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With thorough IntelliSense support & 100% test coverage, this is an unopinionated async/await API wrapper for Hypixel's Public API. It is developed in TypeScript complete with documentation, typed interfaces for all API responses (and an OpenAPI 3.0 schema!), built-in rate-limit handling, flexible cache support, helper functions, and support for undocumented endpoints.
import { EventEmitter } from "";import { URL } from "";import { GenericHTTPError } from "./errors/GenericHTTPError.ts";import { InvalidKeyError } from "./errors/InvalidKeyError.ts";import { FindGuild } from "./methods/findGuild.ts";import { Friends } from "./methods/friends.ts";import { Guild } from "./methods/guild.ts";import { Player } from "./methods/player.ts";import { RecentGames } from "./methods/recentGames.ts";import { Resources } from "./methods/resources/index.ts";import { SkyBlock } from "./methods/skyblock/index.ts";import { Status } from "./methods/status.ts";import type { Components, Paths } from "./types/api.ts";import { Queue } from "./util/Queue.ts";import { request } from "./util/Request.ts";import { getResultObject, ResultObject } from "./util/ResultObject.ts";
/** @internal */export interface ActionableCall<T extends Components.Schemas.ApiSuccess> { execute: () => Promise<T>; retries: number; noRateLimit: boolean; includeApiKey: boolean;}
/** @hidden */export interface RateLimitData { /** * Remaining API calls until the limit resets. */ remaining: number; /** * Time, in seconds, until remaining resets to limit. */ reset: number; /** * How many requests per minute your API key can make. */ limit: number;}
/** * Possible meta options returned on the meta variable. */export interface DefaultMeta { /** * If this request required an API key it returned rate limit information in the headers, which is included here. */ ratelimit?: RateLimitData; /** * If you included a cache get/set method in the options, this value will be set to true if that cache was hit. */ cached?: boolean; /** * Data from CloudFlare's headers in regards to caching - particularly relevant for resources endpoints. */ cloudflareCache?: { /** * Cloudflare cache status. */ status: "HIT" | "MISS" | "BYPASS" | "EXPIRED" | "DYNAMIC"; /** * Cloudflare cache age. */ age?: number; /** * Cloudflare max cache age. */ maxAge?: number; };}
/** @hidden */export interface RequestOptions { url: string; timeout: number; userAgent: string; noRateLimit: boolean; getRateLimitHeaders: Client["getRateLimitHeaders"];}
/** @hidden */export interface Parameters { [parameter: string]: string;}
/** * If you want built in caching, implementing these methods (or utilitizing an library that includes these methods) is a must. Refer to the [cache]( guide. */export interface BasicCache { get<T extends Components.Schemas.ApiSuccess>( key: string ): Promise<(T & DefaultMeta) | undefined>; set<T extends Components.Schemas.ApiSuccess>( key: string, value: T & DefaultMeta ): Promise<void>;}
export interface ClientOptions { /** * Amount of times to retry a failed request. * @default 3 */ retries?: number; /** * The time, in milliseconds, you want to wait before giving up on the method call. * * **NOTE:** This option is ignored when being [used in Deno]( * @default 10000 */ timeout?: number; /** * User agent the client uses when making calls to Hypixel's API * @default @zikeji/hypixel */ userAgent?: string; /** * Functions you want to use for caching results. Optional. */ cache?: BasicCache;}
interface ClientEvents { limited: (limit: number, reset: Date) => void; reset: () => void;}
export declare interface Client { /** * Listen to the "limited" event which emits when the client starts limiting your calls due to hitting the rate limit. * @category Events */ on(event: "limited", listener: (limit: number, reset: Date) => void): this;
/** * Listen to the "reset" event which emits when the API rate limit resets. * @category Events */ on(event: "reset", listener: () => void): this;
/** * Listen once to the "limited" event which emits when the client starts limiting your calls due to hitting the rate limit. * @category Events */ once(event: "limited", listener: (limit: number, reset: Date) => void): this;
/** * Listen once to the "reset" event which emits when the API rate limit resets. * @category Events */ once(event: "reset", listener: () => void): this;
/** * Remove your function listening to the "limited" event. * @category Events */ off(event: "limited", listener: () => void): this;
/** * Remove your function listening to the "reset" event. * @category Events */ off(event: "reset", listener: () => void): this;}
