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An error class for HTTP requests.
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import { Status } from "./deps.ts";import { HttpError, HttpErrorOptions, isHttpError, optionsFromArgs,} from "./mod.ts";import { assertEquals, assertStrictEquals, assertThrows, describe, it,} from "./test_deps.ts";
const httpErrorTests = describe("HttpError");
it(httpErrorTests, "without args", () => { const error = new HttpError(); assertEquals(error.toString(), "InternalServerError"); assertEquals(, "InternalServerError"); assertEquals(error.message, ""); assertEquals(error.status, 500); assertEquals(error.expose, false); assertEquals(error.cause, undefined);});
it(httpErrorTests, "with status", () => { function assertWithStatus(error: HttpError): void { assertEquals(error.status, 400); assertEquals(error.expose, true); } assertWithStatus(new HttpError(400)); assertWithStatus(new HttpError({ status: 400 })); assertWithStatus(new HttpError(undefined, { status: 400 }));});
it(httpErrorTests, "with message", () => { function assertWithMessage(error: HttpError): void { assertEquals(error.toString(), "InternalServerError: something went wrong"); assertEquals(error.message, "something went wrong"); } assertWithMessage(new HttpError("something went wrong")); assertWithMessage(new HttpError({ message: "something went wrong" })); assertWithMessage(new HttpError(undefined, "something went wrong")); assertWithMessage( new HttpError(undefined, { message: "something went wrong" }), );});
it( httpErrorTests, "prefer status/message args over status/messagee options", () => { const names = ["BadRequestError", "BadGatewayError"]; const messages = ["something went wrong", "failed"]; const statuses = [400, 502]; const options = { message: messages[1], status: statuses[1] };
function assertPreferArgs( error: HttpError, expectedStatus: number, expectedMessage: string, ): void { const expectedName = names[expectedStatus === statuses[0] ? 0 : 1]; assertEquals(error.toString(), `${expectedName}: ${expectedMessage}`); assertEquals(, expectedName); assertEquals(error.message, expectedMessage); assertEquals(error.status, expectedStatus); assertEquals(error.expose, expectedStatus < 500); } assertPreferArgs( new HttpError(statuses[0], messages[0], options), statuses[0], messages[0], ); assertPreferArgs( new HttpError(statuses[0], options), statuses[0], messages[1], ); assertPreferArgs( new HttpError(messages[0], options), statuses[1], messages[0], ); assertPreferArgs(new HttpError(options), statuses[1], messages[1]); },);
it(httpErrorTests, "with cause", () => { const cause = new Error("fail"); function assertWithCause(error: HttpError): void { assertEquals(error.cause, cause); } assertWithCause(new HttpError({ cause })); assertWithCause(new HttpError(undefined, { cause })); assertWithCause(new HttpError(undefined, undefined, { cause }));});
it(httpErrorTests, "invalid status", () => { assertThrows( () => new HttpError(-500), RangeError, "invalid error status", ); assertThrows(() => new HttpError(0), RangeError, "invalid error status"); assertThrows( () => new HttpError(399), RangeError, "invalid error status", ); assertThrows( () => new HttpError(600), RangeError, "invalid error status", );});
const DEFAULT_ERROR_NAMES = new Map<Status, string>(([ [Status.BadRequest, "BadRequest"], [Status.Unauthorized, "Unauthorized"], [Status.PaymentRequired, "PaymentRequired"], [Status.Forbidden, "Forbidden"], [Status.NotFound, "NotFound"], [Status.MethodNotAllowed, "MethodNotAllowed"], [Status.NotAcceptable, "NotAcceptable"], [Status.ProxyAuthRequired, "ProxyAuthRequired"], [Status.RequestTimeout, "RequestTimeout"], [Status.Conflict, "Conflict"], [Status.Gone, "Gone"], [Status.LengthRequired, "LengthRequired"], [Status.PreconditionFailed, "PreconditionFailed"], [Status.RequestEntityTooLarge, "RequestEntityTooLarge"], [Status.RequestURITooLong, "RequestURITooLong"], [Status.UnsupportedMediaType, "UnsupportedMediaType"], [Status.RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable, "RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable"], [Status.ExpectationFailed, "ExpectationFailed"], [Status.Teapot, "Teapot"], [Status.MisdirectedRequest, "MisdirectedRequest"], [Status.UnprocessableEntity, "UnprocessableEntity"], [Status.Locked, "Locked