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A Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) module built on top of Web Cryptography API.
import * as hpke from "";


The Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) ciphersuite, which is implemented using only Web Cryptography API.

The DHKEM(P-256, HKDF-SHA256) for HPKE KEM implementing KemInterface.

The DHKEM(P-384, HKDF-SHA384) for HPKE KEM implementing KemInterface.

The DHKEM(P-521, HKDF-SHA512) for HPKE KEM implementing KemInterface.

The HKDF-SHA256 for HPKE KDF implementing KdfInterface.

The HKDF-SHA384 for HPKE KDF implementing KdfInterface.

The HKDF-SHA512 for HPKE KDF implementing KdfInterface.