export class Client { /** @internal */ private static readonly endpoint = new URL(``); /** @internal */ private readonly emitter = new EventEmitter(); /** @internal */ private readonly queue = new Queue(); /** @internal */ private readonly apiKey: string; /** @internal */ private readonly retries: number; /** @internal */ private readonly timeout: number; /** @internal */ private readonly userAgent: string; /** @internal */ private readonly cache?: ClientOptions["cache"];
/** @internal */ protected rateLimit: RateLimitData = { remaining: -1, reset: -1, limit: -1, };
/** * Create a new instance of the API client. * @param key Your Hypixel API key. * @param options Any options and customizations being applied. */ public constructor(key: string, options?: ClientOptions) { if (!key || typeof key !== "string") { throw new InvalidKeyError("Invalid API key"); } this.apiKey = key; this.retries = options?.retries ?? 3; this.timeout = options?.timeout ?? 10000; this.userAgent = options?.userAgent ?? "@zikeji/hypixel"; this.cache = options?.cache; }
public on<E extends keyof ClientEvents>( event: E, listener: ClientEvents[E] ): this { this.emitter.on(event, listener); return this; }
public once<E extends keyof ClientEvents>( event: E, listener: ClientEvents[E] ): this { this.emitter.once(event, listener); return this; }
public off<E extends keyof ClientEvents>( event: E, listener: ClientEvents[E] ): this {, listener); return this; }
/** * Returns list of boosters. * @example * ```typescript * const boosters = await client.boosters(); * console.log(boosters); * ``` * @category API */ public async boosters(): Promise< ResultObject<Paths.Boosters.Get.Responses.$200, ["success"]> > { return getResultObject( await<Paths.Boosters.Get.Responses.$200>("boosters"), ["success"] ); }
/** * Returns the id of the requested guild if found. * @example * ```typescript * const { guild } = await client.findGuild.byUuid("20934ef9488c465180a78f861586b4cf"); * console.log(guild); * // 553490650cf26f12ae5bac8f * ``` * @category API */ public findGuild: FindGuild = new FindGuild(this);
/** * Returns friendships for given player. * @example * ```typescript * const friends = await client.friends.uuid("20934ef9488c465180a78f861586b4cf"); * console.log(friends); * ``` * @category API */ public friends: Friends = new Friends(this);
/** * Returns the current player count along with the player count of each public game + mode on the server. * @example * ```typescript * const response = await client.gameCounts(); * console.log(response); * ``` * @category API */ public async gameCounts(): Promise< ResultObject<Paths.GameCounts.Get.Responses.$200, ["success"]> > { return getResultObject( await<Paths.GameCounts.Get.Responses.$200>("gameCounts"), ["success"] ); }
/** * Returns the guild by the requested ID if found. * @example * ```typescript * const guild = await"553490650cf26f12ae5bac8f"); * ``` * @category API */ public guild: Guild = new Guild(this);
/** * Returns information regarding given key. * @example * ```typescript * const key = await client.key(); * console.log(key); * ``` * @category API */ public async key(): Promise< ResultObject<Paths.Key.Get.Responses.$200, ["record"]> > { return getResultObject( await<Paths.Key.Get.Responses.$200>("key"), ["record"] ); }
/** * Returns a list of the official leaderboards and their current standings for games on the network. * @example * ```typescript * const leaderboards = await client.leaderboards(); * console.log(leaderboards); * ``` * @category API */ public async leaderboards(): Promise< ResultObject<Paths.Leaderboards.Get.Responses.$200, ["leaderboards"]> > { return getResultObject( await<Paths.Leaderboards.Get.Responses.$200>("leaderboards"), ["leaderboards"] ); }
/** * Returns a player's data, such as game stats. * @example * ```typescript * const player = await client.player.uuid("20934ef9488c465180a78f861586b4cf"); * console.log(player); * ``` * @category API */ public player: Player = new Player(this);
/** * Returns current player count. * @example * ```typescript * const response = await client.playerCounts(); * console.log(response); * ``` * @category API */ public async playerCount(): Promise< ResultObject<Paths.PlayerCount.Get.Responses.$200, ["success"]> > { return getResultObject( await<Paths.PlayerCount.Get.Responses.$200>("playerCount"), ["success"] ); }
/** * Returns recent games of a player. A maximum of 100 games are returned and recent games are only stored for up to 3 days at this time. * @example * ```typescript * const response = await client.recentGames.uuid("20934ef9488c465180a78f861586b4cf"); * console.log(response); * ``` * @category API */ public recentGames: RecentGames = new RecentGames(this);
/** * Relatively static Hypixel resources that don't change often at all. * @category API */ public resources: Resources = new Resources(this);
/** * All SkyBlock related endpoints. * @category API */ public skyblock: SkyBlock = new SkyBlock(this);