"], [Status.FailedDependency, "FailedDependency"], [Status.TooEarly, "TooEarly"], [Status.UpgradeRequired, "UpgradeRequired"], [Status.PreconditionRequired, "PreconditionRequired"], [Status.TooManyRequests, "TooManyRequests"], [Status.RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge, "RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge"], [Status.UnavailableForLegalReasons, "UnavailableForLegalReasons"], [Status.InternalServerError, "InternalServer"], [Status.NotImplemented, "NotImplemented"], [Status.BadGateway, "BadGateway"], [Status.ServiceUnavailable, "ServiceUnavailable"], [Status.GatewayTimeout, "GatewayTimeout"], [Status.HTTPVersionNotSupported, "HTTPVersionNotSupported"], [Status.VariantAlsoNegotiates, "VariantAlsoNegotiates"], [Status.InsufficientStorage, "InsufficientStorage"], [Status.LoopDetected, "LoopDetected"], [Status.NotExtended, "NotExtended"], [Status.NetworkAuthenticationRequired, "NetworkAuthenticationRequired"],] as [Status, string][]).map(([status, name]) => [status, `${name}Error`]));
function expectedDefaultErrorName(status: number): string { return DEFAULT_ERROR_NAMES.has(status) ? DEFAULT_ERROR_NAMES.get(status)! : `Unknown${status < 500 ? "Client" : "Server"}Error`;}
function assertName( error: HttpError, expectedStatus: number, expectedMessage: string, expectedName?: string,): void { if (!expectedName) expectedName = expectedDefaultErrorName(expectedStatus); assertEquals( [ error.status,, error.message, error.toString(), ], [ expectedStatus, expectedName, expectedMessage, `${expectedName}: ${expectedMessage}`, ], );}
it(httpErrorTests, "default name", () => { const message = "something went wrong"; for (let status = 400; status < 600; status++) { assertName(new HttpError(status, message), status, message); }});
it(httpErrorTests, "override name", () => { const message = "something went wrong"; for (let status = 400; status < 600; status++) { assertName( new HttpError(status, message, { name: "CustomError" }), status, message, "CustomError", ); }});
function assertExpose( error: HttpError, expectedStatus: number, expectedExpose?: boolean,): void { assertEquals( [ error.status, error.expose, ], [ expectedStatus, expectedExpose ?? (expectedStatus < 500), ], );}
it(httpErrorTests, "default expose", () => { for (let status = 400; status < 600; status++) { assertExpose(new HttpError(status), status); }});
it(httpErrorTests, "override expose", () => { for (let status = 400; status < 600; status++) { const expose = status >= 500; assertExpose(new HttpError(status, { expose }), status, expose); }});
it(httpErrorTests, "with all options", () => { const cause = new Error("fail"); function assertAllOptions(error: HttpError) { assertEquals(error.toString(), "CustomError: something went wrong"); assertEquals(, "CustomError"); assertEquals(error.message, "something went wrong"); assertEquals(error.status, 400); assertEquals(error.expose, false); assertEquals(error.cause, cause); } assertAllOptions( new HttpError(400, "something went wrong", { name: "CustomError", expose: false, cause, }), ); assertAllOptions( new HttpError(400, { name: "CustomError", message: "something went wrong", expose: false, cause, }), ); assertAllOptions( new HttpError("something went wrong", { name: "CustomError", status: 400, expose: false, cause, }), ); assertAllOptions( new HttpError({ name: "CustomError", message: "something went wrong", status: 400, expose: false, cause, }), );});
it(httpErrorTests, "with other data", () => { const cause = new Error("fail"); const data = { x: 2, y: 3 }; function assertAllOptions(error: HttpError) { assertEquals(error.toString(), "CustomError: something went wrong"); assertEquals(, "CustomError"); assertEquals(error.message, "something went wrong"); assertEquals(error.status, 400); assertEquals(error.expose, false); assertEquals(error.cause, cause); assertEquals(, data); } assertAllOptions( new HttpError(400, "something went wrong", { name: "CustomError", expose: false, cause,, }), ); assertAllOptions( new HttpError(400, { name: "CustomError", message: "something went wrong", expose: false, cause,, }), ); assertAllOptions( new HttpError("something went wrong", { name: "CustomError", status: 400, expose: false, cause,, }), ); assertAllOptions( new HttpError({ name: "CustomError", message: "something went wrong", status: 400, expose: false, cause,, }), );});
