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zero-dependency JavaScript image manipulation
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import * as png from './utils/png.js';import * as gif from './utils/gif.js';
/** * Represents an image; provides utility functions */export class Image { /** * This is for internal use. * If you intend on creating a new image, use {@link} or {@link Image.decode} instead. * @param {SharedArrayBuffer} data * @property {number} width The images width * @property {number} height The images height */ constructor(data) { if (!(data instanceof SharedArrayBuffer)) throw new TypeError(`${} is not a constructor. Use \`\` instead`);
/** @private */ this.__array__ = new Uint8ClampedArray(data);
/** * The images RGBA pixel data * @type {Uint8ClampedArray} */ this.bitmap = this.__array__.subarray(4, this.__array__.length);
if (this.bitmap.length !== (this.width * this.height * 4)) throw new Error('Invalid image data');
/** @private */ this.refs = new Array(this.width);
{ let row = 0; let offset = 0; const row_length = 4 * this.width;
while (offset < this.bitmap.length) { this.refs[row++] = new Uint32Array(this.__array__.buffer, 4 + offset, this.width);
offset += row_length; } } }
/** * @private * @returns {string} */ toString() { return `Image<${this.width}x${this.height}>`; }
/** * Creates a new image with the given dimensions * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @param {number} [fillColor = 0] (0..0xffffffff) * @returns {Image} */ static new(width, height, fillColor = 0) { width = ~~width; height = ~~height;
if (width > 0xffff) throw new RangeError('Image width cannot exceed 65535 pixels'); if (width < 1) throw new RangeError('Image has to be at least 1 pixel wide'); if (height > 0xffff) throw new RangeError('Image height cannot exceed 65535 pixels'); if (height < 1) throw new RangeError('Image has to be at least 1 pixel high'); if (width * height > 2048 ** 2) throw new RangeError('Invalid image size (<= 2^22px)');
return Image.__new__(width, height, fillColor); }
/** * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @param {number} fillColor * @returns {Image} * @private */ static __new__(width, height, fillColor = 0) { const data = new SharedArrayBuffer(width * height * 4 + 4); const dataUint8Clamped = new Uint8ClampedArray(data); dataUint8Clamped.set([width >> 8 & 0xff, width & 0xff, height >> 8 & 0xff, height & 0xff]);
const image = new Image(data);
if (fillColor) image.__fast_fill__(Image.colorToRGBA(fillColor));
return image; }
/** * The images width * @returns {number} */ get width() { return (this.__array__[0] << 8) | this.__array__[1]; }
/** * The images height * @returns {number} */ get height() { return (this.__array__[2] << 8) | this.__array__[3]; }
/** * Yields an [x,y] array for every pixel in the image * @yields {[number, number]} The coordinates of the pixel * @returns {void} */ * [Symbol.iterator]() { for (let y = 1; y <= this.height; y++) { for (let x = 1; x <= this.width; x++) { yield [x, y]; } } }
/** * Yields an [x,y,color] array for every pixel in the image * @yields {[number, number, number]} The coordinates and color of the pixel * @returns {void} */ * iterateWithColors() { for (let y = 1; y <= this.height; y++) { for (let x = 1; x <= this.width; x++) { yield [x, y, this.getPixelAt(x, y)]; } } }
/** * Converts RGBA components to an RGBA value * @param {number} r red (0..255) * @param {number} g green (0..255) * @param {number} b blue (0..255) * @param {number} a alpha (0..255) * @returns {number} RGBA value */ static rgbaToColor(r, g, b, a) { return (((r & 0xff) << 24) | ((g & 0xff) << 16) | ((b & 0xff) << 8) | (a & 0xff)) >>> 0; }
/** * Converts RGB components to an RGBA value (assuming alpha = 255) * @param {number} r red (0..255) * @param {number} g green (0..255) * @param {number} b blue (0..255) * @returns {number} RGBA value */ static rgbToColor(r, g, b) { return Image.rgbaToColor(r, g, b, 0xff); }
