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With thorough IntelliSense support & 100% test coverage, this is an unopinionated async/await API wrapper for Hypixel's Public API. It is developed in TypeScript complete with documentation, typed interfaces for all API responses (and an OpenAPI 3.0 schema!), built-in rate-limit handling, flexible cache support, helper functions, and support for undocumented endpoints.
interface NBTSkullOwner
import { type NBTSkullOwner } from "";

If the NBTInventoryItem is a skull type this will describe it's skull information.


Id: string
Properties: { timestamp?: number; profileId?: number; profileName?: number; signatureRequired?: boolean; textures: { SKIN: { url: string; }; }; } | null
ExtraProperties: NonNullable<NBTSkullOwner["Properties"]>[]

If the original textures array had more than 1 element, the first will appear under Properties and the remainder will appear in this array below.