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HTTP Functions for Deno

This is a collection of functions to aid building of a HTTP service in Deno.

They can be used instead of a monolithic router framework, or in tandem with one.

The bullet points

  • A library of composable functions rather than a monolithic router class
  • Based on web standard Request => Response functions
  • Works with Deno.serve
  • Routing based on various criteria
    • URLPattern
    • Method
    • Media Type
  • Request and Response helper functions
  • Generate router module from filesystem based handlers
    • Static or dynamic imports
    • Build time or runtime discovery
  • Request/Response interceptor function chains
    • Logging
    • CORS
  • Deno.serve options helper fns for various hosting scenarios
    • Development on localhost (including https support)
    • Deno Deploy

An Example

Letā€™s start with a really simple example, a router for GET /helloā€¦

import { handle } from "";
import { byPattern } from "";
import { byMethod } from "";

      GET: () => {
        return new Response("Hello world");

As you can see this is a fairly difference approach to the routers you may be used to.

The main idea is to compose your router from simple Request => Response functions.

Letā€™s take a look at each part of the example, starting with byPattern (weā€™ll come back to handle later):


This function actually creates a handler function, which attempts to match the request URL against the given pattern, and if it matches calls the handler given in its 2nd arg, in this caseā€¦

  GET: ...

Again this creates another handler function, which attempts to match the request HTTP method against a key in the given record of method => handlers. If it matches the HTTP method, the associated handler is calledā€¦

() => {
  return new Response("Hello world");

So, this will be the handler function for GET /hello, the function is passed the Request and returns a Response.

But what if the user hits GET /other, and byPattern doesnā€™t match the pattern?

Well the function can return null to indicate that this request cannot be handled, and this is where handle comes in. It can take an array of handlers, and try each one until a non-null response is returned, and if no response comes a fallback handler is invoked. By default returning a 404 Not Found, but a different fallback function can be supplied where necessary.

Although handle itself is just a convenience function for a common combination of cascade and withFallback functions, which can be used independently for a more flexible approach. See below for the full documentation of these.

You can read more about the concepts in the blog, although it may not remain totally up to date with the state of this library.

Common handler concepts

Response or null

Although based on Request => Response functions, there is a little more to it than that, for example, many functions produced by the by* helpers may also return null instead of a Response, and where a regular handler is required the withFallback function can be used to catch the null and return a concrete Response. The Response or null may also be as a promise.

Additional arguments

Also, many handlers may also accept additional arguments beyond the first Request, for example, in the case of byPatten(pattern, handler), the handler is given the request and the pattern match result as argumentsā€¦

((request: Request, match: URLPatternResult) => Awaitable<Response | null>);

Argument shunting

Most of the by* helpers will pass arguments on as is, or shunt the arguments along if they want to introduce their own, so for example, byPattern(pattern, handler) returns a handler with the type:

(request: Request, ...additionalArgs: SomeArgsType) => ...

but the actual handler you pass to it is actuallyā€¦

(request: Request, match: URLPatternResult, ...additionalArgs: SomeArgsType) => ...

It has the extra match argument insert before all other arguments that are just passed along.

This allows the handlers created via by* helpers to work with a wide variety of other frameworks, as itā€™s totally agnostic to the extra arguments beyond the Request. So when you use these functions with Deno.serve for example, your pattern handler function will actually have the signature:

(request: Request, match: URLPatternResult, info: Deno.ServeHandlerInfo) => ...

So you still have this extra context available to you in your handler.

Take a look inside

This is just a library of functions, and these are kept as simple a possible with the intention that it is easy to take a look inside of each function and see exactly what it does, the documentation below links to the source of each function and an example of itā€™s usage, and I encourage you follow these and take a good look at the code.

Also, in general each module represents a single function, intended to be imported individually, so you only import exactly what you need, not a mountain of unused features. Youā€™ll find no mod.ts or deps.ts around here.


There are many examples that can be executed directly, and many tests for these examples.

You can run them after cloning this repo, for example:

deno run -A --import-map=examples/import_map.json examples/logging.ts

or (using a task defined in the deno.json file)

deno task example examples/logging.ts

(NOTE: The above will map the imports to use the local http_fns modules rather than fetching from

or directly from

deno run -A

or directly from GitHub:

deno run -A

Many of the examples have accompanying tests, which I hope to improve coverage of as time permits. Iā€™d encourage you to take a look at the tests to see how each example can be exercised. You can also run the whole test suite simply with:

deno task test



handle(handlers, fallback) => Handler

Module | Example

This is the top-level function youā€™ll use to form a router.

You pass it a list of handlers, each handler may return either a Response or a null. If the handler returns null, the next handler is called until a Response is returned, or it will end by calling the optional fallback handler which must return a Response.

The default fallback is to return a 404 Not Found response.

(handle is actually just a shortcut for cascade & withFallback, discussed later)


byPattern(pattern, handler) => Handler

Module | Example

Every router needs a way to delegate by actual path or URL. byPattern provides that using the standard URLPattern.

It can take a pattern or array of patterns, and the handler to be called on a successful match.

The pattern can be a string (to match just the path), a URLPatternInit which can declare patterns for other parts of the URL, or a pre-constructed URLPattern itself.

The handler created will attempt to match the Request URL against each given pattern in order until one matches, and then call the delegate handler (passed in the 2nd arg of byPattern), with the Request and the URLPatternResult:

(req: Request, match: URLPatternResult) => Response | null | Promise<Response | null>

If no pattern matches, the handler returns null, allowing the request to cascade to the next handler in the array of handlers passed to handle (or cascade).


bySubPattern(pattern, handler) => Handler

Module | Example

Match a child route pattern after already matching a parent pattern.


byMethod({ METHOD: handler }, fallback) => Handler

Module | Example

Select a handler based on the request method.


byMediaType({ "media/type": handler }, fallbackExt, fallbackAccept) => Handler

Module | Example

Select the most appropriate handler based on the desired media-type of the request.



cascade(...handlers) => Handler

Module | Example

Attempt each handler in turn until one returns a Response.


withFallback(handler, fallback) => Handler

Module | Example | Example

Provide a fallback Response should the handler ā€˜skipā€™ (ie. return no response).


lazy(module url or loader) => Handler


Dynamically load a handler when first required.



staticRoute(pattern, fileRootUrl, options) => Handler

Module | Example

Serve static files.



intercept(handler, ...interceptors) => Handler

Module | Example

Modify the Request and/or Response around the handler, and handle errors.


interceptResponse(handler, ...responseInterceptors) => Handler

Module | Example

Modify the Response from a handler.


skip(...status) => ResponseInterceptor

Module | Example

Use with interceptResponse to convert Responses of the given status to a ā€˜skippedā€™ response.


byStatus(status, interceptor) => ResponseInterceptor

Module | Example

Create a Response Interceptor that matches the status of the Response.


logging() => Interceptors

Module | Example

A set of standard logging interceptors.


cors(options) => ResponseInterceptor


A response intercept that adds the appropriate CORS headers, and handles the OPTIONS request.

Filesystem based handlers

Route discovery

Module | Example

Walk the filesystem discovering potential routes and handlers modules.

Router module generation

Module | Example script | Example of generated routes | Example router

Generate a TypeScript module that exports a routing handler of discovered modules, using byPattern.

Dynamic runtime router

dynamicRoute(options) => Handler

Module | Example

A handler that performs route discovery dynamically at runtime.



