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type alias ToSchema
import { type ToSchema } from "";

Type Parameters

M extends string
P extends string
I extends Input | Input["in"]
definition: Prettify<[K in P]: [K2 in Min keyof AddDollar<K2>]: Simplify<{ input: AddParam<ExtractInput<I>, P>; } & (IsAny<RorO> extends true ? { output: { }; outputFormat: ResponseFormat; status: StatusCode; } : RorO extends TypedResponse<infer T, infer U, infer F> ? { output: unknown extends T ? { } : T; outputFormat: I extends { outputFormat: string; } ? I["outputFormat"] : F; status: U; } : { output: unknown extends RorO ? { } : RorO; outputFormat: unknown extends RorO ? "json" : I extends { outputFormat: string; } ? I["outputFormat"] : "json"; status: StatusCode; })>>