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the validation tool nobody asked for | hoyams = hold on you are missing something aka. zucker
export type Validator = (a: unknown) => true | string;export type RuleSegment = | Rule<unknown> | Ruleset<unknown> | ArrayRule<unknown> | { [key: string]: RuleSegment; };
export class ValidationError extends Error { map: unknown;
constructor(message: string, options: ErrorOptions & { map: unknown }) { super(message); =; }}
export class Rule<T> { validator: Validator;
constructor(validator: Validator) { this.validator = validator; }
validate(v: unknown): T { const result = this.validator(v); if (result !== true) { throw new ValidationError(result.toString(), { map: result }); } else { return v as T; } }}
export class Ruleset<T> { validators: Array<Validator>;
constructor(validators: Array<Validator>) { this.validators = validators; }
validate(v: unknown): T { const errors = this.validators .map((validator) => validator(v)) .filter((result) => result !== true); if (errors.length > 0) { throw new ValidationError(errors.toString(), { map: errors }); } else { return v as T; } }}
export class ArrayRule<T> { ruleSegment: RuleSegment;
constructor(ruleSegment: RuleSegment) { this.ruleSegment = ruleSegment; }
validate(v: unknown) { if (!Array.isArray(v)) { throw new ValidationError("is not an array", { map: "is not an array" }); } let errorFound = false as boolean; const results = => { try { validate(entry, this.ruleSegment); return null; } catch (e) { if (e instanceof ValidationError) { errorFound = true; return; } else { throw e; } } }); if (errorFound) { throw new ValidationError(results.toString(), { map: results }); } else { return v as Array<T>; } }}
export class ObjectRule<T> { ruleSegment: RuleSegment;
constructor(ruleSegment: RuleSegment) { this.ruleSegment = ruleSegment; }
validate(v: unknown) { if (typeof v !== "object") { throw new ValidationError("is not an object", { map: "is not an object", }); } const errors = Object.entries(this.ruleSegment) .reduce((_errors: Array<unknown>, [key, el]) => { try { validate((v as { [key: string]: unknown })[key], el); return _errors; } catch (e) { if (e instanceof ValidationError) { _errors.push([key,]); return _errors; } else { throw e; } } }, []) as Array<[string, unknown]>; if (errors.length > 0) { throw new ValidationError(errors.toString(), { map: Object.fromEntries(errors), }); } else { return v as T; } }}
export const validate = <T>( obj: unknown, ruleSegment: RuleSegment,): T => { if ( ruleSegment instanceof Rule || ruleSegment instanceof Ruleset || ruleSegment instanceof ArrayRule || ruleSegment instanceof ObjectRule ) { return ruleSegment.validate(obj) as T; } else if (typeof ruleSegment === "object") { return new ObjectRule<T>(ruleSegment).validate(obj) as T; } else { throw new Error("unexpected rule segment") as T; }};