/** * Returns online status information for given player, including game, mode and map when available. * @example * ```typescript * const response = await client.status.uuid("20934ef9488c465180a78f861586b4cf"); * console.log(response); * ``` * @category API */ public status: Status = new Status(this);
/** * Returns some statistics about Watchdog & bans. * @example * ```typescript * const response = await client.watchdogstats(); * console.log(response); * // { * // watchdog_lastMinute: 1, * // staff_rollingDaily: 3014, * // watchdog_total: 5589923, * // watchdog_rollingDaily: 4662, * // staff_total: 1874174 * // } * ``` * @category API */ public async watchdogstats(): Promise< ResultObject<Paths.Watchdogstats.Get.Responses.$200, ["success"]> > { return getResultObject( await<Paths.Watchdogstats.Get.Responses.$200>("watchdogstats"), ["success"] ); }
/** * The raw query method used by this library. You may use this if you need to use an undocumented method with this library. * * @category Custom * @param path The path on the method you want to query. * @param parameters Any search parameters you want to use. * @typeParam T As all of Hypixel's API methods return a basic `{ success: boolean; cause?: string; }`, this type parameter (if using Typescript) extends an interface including those. * @example * Getting the ID of a guild using the [findGuild]( method. * ```javascript * const response = await"findGuild", { byName: "Mini Squid" }); * console.log(response); * // { success: true, guild: '553490650cf26f12ae5bac8f' } * ``` */ public async call<T extends Components.Schemas.ApiSuccess>( path: string, parameters: Parameters = {} ): Promise<T & { cached?: boolean }> { if (!this.cache) { return this.executeActionableCall( this.createActionableCall(path, parameters) ); } const key = `${path.split("/").join(":")}${ Object.values(parameters).length === 0 ? "" : `:${Object.values(parameters).map((v) => v.toLowerCase().replace(/-/g, "") )}` }`; const cachedResponse: | (T & { cached?: boolean }) | undefined = await this.cache.get<T>(key); if (cachedResponse) { cachedResponse.cached = true; return cachedResponse; } const response: T = await this.executeActionableCall( this.createActionableCall(path, parameters) ); await this.cache.set(key, response); return response; }
/** @internal */ private async executeActionableCall<T extends Components.Schemas.ApiSuccess>( call: ActionableCall<T> ): Promise<T> { await this.queue.wait(); if (this.rateLimit.remaining === 0) { const timeout = this.rateLimit.reset * 1000; this.emitter.emit( "limited", this.rateLimit.limit, new Date( + timeout) ); await new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, timeout); }); this.emitter.emit("reset"); } let response: T & DefaultMeta; try { response = await call.execute(); } catch (error) { /* istanbul ignore else */ if ( error instanceof InvalidKeyError || error instanceof GenericHTTPError || /* istanbul ignore next */ call.retries === this.retries ) { throw error; } /* istanbul ignore next */ call.retries += 1; /* istanbul ignore next */ return this.executeActionableCall<T>(call); } finally {; } if (typeof response === "object" && !call.noRateLimit) { response.ratelimit = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.rateLimit)); } return response; }
/** @internal */ private createActionableCall<T extends Components.Schemas.ApiSuccess>( path: string, /* istanbul ignore next */ parameters: Parameters = {} ): ActionableCall<T> { let noRateLimit = false; let includeApiKey = true;
// No API key or rate limiting is needed on resources, skyblock/auctions, or skyblock/bazaar if ( path.startsWith("resources") || path === "skyblock/auctions" || path === "skyblock/auctions_ended" || path === "skyblock/bazaar" ) { noRateLimit = true; includeApiKey = false; }
return { execute: this.callMethod.bind( this, path, parameters, noRateLimit, includeApiKey ), retries: 0, noRateLimit, includeApiKey, } as ActionableCall<T>; }
/** @internal */ private callMethod< T extends Components.Schemas.ApiSuccess & { cause?: string; } & { cloudflareCache?: DefaultMeta["cloudflareCache"] } >( path: string, parameters: Parameters, noRateLimit: boolean, includeApiKey: boolean ): Promise<T> { const url = new URL(path, Client.endpoint); Object.keys(parameters).forEach((param) => { url.searchParams.set(param, parameters[param]); });
if (includeApiKey) { url.searchParams.set("key", this.apiKey); }
return request({ url: url.toString(), userAgent: this.userAgent, timeout: this.timeout, noRateLimit, getRateLimitHeaders: this.getRateLimitHeaders.bind(this), }); }
/** @internal */ private getRateLimitHeaders(headers: Record<string, string>): void { Object.keys(this.rateLimit).forEach((key) => { const headerKey = `ratelimit-${key}`; if (headerKey in headers) { this.rateLimit[key as keyof Client["rateLimit"]] = parseInt( headers[headerKey] as string, 10 ); } }); }}
export default Client;