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// Copyright Dirk Lemstra Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.import { ImageMagick } from "./image-magick.ts";import { MagickError } from "./magick-error.ts";import { Quantum } from "./quantum.ts";import { _withString } from "./internal/native/string.ts";
export class MagickColor { private _r = 0; private _g = 0; private _b = 0; private _a = 0; private _k = 0; private _isCmyk = false;
constructor(color?: string); constructor(r: number, g: number, b: number); constructor(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number); constructor(c: number, m: number, y: number, k: number, a: number); constructor( colorOrRed?: string | number, g?: number, b?: number, aOrK?: number, a?: number, ) { if (colorOrRed === undefined) { return; }
if (typeof colorOrRed === "string") { let instance = 0; try { instance = ImageMagick._api._MagickColor_Create(); _withString(colorOrRed, (colorPtr) => { if ( ImageMagick._api._MagickColor_Initialize(instance, colorPtr) === 0 ) { throw new MagickError("invalid color specified"); } this.initialize(instance); }); } finally { ImageMagick._api._free(instance); } } else { this._r = colorOrRed; this._g = g ?? 0; this._b = b ?? 0; if (a === undefined) { this._a = aOrK ?? Quantum.max; } else { this._k = aOrK ?? 0; this._a = a; this._isCmyk = true; } } }
/** @internal */ static _create(colorPtr: number): MagickColor { const color = new MagickColor(); color.initialize(colorPtr);
return color; }
get r(): number { return this._r; } set r(value: number) { this._r = value; }
get g(): number { return this._g; } set g(value: number) { this._g = value; }
get b(): number { return this._b; } set b(value: number) { this._b = value; }
get a(): number { return this._a; } set a(value: number) { this._a = value; }
get k(): number { return this._k; } set k(value: number) { this._k = value; }
get isCmyk(): boolean { return this._isCmyk; }
toShortString(): string { if (this._a !== Quantum.max) { return this.toString(); }
if (this.isCmyk) { return `cmyka(${this._r},${this._g},${this._b},${this._k})`; }
return `#${this.toHex(this._r)}${this.toHex(this._g)}${ this.toHex(this._b) }`; }
toString(): string { if (this.isCmyk) { return `cmyka(${this._r},${this._g},${this._b},${this._k},${ (this._a / Quantum.max).toFixed(4) })`; }
return `#${this.toHex(this._r)}${this.toHex(this._g)}${ this.toHex(this._b) }${this.toHex(this._a)}`; }
/** @internal */ _use(func: (colorPtr: number) => void): void { let instance = 0; try { instance = ImageMagick._api._MagickColor_Create(); ImageMagick._api._MagickColor_Red_Set(instance, this._r); ImageMagick._api._MagickColor_Green_Set(instance, this._g); ImageMagick._api._MagickColor_Blue_Set(instance, this._b); ImageMagick._api._MagickColor_Alpha_Set(instance, this._a); ImageMagick._api._MagickColor_IsCMYK_Set(instance, this._isCmyk ? 1 : 0); func(instance); } finally { ImageMagick._api._free(instance); } }
private initialize(instance: number) { this._r = ImageMagick._api._MagickColor_Red_Get(instance); this._g = ImageMagick._api._MagickColor_Green_Get(instance); this._b = ImageMagick._api._MagickColor_Blue_Get(instance); this._a = ImageMagick._api._MagickColor_Alpha_Get(instance); this._isCmyk = ImageMagick._api._MagickColor_IsCMYK_Get(instance) === 1; }
private toHex(value: number) { return value.toString(16).padStart(2, "0"); }}