srcVal !== undefined && dstVal; i++) { const p = parts[i]
if (typeof srcVal !== 'object') { return srcVal }
if (srcVal === null) { return undefined }
if (p === '*') { const restParts = parts.slice(i + 1) const restLength = srcVal.length as number
if (restLength === undefined) { parts = Object.keys(srcVal) for (const p of parts) { const srcVal2 = srcVal const dst2: JSONObject = {} JSONPathCopyInternal(srcVal2, dst2, [p], results) dstVal[p] = dst2[p] } } else { const res = [] for (let i2 = 0; i2 < restLength; i2++) { if (typeof srcVal[i2] !== 'object' || srcVal[i2] === undefined) { res.push(srcVal[i2]) } else { const srcVal2 = srcVal[i2] as JSONObject const dst2: JSONObject = {} const res2 = JSONPathCopyInternal(srcVal2, dst2, restParts, results) if (res2 === undefined) results.push(undefined) dstVal[i2] = dst2 } } if (res.length) { Object.assign(dstVal, srcVal) results.push(...res) } } return results }
if (typeof srcVal[p] === 'object') { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore dstVal[p] ||= new srcVal[p].constructor() } else if (typeof srcVal[p] !== 'undefined') { dstVal[p] = srcVal[p] } else { return undefined }
srcVal = srcVal[p] as JSONObject dstVal = dstVal[p] as JSONObject }
if (typeof srcVal === 'object' && dstVal) { Object.assign(dstVal, srcVal) }
results.push(srcVal) return results}
export const JSONPathCopy = (src: JSONObject, dst: JSONObject, path: string) => { const results: JSONArray = [] const parts = path.replace(/\.?\[(.*?)\]/g, '.$1').split(/\./) try { JSONPathCopyInternal(src, dst, parts, results) if (results.length === 0) { return undefined } else if (results.length === 1 && !parts.includes('*')) { return results[0] } return results } catch (e) { return undefined }}