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Ultrafast web framework for the Edges
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import type { Input, InputToDataByTarget, ParamKeys, ParamKeyToRecord, RemoveQuestion, UndefinedIfHavingQuestion, ValidationTargets,} from './types.ts'import { parseBody } from './utils/body.ts'import type { BodyData } from './utils/body.ts'import type { Cookie } from './utils/cookie.ts'import { parse } from './utils/cookie.ts'import type { UnionToIntersection } from './utils/types.ts'import { getQueryParam, getQueryParams, decodeURIComponent_ } from './utils/url.ts'
export class HonoRequest<P extends string = '/', I extends Input['out'] = {}> { raw: Request
private paramData: Record<string, string> | undefined private vData: { [K in keyof ValidationTargets]?: {} } // Short name of validatedData path: string
constructor( request: Request, path: string = '/', paramData?: Record<string, string> | undefined ) { this.raw = request this.path = path this.paramData = paramData this.vData = {} }
param(key: RemoveQuestion<ParamKeys<P>>): UndefinedIfHavingQuestion<ParamKeys<P>> param(): UnionToIntersection<ParamKeyToRecord<ParamKeys<P>>> param(key?: string): unknown { if (this.paramData) { if (key) { const param = this.paramData[key] return param ? (/\%/.test(param) ? decodeURIComponent_(param) : param) : undefined } else { const decoded: Record<string, string> = {}
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(this.paramData)) { if (value && typeof value === 'string') { decoded[key] = /\%/.test(value) ? decodeURIComponent_(value) : value } }
return decoded } } return null }
query(key: string): string | undefined query(): Record<string, string> query(key?: string) { return getQueryParam(this.url, key) }
queries(key: string): string[] | undefined queries(): Record<string, string[]> queries(key?: string) { return getQueryParams(this.url, key) }
header(name: string): string | undefined header(): Record<string, string> header(name?: string) { const headerData: Record<string, string | undefined> = {} this.raw.headers.forEach((value, key) => { headerData[key] = value }) if (!name) { return headerData } return headerData[name.toLowerCase()] }
/** @deprecated * Use Cookie Middleware instead of `c.req.cookie()`. The `c.req.cookie()` will be removed in v4. * * @example * * import { getCookie } from 'hono/cookie' * // ... * app.get('/', (c) => c.text(getCookie(c, 'cookie-name'))) */ cookie(key: string): string | undefined
/** @deprecated * Use Cookie Middleware instead of `c.req.cookie()`. The `c.req.cookie()` will be removed in v4. * * @example * * import { getCookie } from 'hono/cookie' * // ... * app.get('/', (c) => c.json(getCookie(c))) */ cookie(): Cookie
cookie(key?: string) { const cookie = this.raw.headers.get('Cookie') if (!cookie) return const obj = parse(cookie) if (key) { const value = obj[key] return value } else { return obj } }
async parseBody(): Promise<BodyData> { return await parseBody(this.raw) }
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any json<T = any>(): Promise<T> { return this.raw.json() }
text() { return this.raw.text() }
arrayBuffer() { return this.raw.arrayBuffer() }
blob() { return this.raw.blob() }
formData() { return this.raw.formData() }
addValidatedData(target: keyof ValidationTargets, data: {}) { this.vData[target] = data }
valid< T extends keyof ValidationTargets = I extends Record<infer R, unknown> ? R extends keyof ValidationTargets ? R : never : never >(target: T): InputToDataByTarget<I, T> valid(): never valid(target?: keyof ValidationTargets) { if (target) { return this.vData[target] as unknown } }
get url() { return this.raw.url } get method() { return this.raw.method } get headers() { return this.raw.headers } get redirect() { return this.raw.redirect } get body() { return this.raw.body } get bodyUsed() { return this.raw.bodyUsed } get cache() { return this.raw.cache } get credentials() { return this.raw.credentials } get integrity() { return this.raw.integrity } get keepalive() { return this.raw.keepalive } get mode() { return this.raw.mode } get referrer() { return this.raw.referrer } get refererPolicy() { return this.raw.referrerPolicy } get signal() { return this.raw.signal }}