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// Copyright Dirk Lemstra Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.import { ImageMagick } from "../../image-magick.ts";import { MagickError } from "../../magick-error.ts";import { MagickErrorSeverity } from "../../magick-error-severity.ts";import { Pointer } from "../pointer/pointer.ts";import { _createString } from "../native/string.ts";
/** @internal */export class Exception { private readonly pointer: Pointer;
private constructor(pointer: Pointer) { this.pointer = pointer; }
get ptr(): number { return this.pointer.ptr; }
check<TReturnType>( success: () => TReturnType, error: () => TReturnType, ): TReturnType { if (this.isError()) { return error(); }
return success(); }
static usePointer<TReturnType>( func: (exception: number) => TReturnType, ): TReturnType { return Pointer.use((pointer) => { const result = func(pointer.ptr);
return Exception.checkException(pointer, result); }); }
static use<TReturnType>( func: (exception: Exception) => TReturnType, ): TReturnType { return Pointer.use((pointer) => { const result = func(new Exception(pointer));
return Exception.checkException(pointer, result); }); }
private static checkException<TReturnType>( exception: Pointer, result: TReturnType, ): TReturnType { if (!Exception.isRaised(exception)) { return result; }
const severity = Exception.getErrorSeverity(exception.value); if (severity >= MagickErrorSeverity.Error) { Exception.throw(exception, severity); } else { Exception.dispose(exception); }
return result; }
private isError() { if (!Exception.isRaised(this.pointer)) { return false; }
const severity = Exception.getErrorSeverity(this.pointer.value); return severity >= MagickErrorSeverity.Error; }
private static getErrorSeverity(exception: number): MagickErrorSeverity { return ImageMagick._api._MagickExceptionHelper_Severity( exception, ) as MagickErrorSeverity; }
private static isRaised(exception: Pointer): boolean { return exception.value !== 0; }
private static throw( exception: Pointer, severity: MagickErrorSeverity, ): void { const error = Exception.createError(exception.value, severity);
throw error; }
private static createError( exception: number, severity: MagickErrorSeverity, ): MagickError { const errorMessage = Exception.getMessage(exception); const error = new MagickError(errorMessage, severity);
const nestedCount = ImageMagick._api._MagickExceptionHelper_RelatedCount( exception, ); if (nestedCount === 0) { return error; }
const relatedErrors: MagickError[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < nestedCount; i++) { const related = ImageMagick._api._MagickExceptionHelper_Related( exception, i, ); const relatedSeverity = Exception.getErrorSeverity(related); const relatedError = Exception.createError(related, relatedSeverity); relatedErrors.push(relatedError); }
return error; }
private static getMessage(exception: number): string { const message = ImageMagick._api._MagickExceptionHelper_Message(exception); const description = ImageMagick._api._MagickExceptionHelper_Description( exception, );
let errorMessage = _createString(message, "Unknown error"); if (description !== 0) { errorMessage += `(${ImageMagick._api.UTF8ToString(description)})`; }
return errorMessage; }
private static dispose(exception: Pointer): void { ImageMagick._api._MagickExceptionHelper_Dispose(exception.value); }}