No-bullshit indexedDB wrapper functions with promises, iterators and shortcuts.
Getting started
import * as idbx from "";
const req ="testdb", 1);
// upgrade the database
req.upgrade((event) => {
const db =;
const store = db.createObjectStore("store");
store.createIndex("name", "name", { unique: true });
const db = await req.ready;
// open a transaction
const tx = db.transaction("store", "readwrite");
// get a store
const store = tx.objectStore("store");
// add items
await idbx.add(store, { name: "foo" });
await idbx.add(store, { name: "bar" });
// add multiple items
await idbx.addBulk(store, [{ name: "baz" }, { name: "qux" }]);
const items = await idbx.getAll(store);
functions string, version?: number)
Returns a promise that resolves to an IDBDatabase instance.
const req = await"testdb", 1);
// upgrade the database
req.upgrade((event) => {
const db =;
// ...
req.blocked((event) => {
// ...
const db = await req.ready;
// ...
idbx.add(store: IDBObjectStore, item: T, key?: IDBValidKey)
Adds an item to the store. Returns a promise that resolves to the key of the added item.
const key = await idbx.add(store, { name: "foo" });
idbx.addBulk(store: IDBObjectStore, items: T[], key?: IDBValidKey)
Adds multiple items to the store. Returns a promise that resolves to the keys of the added items.
const keys = await idbx.addBulk(store, [{ name: "foo" }, { name: "bar" }]);
idbx.put(store: IDBObjectStore, item: T, key?: IDBValidKey)
Adds or updates an item in the store. Returns a promise that resolves to the key of the added or updated item.
const key = await idbx.put(store, { name: "foo" });
idbx.putBulk(store: IDBObjectStore, items: T[], key?: IDBValidKey)
Adds or updates multiple items in the store. Returns a promise that resolves to the keys of the added or updated items.
const keys = await idbx.putBulk(store, [{ name: "foo" }, { name: "bar" }]);
idbx.del(store: IDBObjectStore, key: IDBValidKey)
Deletes an item from the store. Returns a promise that resolves to undefined.
await idbx.del(store, 1);
idbx.delBulk(store: IDBObjectStore, keys: IDBValidKey[])
Deletes multiple items from the store. Returns a promise that resolves to undefined.
await idbx.delBulk(store, [1, 2]);
idbx.get(store: IDBObjectStore, key: IDBValidKey)
Returns a promise that resolves to the item with the given key.
const item = await idbx.get(store, 1);
idbx.getAll(store: IDBObjectStore, query?: IDBValidKeyRange)
Returns a promise that resolves to all items in the store.
const items = await idbx.getAll(store);
idbx.getAllKeys(store: IDBObjectStore, query?: IDBValidKeyRange)
Returns a promise that resolves to all keys in the store.
const keys = await idbx.getAllKeys(store);
idbx.getKey(store: IDBObjectStore, key: IDBValidKey)
Returns a promise that resolves to the key of the item with the given key.
const key = await idbx.getKey(store, 1);
idbx.clear(store: IDBObjectStore)
Clears the store. Returns a promise that resolves to undefined.
await idbx.clear(store);
idbx.count(store: IDBObjectStore, key?: IDBValidKey)
Returns a promise that resolves to the number of items in the store.
const count = await idbx.count(store);
idbx.batch(db: IDBDatabase, commands: IDBXCommand[], mode?: IDBTransactionMode)
Runs multiple commands in a single transaction. Returns a promise that resolves to the result of the last command.
const result = await idbx.batch(db, [
{ command: "add", store: "store", item: { name: "foo" } },
{ command: "add", store: "store", item: { name: "bar" } },
{ command: "getAll", store: "store" },
], "readwrite");
idbx.openCursor(store: IDBObjectStore, query?: IDBValidKeyRange)
Returns a promise that resolves to an IDBCursor instance.
const cursor = idbx.openCursor(store);
for await (const item of cursor) {
idbx.openKeyCursor(store: IDBObjectStore, query?: IDBValidKeyRange)
Returns a promise that resolves to an IDBCursor instance.
const cursor = idbx.openKeyCursor(store);
for await (const key of cursor) {