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/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */import type { Result } from './router.ts'import type { Input, InputToDataByTarget, ParamKeys, ParamKeyToRecord, RemoveQuestion, UndefinedIfHavingQuestion, ValidationTargets, RouterRoute,} from './types.ts'import { parseBody } from './utils/body.ts'import type { BodyData, ParseBodyOptions } from './utils/body.ts'import type { UnionToIntersection } from './utils/types.ts'import { getQueryParam, getQueryParams, decodeURIComponent_ } from './utils/url.ts'
type Body = { json: any text: string arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer blob: Blob formData: FormData}type BodyCache = Partial<Body & { parsedBody: BodyData }>
export class HonoRequest<P extends string = '/', I extends Input['out'] = {}> { /** * `.raw` can get the raw Request object. * @example * ```ts * // For Cloudflare Workers *'/', async (c) => { * const metadata = * ... * }) * ``` * @see */ raw: Request
#validatedData: { [K in keyof ValidationTargets]?: {} } // Short name of validatedData #matchResult: Result<[unknown, RouterRoute]> routeIndex: number = 0 /** * `.path` can get the pathname of the request. * @example * ```ts * app.get('/about/me', (c) => { * const pathname = c.req.path // `/about/me` * }) * ``` * @see */ path: string bodyCache: BodyCache = {}
constructor( request: Request, path: string = '/', matchResult: Result<[unknown, RouterRoute]> = [[]] ) { this.raw = request this.path = path this.#matchResult = matchResult this.#validatedData = {} }
/** * `.req.param()` gets the path parameters. * @example * ```ts * const name = c.req.param('name') * // or all parameters at once * const { id, comment_id } = c.req.param() * ``` * @see */ param<P2 extends string = P>( key: RemoveQuestion<ParamKeys<P2>> ): UndefinedIfHavingQuestion<ParamKeys<P2>> param<P2 extends string = P>(): UnionToIntersection<ParamKeyToRecord<ParamKeys<P2>>> param(key?: string): unknown { return key ? this.getDecodedParam(key) : this.getAllDecodedParams() }
private getDecodedParam(key: string): string | undefined { const paramKey = this.#matchResult[0][this.routeIndex][1][key] const param = this.getParamValue(paramKey)
return param ? (/\%/.test(param) ? decodeURIComponent_(param) : param) : undefined }
private getAllDecodedParams(): Record<string, string> { const decoded: Record<string, string> = {}
const keys = Object.keys(this.#matchResult[0][this.routeIndex][1]) for (const key of keys) { const value = this.getParamValue(this.#matchResult[0][this.routeIndex][1][key]) if (value && typeof value === 'string') { decoded[key] = /\%/.test(value) ? decodeURIComponent_(value) : value } }
return decoded }
private getParamValue(paramKey: any): string | undefined { return this.#matchResult[1] ? this.#matchResult[1][paramKey as any] : paramKey }
/** * `.query()` can get querystring parameters. * @example * ```ts * // Query params * app.get('/search', (c) => { * const query = c.req.query('q') * }) * * // Get all params at once * app.get('/search', (c) => { * const { q, limit, offset } = c.req.query() * }) * ``` * @see */ query(key: string): string | undefined query(): Record<string, string> query(key?: string) { return getQueryParam(this.url, key) }
/** * `.queries()` can get multiple querystring parameter values, e.g. /search?tags=A&tags=B * @example * ```ts * app.get('/search', (c) => { * // tags will be string[] * const tags = c.req.queries('tags') * }) * ``` * @see */ queries(key: string): string[] | undefined queries(): Record<string, string[]> queries(key?: string) { return getQueryParams(this.url, key) }
/** * `.header()` can get the request header value. * @example * ```ts * app.get('/', (c) => { * const userAgent = c.req.header('User-Agent') * }) * ``` * @see */ header(name: string): string | undefined header(): Record<string, string> header(name?: string) { if (name) { return this.raw.headers.get(name.toLowerCase()) ?? undefined }
const headerData: Record<string, string | undefined> = {} this.raw.headers.forEach((value, key) => { headerData[key] = value }) return headerData }
/** * `.parseBody()` can parse Request body of type `multipart/form-data` or `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` * @example * ```ts *'/entry', async (c) => { * const body = await c.req.parseBody() * }) * ``` * @see */ async parseBody<T extends BodyData = BodyData>(options?: ParseBodyOptions): Promise<T> { if (this.bodyCache.parsedBody) { return this.bodyCache.parsedBody as T } const parsedBody = await parseBody<T>(this, options) this.bodyCache.parsedBody = parsedBody return parsedBody }
private cachedBody = (key: keyof Body) => { const { bodyCache, raw } = this const cachedBody = bodyCache[key]
if (cachedBody) { return cachedBody }
if (!bodyCache[key]) { for (const keyOfBodyCache of Object.keys(bodyCache)) { if (keyOfBodyCache === 'parsedBody') { continue } return (async () => { // @ts-expect-error bodyCache[keyOfBodyCache] can be passed as a body let body = await bodyCache[keyOfBodyCache] if (keyOfBodyCache === 'json') { body = JSON.stringify(body) } return await new Response(body)[key]() })() } }
return (bodyCache[key] = raw[key]()) }
/** * `.json()` can parse Request body of type `application/json` * @example * ```ts *'/entry', async (c) => { * const body = await c.req.json() * }) * ``` * @see */ json<T = any>(): Promise<T> { return this.cachedBody('json') }
/** * `.text()` can parse Request body of type `text/plain` * @example * ```ts *'/entry', async (c) => { * const body = await c.req.text() * }) * ``` * @see */ text(): Promise<string> { return this.cachedBody('text') }
/** * `.arrayBuffer()` parse Request body as an `ArrayBuffer` * @example * ```ts *'/entry', async (c) => { * const body = await c.req.arrayBuffer() * }) * ``` * @see */ arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer> { return this.cachedBody('arrayBuffer') }
blob(): Promise<Blob> { return this.cachedBody('blob') }
formData(): Promise<FormData> { return this.cachedBody('formData') }
addValidatedData(target: keyof ValidationTargets, data: {}) { this.#validatedData[target] = data }
valid<T extends keyof I & keyof ValidationTargets>(target: T): InputToDataByTarget<I, T> valid(target: keyof ValidationTargets) { return this.#validatedData[target] as unknown }
/** * `.url()` can get the request url strings. * @example * ```ts * app.get('/about/me', (c) => { * const url = c.req.url // `http://localhost:8787/about/me` * ... * }) * ``` * @see */ get url() { return this.raw.url }
/** * `.method()` can get the method name of the request. * @example * ```ts * app.get('/about/me', (c) => { * const method = c.req.method // `GET` * }) * ``` * @see */ get method() { return this.raw.method }
/** * `.matchedRoutes()` can return a matched route in the handler * @example * ```ts * app.use('*', async function logger(c, next) { * await next() * c.req.matchedRoutes.forEach(({ handler, method, path }, i) => { * const name = || (handler.length < 2 ? '[handler]' : '[middleware]') * console.log( * method, * ' ', * path, * ' '.repeat(Math.max(10 - path.length, 0)), * name, * i === c.req.routeIndex ? '<- respond from here' : '' * ) * }) * }) * ``` * @see */ get matchedRoutes(): RouterRoute[] { return this.#matchResult[0].map(([[, route]]) => route) }
/** * `routePath()` can retrieve the path registered within the handler * @example * ```ts * app.get('/posts/:id', (c) => { * return c.json({ path: c.req.routePath }) * }) * ``` * @see */ get routePath(): string { return this.#matchResult[0].map(([[, route]]) => route)[this.routeIndex].path }}