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A bunch of functions for building HTTP servers
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function byMediaType
import { byMediaType } from "";

Create a Request handler that delegates based on the desired media-type of the Request.

The media-type is determined by extension on the URL path if it has one, otherwise it will examine the Accept header and choose the most appropriate type supplied.

Type Parameters

A extends unknown[]


handlers: MediaTypeHandlers<A>

an object of handlers, where the key is the media-type

fallbackExt: (req: Request, ...args: A) => Awaitable<Response | null> = [UNSUPPORTED]

called when the URL has an extension but no handler matches, defaults to returning a Not Found response

fallbackAccept: (req: Request, ...args: A) => Awaitable<Response | null> = [UNSUPPORTED]

called when the URL doesn't have an extension and a type handler can not be matched from the Accept header, defaults to a Not Acceptable response