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HTTP implementation utility collection
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variable db
import { db } from "";


{ a-im: { listable: true; }; accept: { listable: true; }; accept-additions: { }; accept-ch: { listable: true; }; accept-charset: { forbidden: true; listable: true; }; accept-datetime: { }; accept-encoding: { forbidden: true; listable: true; }; accept-features: { listable: true; }; accept-language: { listable: true; }; accept-patch: { listable: true; }; accept-post: { listable: true; }; accept-ranges: { listable: false; }; access-control: { }; access-control-allow-credentials: { listable: false; }; access-control-allow-headers: { listable: true; }; access-control-allow-methods: { listable: true; }; access-control-allow-origin: { listable: false; }; access-control-expose-headers: { listable: true; }; access-control-max-age: { listable: false; }; access-control-request-headers: { forbidden: true; listable: true; }; access-control-request-method: { forbidden: true; listable: false; }; age: { singleton: true; listable: false; }; allow: { listable: true; }; alpn: { listable: true; }; alt-svc: { listable: true; }; alt-used: { listable: false; }; alternates: { listable: true; }; amp-cache-transform: { listable: true; }; apply-to-redirect-ref: { listable: false; }; authentication-control: { listable: true; }; authentication-info: { listable: true; }; authorization: { singleton: true; listable: false; }; c-ext: { }; c-man: { }; c-opt: { }; c-pep: { }; c-pep-info: { }; cache-control: { cors-safe: true; listable: true; }; cache-status: { listable: true; }; cal-managed-id: { listable: false; }; caldav-timezones: { listable: false; }; capsule-protocol: { }; cdn-cache-control: { }; cdn-loop: { listable: true; }; cert-not-after: { }; cert-not-before: { }; clear-site-data: { listable: true; }; close: { }; configuration-context: { listable: false; }; connection: { forbidden: true; listable: true; }; content-base: { listable: false; }; content-disposition: { listable: false; }; content-encoding: { listable: true; }; content-id: { listable: false; }; content-language: { cors-safe: true; listable: true; }; content-length: { singleton: true; cors-safe: true; forbidden: true; listable: false; }; content-location: { singleton: true; listable: false; }; content-md5: { listable: false; }; content-range: { singleton: true; listable: false; }; content-script-type: { }; content-security-policy: { listable: true; commaa: false; }; content-security-policy-report-only: { listable: true; }; content-style-type: { }; content-type: { singleton: true; cors-safe: true; listable: true; }; content-version: { listable: false; }; cookie: { forbidden: true; }; cookie2: { forbidden: true; }; cross-origin-embedder-policy: { listable: false; }; cross-origin-embedder-policy-report-only: { listable: false; }; cross-origin-opener-policy: { listable: false; }; cross-origin-opener-policy-report-only: { listable: false; }; cross-origin-resource-policy: { listable: false; }; dasl: { listable: true; }; date: { singleton: true; forbidden: true; listable: false; }; dav: { listable: true; }; default-style: { }; delta-base: { listable: false; }; depth: { listable: false; }; derived-from: { listable: false; }; destination: { listable: false; }; differential-id: { }; digest: { listable: true; }; early-data: { listable: false; }; ediint-features: { listable: true; }; etag: { singleton: true; listable: false; }; expect: { singleton: true; forbidden: true; listable: true; }; expect-ct: { listable: true; }; expires: { singleton: true; cors-safe: true; listable: false; }; ext: { listable: false; }; forwarded: { listable: true; }; from: { listable: false; }; getprofile: { }; hobareg: { listable: false; }; host: { singleton: true; forbidden: true; listable: false; }; http2-settings: { listable: false; }; if: { }; if-match: { listable: true; }; if-modified-since: { singleton: true; listable: false; }; if-none-match: { listable: true; }; if-range: { singleton: true; listable: false; }; if-schedule-tag-match: { listable: false; }; if-unmodified-since: { singleton: