import { CipherSuite } from "";
The Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) ciphersuite, which supports all of the ciphersuites defined in RFC9180.
The class consists of the @hpke/core, @hpke/chcha20poly1305, @hpke/dhkem-x25519 and @hpke/dhkem-x448 internally.
This class provides following functions:
- [DEPRECATED] Generates a key pair for the cipher suite.
- [DEPRECATED] Derives a key pair for the cipher suite.
- [DEPRECATED] Imports and converts a key to a CryptoKey.
- Creates encryption contexts both for senders and recipients.
- createSenderContext
- createRecipientContext
- Provides single-shot encryption API.
- seal
- open
The calling of the constructor of this class is the starting point for HPKE operations for both senders and recipients.
Use only ciphersuites supported internally.
Use only ciphersuites supported internally.
import { AeadId, CipherSuite, KdfId, KemId } from "";
const suite = new CipherSuite({
kem: KemId.DhkemP256HkdfSha256,
kdf: KdfId.HkdfSha256,
aead: AeadId.Aes128Gcm,
Use a ciphersuite consisting of an external module.
Use a ciphersuite consisting of an external module.
import { AeadId, CipherSuite, KdfId } from "";
// Use an extension module.
import {
} from "";
const suite = new CipherSuite({
kem: new HybridkemX25519Kyber768(),
kdf: KdfId.HkdfSha256,
aead: AeadId.Aes128Gcm,
Derives a key pair for the cipher suite in the manner defined in RFC9180 Section 7.1.3.
If the error occurred, throws DeriveKeyPairError.
Generates a key pair for the cipher suite.
If the error occurred, throws NotSupportedError.
Imports a public or private key and converts to a CryptoKey.
Since key parameters for createSenderContext or createRecipientContext are CryptoKey format, you have to use this function to convert provided keys to CryptoKey.
Basically, this is a thin wrapper function of SubtleCrypto.importKey.
If the error occurred, throws DeserializeError.