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Create a html response with JSX.
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/** @jsx h */
import { h, type VNode } from "";import { renderToString,} from "";
const plugins: Plugin[] = [];
export interface HtmlOptions { lang?: string; classes?: { html?: string[]; body?: string[]; }; title?: string; meta?: Record<string, string | null | undefined>; links?: { [key: string]: string; href: string; rel: string }[]; styles?: (string | { href?: string; text?: string; id?: string })[]; scripts?: (string | { src?: string; text?: string; type?: string; id?: string; async?: boolean; defer?: boolean; })[];}
export interface PluginContext extends HtmlOptions { body: string; status: number; headers: Headers;}
export interface Plugin { (props: PluginContext): void | Promise<void>;}
export interface Options extends HtmlOptions { body: VNode | string; status?: number; headers?: HeadersInit;}
export default async function html(options: Options): Promise<Response> { const { body, status = 200, headers: headersInit, } = options; const bodyHtml = typeof body === "string" ? body : renderToString(body); const headers = new Headers(headersInit); headers.append("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"); const context: PluginContext = {, body: bodyHtml, status, headers, }; for (const plugin of plugins) { await plugin(context); } return new Response( `<!DOCTYPE html>` + renderToString( <Html {...context} />, ), { status: context.status, headers: context.headers, }, );}
interface HtmlProps extends HtmlOptions { body: string;}
function Html({ lang, classes, title, meta, links, styles, scripts, body,}: HtmlProps) { return ( <html lang={lang ?? "en"} class={classes?.html?.join(" ") || undefined} > <head> <meta charSet="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> {title && <title>{title}</title>} {meta && Object.entries(meta).filter(([name, content]) => !!name && !!content) .map(([name, content]) => ( name.startsWith("og:") ? <meta property={name} content={String(content)} /> : <meta name={name} content={String(content)} /> ))} {links &&{ rel, href, }) => ( <link rel={rel} href={href} {} /> ))} {styles && => ( typeof style === "string" ? <style dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: style }} /> : ( <link id={} rel="stylesheet" href={style.href} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={style.text ? { __html: style.text } : undefined} /> ) ))} {scripts && => ( typeof script === "string" ? <script dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: script }} /> : ( <script id={} type={script.type} src={script.src} async={script.async} defer={script.defer} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={script.text ? { __html: script.text } : undefined} /> ) ))} </head> <body class={classes?.body?.join(" ") || undefined} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: body }} /> </html> );}
html.use = (...plugin: Plugin[]) => { plugins.push(...plugin);};
export * from "";