true; listable: false; }; im: { listable: true; }; include-referred-token-binding-id: { listable: false; }; isolation: { }; keep-alive: { forbidden: true; listable: true; }; label: { listable: false; }; last-event-id: { }; last-modified: { singleton: true; cors-safe: true; listable: false; }; link: { listable: true; }; location: { singleton: true; listable: false; }; lock-token: { listable: false; }; man: { listable: true; }; max-forwards: { singleton: true; listable: false; }; memento-datetime: { }; meter: { listable: true; }; method-check: { listable: false; }; method-check-expires: { listable: false; }; mime-version: { listable: false; }; negotiate: { listable: true; }; odata-entityid: { listable: false; }; odata-isolation: { listable: false; }; odata-maxversion: { listable: false; }; odata-version: { listable: false; }; opt: { listable: true; }; optional-www-authenticate: { listable: true; }; ordering-type: { listable: false; }; origin: { singleton: true; forbidden: true; listable: false; }; origin-agent-cluster: { listable: false; }; oscore: { }; oslc-core-version: { listable: false; }; overwrite: { listable: false; }; p3p: { }; pep: { listable: true; }; pep-info: { listable: true; }; pics-label: { listable: false; }; ping-from: { }; ping-to: { }; position: { listable: false; }; pragma: { cors-safe: true; listable: false; }; prefer: { listable: true; }; preference-applied: { listable: true; }; priority: { }; profileobject: { }; protocol: { }; protocol-info: { listable: true; }; protocol-query: { }; protocol-request: { }; proxy-authenticate: { forbidden: true; listable: true; }; proxy-authentication-info: { forbidden: true; listable: true; }; proxy-authorization: { singleton: true; listable: false; }; proxy-features: { forbidden: true; listable: false; }; proxy-instruction: { forbidden: true; listable: false; }; proxy-status: { forbidden: true; listable: true; }; public: { listable: true; }; public-key-pins: { }; public-key-pins-report-only: { }; range: { singleton: true; listable: false; }; redirect-ref: { listable: false; }; referer: { singleton: true; forbidden: true; listable: false; }; referer-root: { listable: false; }; refresh: { }; repeatability-client-id: { }; repeatability-first-sent: { }; repeatability-request-id: { }; repeatability-result: { }; replay-nonce: { listable: false; }; retry-after: { singleton: true; listable: false; }; safe: { listable: false; }; schedule-reply: { listable: false; }; schedule-tag: { listable: false; }; sec-gpc: { forbidden: true; listable: false; }; sec-token-binding: { forbidden: true; listable: false; }; sec-websocket-accept: { forbidden: true; listable: false; }; sec-websocket-extensions: { forbidden: true; listable: true; }; sec-websocket-key: { forbidden: true; listable: false; }; sec-websocket-protocol: { forbidden: true; listable: true; }; sec-websocket-version: { forbidden: true; listable: true; }; security-scheme: { }; server: { singleton: true; listable: false; }; server-timing: { listable: true; }; set-cookie: { listable: false; }; set-cookie2: { listable: true; }; setprofile: { }; slug: { listable: false; }; soapaction: { listable: false; }; status-uri: { }; strict-transport-security: { listable: false; }; sunset: { listable: false; }; surrogate-capability: { listable: true; }; surrogate-control: { listable: true; }; tcn: { listable: true; }; te: { forbidden: true; listable: true; }; timeout: { listable: true; }; timing-allow-origin: { listable: true; }; topic: { listable: false; }; traceparent: { listable: false; }; tracestate: { listable: true; }; trailer: { forbidden: true; listable: true; }; transfer-encoding: { forbidden: true; listable: true; }; ttl: { listable: false; }; upgrade: { forbidden: true; listable: true; }; urgency: { listable: false; }; uri: { }; user-agent: { singleton: true; listable: false; }; variant-vary: { listable: true; }; vary: { listable: true; }; via: { forbidden: true; listable: true; }; want-digest: { listable: true; }; warning: { listable: false; }; www-authenticate: { listable: false; }; x-content-type-options: { listable: false; }; x-frame-options: { listable: false; }; *: { }; }