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type alias ClientRequest
import { type ClientRequest } from "";
definition: [M in keyof S]: S[M] extends Endpoint & { input: infer R; } ? R extends object ? HasRequiredKeys<R> extends true ? (args: R, options?: ClientRequestOptions) => Promise<ClientResponseOfEndpoint<S[M]>> : (args?: R, options?: ClientRequestOptions) => Promise<ClientResponseOfEndpoint<S[M]>> : never : never & { $url: (arg?: S[keyof S] extends { input: infer R; } ? R extends { param: infer P; } ? { param: P; } : { } : { }) => URL; } & (S["$get"] extends { outputFormat: "ws"; } ? S["$get"] extends { input: infer I; } ? { $ws: (args?: I) => WebSocket; } : { } : { })