/** * Converts HSLA colors to RGBA colors * @param {number} h hue (0..1) * @param {number} s saturation (0..1) * @param {number} l lightness (0..1) * @param {number} a opacity (0..1) * @returns {number} color */ static hslaToColor(h, s, l, a) { let r, g, b;
if (s === 0) { r = g = b = l; } else { const hue2rgb = (p, q, t) => { if (t < 0) t += 1; if (t > 1) t -= 1; if (t < 1 / 6) return p + (q - p) * 6 * t; if (t < 1 / 2) return q; if (t < 2 / 3) return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6; return p; };
const q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s; const p = 2 * l - q;
r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1 / 3); g = hue2rgb(p, q, h); b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1 / 3); }
return Image.rgbaToColor(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, a * 255); }
/** * Converts HSL colors to RGBA colors (assuming an opacity of 255) * @param {number} h hue (0..1) * @param {number} s saturation (0..1) * @param {number} l lightness (0..1) * @returns {number} color */ static hslToColor(h, s, l) { return Image.hslaToColor(h, s, l, 1); }
/** * @private */ static rgbaToHsla(r, g, b, a) { return Image.rgbaToHSLA(r, g, b, a); }
/** * Converts an RGBA value to an array of HSLA values * @param r {number} (0..255) * @param g {number} (0..255) * @param b {number} (0..255) * @param a {number} (0..255) * @returns {(number)[]} The HSLA values ([H, S, L, A]) */ static rgbaToHSLA(r, g, b, a) { r /= 255; g /= 255; b /= 255;
const max = Math.max(r, g, b), min = Math.min(r, g, b); let h, s, l = (max + min) / 2;
if (max === min) { h = s = 0; } else { const d = max - min; s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min); switch (max) { case r: h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); break; case g: h = (b - r) / d + 2; break; case b: h = (r - g) / d + 4; break; }
h /= 6; }
return [h, s, l, a / 255]; }
/** * Converts a color value to an array of RGBA values * @param {number} color The color value to convert * @returns {number[]} The RGBA values ([R, G, B, A]) */ static colorToRGBA(color) { return [(color >> 24) & 0xff, (color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff]; }
/** * Converts a color value to an array of RGB values (ignoring the colors alpha) * @param {number} color The color value to convert * @returns {number[]} The RGB values ([R, G, B]) */ static colorToRGB(color) { return Image.colorToRGBA(color).slice(0, 3); }
/** * Gets the pixel color at the specified position * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @returns {number} The color value */ getPixelAt(x, y) { this.__check_boundaries__(x, y); const i = (~~y - 1) * this.width * 4 + (~~x - 1) * 4; const [r, g, b, a] = this.bitmap.subarray(i, i + 4); return Image.rgbaToColor(r, g, b, a); }
/** * Sets the pixel color for the specified position * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {number} pixelColor */ setPixelAt(x, y, pixelColor) { this.__check_boundaries__(x, y); this.__set_pixel__(x, y, pixelColor); return this; }
/** * @private * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {number} pixelColor */ __set_pixel__(x, y, pixelColor) { const i = (~~y - 1) * this.width * 4 + (~~x - 1) * 4; this.bitmap.set(Image.colorToRGBA(pixelColor), i); }
/** * @private * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ __check_boundaries__(x, y) { if (isNaN(x)) throw new TypeError(`Invalid pixel coordinates (x=${x})`); if (isNaN(x)) throw new TypeError(`Invalid pixel coordinates (y=${y})`); if (x < 1) throw new RangeError(`${Image.__out_of_bounds__} (x=${x})<1`); if (x > this.width) throw new RangeError(`${Image.__out_of_bounds__} (x=${x})>(width=${this.width})`); if (y < 1) throw new RangeError(`${Image.__out_of_bounds__} (y=${y})<1`); if (y > this.height) throw new RangeError(`${Image.__out_of_bounds__} (y=${y})>(height=${this.height})`); }
/** * @private */ static get __out_of_bounds__() { return 'Tried referencing a pixel outside of the images boundaries:'; }