it(httpErrorTests, "json", () => { const cause = new Error("fail"); const data = { x: 2, y: 3 }; assertEquals( HttpError.json(cause), { name: "InternalServerError", status: 500, }, ); assertEquals( HttpError.json( new HttpError<typeof data>(400, "something went wrong", { name: "CustomError", cause,, }), ), { name: "CustomError", message: "something went wrong", status: 400,, }, ); assertEquals( HttpError.json( new HttpError<typeof data>(500, "something went wrong", { name: "CustomError", cause,, }), ), { name: "CustomError", status: 500,, }, ); assertEquals( HttpError.json( new HttpError<typeof data>(400, "something went wrong", { name: "CustomError", expose: false, cause,, }), ), { name: "CustomError", status: 400,, }, );});
const fromTests = describe(httpErrorTests, "from");
it(fromTests, "from non HttpError", () => { const cause = new Error("fail"); const error = HttpError.from(cause); assertEquals(error.toString(), "InternalServerError"); assertEquals(, "InternalServerError"); assertEquals(error.message, ""); assertEquals(error.status, 500); assertEquals(error.expose, false); assertEquals(error.cause, cause);});
it(fromTests, "from Error with status", () => { const originalError = new Error("fail"); (originalError as HttpError).status = 400; const error = HttpError.from(originalError); assertEquals(error.toString(), "Error: fail"); assertEquals(, "Error"); assertEquals(error.message, "fail"); assertEquals(error.status, 400); assertEquals(error.expose, true); assertEquals(error.cause, undefined);});
it(fromTests, "passthrough HttpError instances", () => { const cause = new Error("fail"); const originalError = new HttpError({ name: "CustomError", message: "something went wrong", cause, x: 2, y: 3, }); const error = HttpError.from(originalError); assertStrictEquals(error, originalError);});
it("isHttpError", () => { assertEquals(isHttpError(new Error()), false); assertEquals(isHttpError(new HttpError()), true); assertEquals(isHttpError(new HttpError(400, "something went wrong")), true); class CustomError extends HttpError { constructor(message: string) { super(420, message, { name: "CustomError" }); } } assertEquals(isHttpError(new CustomError("too high")), true); class OtherError extends Error { constructor(message: string) { super(message); } } assertEquals(isHttpError(new OtherError("failed")), false); class OtherHttpError extends Error { status: number; expose: boolean;
constructor(status: number, message: string) { super(message); this.status = status; this.expose = status < 500; } } assertEquals(isHttpError(new OtherHttpError(400, "failed")), true);});
const optionsFromArgsTests = describe("optionsFromArgs");
it( optionsFromArgsTests, "prefer status/message args over status/messagee options", () => { const messages = ["something went wrong", "failed"]; const statuses = [400, 502]; const options = { message: messages[1], status: statuses[1] };
function assertPreferArgs( options: HttpErrorOptions, expectedStatus: number, expectedMessage: string, ): void { assertEquals(options, { status: expectedStatus, message: expectedMessage, }); } assertPreferArgs( optionsFromArgs(statuses[0], messages[0], options), statuses[0], messages[0], ); assertPreferArgs( optionsFromArgs(statuses[0], options), statuses[0], messages[1], ); assertPreferArgs( optionsFromArgs(messages[0], options), statuses[1], messages[0], ); assertPreferArgs(optionsFromArgs(options), statuses[1], messages[1]); },);
it( optionsFromArgsTests, "supports extended options", () => { const status = 400; const message = "something went wrong"; const options = { code: "invalid_request", uri: "" }; interface ExtendedErrorOptions extends HttpErrorOptions { code?: string; uri?: string; } const expectedOptions: ExtendedErrorOptions = { status, message, ...options, }; function assertExtendedInit(options: ExtendedErrorOptions): void { assertEquals(options, expectedOptions); }
assertExtendedInit( optionsFromArgs<ExtendedErrorOptions>(status, message, options), ); assertExtendedInit( optionsFromArgs<ExtendedErrorOptions>(status, { message, ...options }), ); assertExtendedInit( optionsFromArgs<ExtendedErrorOptions>(message, { status, ...options }), ); assertExtendedInit( optionsFromArgs<ExtendedErrorOptions>({ status, message, ...options }), ); },);