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Async middleware for JavaScript and TypeScript
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// Adapted from koa-compose ( * as assert from 'assert';import { compose, NextFunction } from '../src';
function wait (ms: number) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms || 1));}
function isPromise (x: any) { return x && typeof x.then === 'function';}
describe('Koa Compose', function () { it('should work', async () => { const arr: number[] = []; const stack = [];
stack.push(async (_context: any, next: NextFunction) => { arr.push(1); await wait(1); await next(); await wait(1); arr.push(6); });
stack.push(async (_context: any, next: NextFunction) => { arr.push(2); await wait(1); await next(); await wait(1); arr.push(5); });
stack.push(async (_context: any, next: NextFunction) => { arr.push(3); await wait(1); await next(); await wait(1); arr.push(4); });
await compose(stack)({});
assert.deepEqual(arr, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); });
it('should be able to be called twice', () => { const stack = [];
stack.push(async (context: any, next: NextFunction) => { context.arr.push(1); await wait(1); await next(); await wait(1); context.arr.push(6); });
stack.push(async (context: any, next: NextFunction) => { context.arr.push(2); await wait(1); await next(); await wait(1); context.arr.push(5); });
stack.push(async (context: any, next: NextFunction) => { context.arr.push(3); await wait(1); await next(); await wait(1); context.arr.push(4); });
const fn = compose(stack); const ctx1: any = { arr: [] }; const ctx2: any = { arr: [] }; const out = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
return fn(ctx1).then(() => { assert.deepEqual(out, ctx1.arr); return fn(ctx2); }).then(() => { assert.deepEqual(out, ctx2.arr); }); });
it('should only accept an array', async () => { // @ts-ignore await assert.throws(compose, { message: 'Middleware stack must be an array!' }); });
it('should create next functions that return a Promise', function () { const stack = []; const arr: any = []; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { stack.push(async (_context: any, next: NextFunction) => { arr.push(next()); }); }
for (const next of arr) { assert.ok(isPromise(next), 'one of the functions next is not a Promise'); } });
it('should work with 0 middleware', function () { return compose([])({}); });
it('should only accept middleware as functions', () => { // @ts-ignore assert.throws(() => compose([{}]), { message: 'Middleware must be composed of functions!' }); });
it('should work when yielding at the end of the stack', async () => { const stack = []; let called = false;
stack.push(async (_ctx: any, next: NextFunction) => { await next(); called = true; });
await compose(stack)({}); assert.ok(called); });
it('should reject on errors in middleware', () => { const stack = [];
stack.push(() => { throw new Error(); });
return compose(stack)({}) .then(function () { throw new Error('promise was not rejected'); }) .catch(function (e) { assert.ok(e instanceof Error); }); });
it('should work when yielding at the end of the stack with yield*', () => { const stack = [];
stack.push(async (_ctx: any, next: NextFunction) => { await next; });
return compose(stack)({}); });
it('should keep the context', () => { const ctx = {};
const stack = [];
stack.push(async (ctx2: any, next: NextFunction) => { await next(); assert.deepEqual(ctx2, ctx); });
stack.push(async (ctx2: any, next: NextFunction) => { await next(); assert.deepEqual(ctx2, ctx); });
stack.push(async (ctx2: any, next: NextFunction) => { await next(); assert.deepEqual(ctx2, ctx); });
return compose(stack)(ctx); });
it('should catch downstream errors', async () => { const arr: number[] = []; const stack = [];
stack.push(async (_ctx: any, next: NextFunction) => { arr.push(1); try { arr.push(6); await next(); arr.push(7); } catch (err) { arr.push(2); } arr.push(3); });
stack.push(async (_ctx: any, _next: NextFunction) => { arr.push(4); throw new Error(); });
await compose(stack)({}); assert.deepEqual(arr, [1, 6, 4, 2, 3]); });
it('should compose w/ next', () => { let called = false;
return compose([])({}, async () => { called = true; }).then(function () { assert.ok(called); }); });
it('should handle errors in wrapped non-async functions', () => { const stack = [];
stack.push(function () { throw new Error(); });
return compose(stack)({}).then(function () { throw new Error('promise was not rejected'); }).catch(function (e) { assert.ok(e instanceof Error); }); });
// it('should compose w/ other compositions', () => { const called: number[] = [];
return compose([ compose([ (_ctx, next) => { called.push(1); return next(); }, (_ctx, next) => { called.push(2); return next(); } ]), (_ctx, next) => { called.push(3); return next(); } ])({}).then(() => assert.deepEqual(called, [1, 2, 3])); });
it('should throw if next() is called multiple times', () => { return compose([ async (_ctx, next) => { await next(); await next(); } ])({}).then(() => { throw new Error('boom'); }, (err) => { assert.ok(/multiple times/.test(err.message)); }); });
it('should return a valid middleware', () => { let val = 0; return compose([ compose([ (_ctx, next) => { val++; return next(); }, (_ctx, next) => { val++; return next(); } ]), (_ctx, next) => { val++; return next(); } ])({}).then(function () { assert.strictEqual(val, 3); }); });
it('should return last return value', () => { const stack = [];
stack.push(async (_context: any, next: NextFunction) => { const val = await next(); assert.strictEqual(val, 2); return 1; });
stack.push(async (_context: any, next: NextFunction) => { const val = await next(); assert.strictEqual(val, 0); return 2; });
const next = async () => 0;
return compose(stack)({}, next).then(function (val) { assert.strictEqual(val, 1); }); });
it('should not affect the original middleware array', () => { const middleware = []; const fn1 = (_ctx: any, next: NextFunction) => { return next(); }; middleware.push(fn1);
for (const fn of middleware) { assert.strictEqual(fn, fn1); }
for (const fn of middleware) { assert.strictEqual(fn, fn1); } });
it('should not get stuck on the passed in next', () => { const middleware = [(_ctx: any, next: NextFunction) => { ctx.middleware++; return next(); }]; const ctx = { middleware: 0, next: 0 };
return compose(middleware)(ctx, async (ctx: any, next: NextFunction) => {; return next(); }).then(() => { assert.deepEqual(ctx, { middleware: 1, next: 1 }); }); });});