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Template literal function for creating HTML templates in Deno. Useful for server side or Worker HTML generation.

Simple Usage

const doc = html`
  <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Hello world</title>
      <p>Hello world</p>

Inserting Values

You can use normal JS template literal interpolation to insert values. These values will be HTML escaped to prevent XSS in the default usage.

const message = "Hello world";
const doc = html`
  <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Hello world</title>

Inserting HTML into the document

To insert HTML into your document, use TrustedString values for interpolation. There is an easy helper function, trusted, that will create a TrustedString and allow for raw HTML interpolation.

const rawHtml = "<h1>My raw HTML</h1>";
const doc = html`
  <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Hello world</title>