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With thorough IntelliSense support & 100% test coverage, this is an unopinionated async/await API wrapper for Hypixel's Public API. It is developed in TypeScript complete with documentation, typed interfaces for all API responses (and an OpenAPI 3.0 schema!), built-in rate-limit handling, flexible cache support, helper functions, and support for undocumented endpoints.
import * as hypixel from "";


This helper will transform NBT data into a typed object using prismarine-nbt. It will also transform any backpacks/bags with item data so you can explore those as well.


Generally shows up on SkyBlock unique potions.

An extremely common NBTTag property containing the name and lore that show up when you hover over the item.

Basic enchantment information for the inventory item.

Extra attributes that appear on extraAttributes property of the NBTTag property. Commonly used to describe items in more detail and their underlying settings.

If the inventory item is a potion, this property will describe the effects of that potion.

The NBT information for a slot in the inventory you are reading.

If the NBTInventoryItem is a skull type this will describe it's skull information.

If an inventory slot contains tag data, this interface describes possible values commonly seen in observations of the inventory data.

Type Aliases

Array of inventory slots. If that slot is empty it will be null, otherwise it will be an object containing the data.