/** * @callback colorFunction * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @returns {number} pixel color */
/** * Fills the image data with the supplied color * @param {number|colorFunction} color * @returns {Image} */ fill(color) { const func = typeof color === 'function'; if (func) { for (const [x, y] of this) this.__set_pixel__(x, y, color(x, y)); } else this.__fast_fill__(Image.colorToRGBA(color));
return this; }
/** * @private * @param {number[]} rgba */ __fast_fill__(rgba) { let x = this.width; let y = this.height; while (0 <= --x) this.bitmap.set(rgba, 4 * x); while (0 < --y) this.bitmap.copyWithin(4 * (y * this.width), 0, 4 * this.width); }
/** * Clones the current image * @returns {Image} */ clone() { return new Image(this.__toSharedBuffer__().slice()); }
/** * @private * @returns {ArrayBufferLike<SharedArrayBuffer>} */ __toSharedBuffer__() { return this.__array__.buffer; }
/** * Use {@link Nearest-neighbor} resizing. * @returns {string} */ static get RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR() { return 'RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR'; }
/** * Used for automatically preserving an images aspect ratio when resizing. * @returns {number} */ static get RESIZE_AUTO() { return -1; }
/** * Resizes the image by the given factor * @param {number} factor The factor to resize the image with * @param {string} [mode=Image.RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR] The resizing mode to use * @returns {Image} */ scale(factor, mode = Image.RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR) { if (factor === 1) return this; return this.resize(this.width * factor, this.height * factor, mode); }
/** * Resizes the image to the given dimensions. * Use {@link Image.RESIZE_AUTO} as either width or height to automatically preserve the aspect ratio. * @param {number} width The new width * @param {number} height The new height * @param {string} [mode=Image.RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR] The resizing mode to use * @returns {Image} The resized image */ resize(width, height, mode = Image.RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR) { if (width === Image.RESIZE_AUTO && height === Image.RESIZE_AUTO) throw new Error('RESIZE_AUTO can only be used for either width or height, not for both'); else if (width === Image.RESIZE_AUTO) width = this.width / this.height * height; else if (height === Image.RESIZE_AUTO) height = this.height / this.width * width;
width = Math.floor(width); height = Math.floor(height);
if (width > 0xffff) throw new RangeError('Image width cannot exceed 65535 pixels'); if (width < 1) throw new RangeError('Image has to be at least 1 pixel wide'); if (height > 0xffff) throw new RangeError('Image height cannot exceed 65535 pixels'); if (height < 1) throw new RangeError('Image has to be at least 1 pixel high'); if (width * height > 2048 ** 2) throw new RangeError('Invalid image size (<= 2^22px)');
if (mode === Image.RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR) return this.__resize_nearest_neighbor__(width, height); else throw new Error('Invalid resize mode'); }
/** * @private * @param {number} width The new width * @param {number} height The new height */ __resize_nearest_neighbor__(width, height) { const sharedArrayBuffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(width * height * 4 + 4); const destinationBuffer = new Uint8ClampedArray(sharedArrayBuffer); destinationBuffer.set([width >> 8 & 0xff, width & 0xff, height >> 8 & 0xff, height & 0xff]);
for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) { const ySrc = Math.floor((y * this.height) / height); const xSrc = Math.floor((x * this.width) / width);
const destPos = (y * width + x) * 4; const srcPos = (ySrc * this.width + xSrc) * 4;
destinationBuffer.set(this.bitmap.subarray(srcPos, srcPos + 4), destPos + 4); } }
return this.__apply__(new Image(sharedArrayBuffer)); }
/** * Crops an image to the specified dimensions * @param {number} x The x offset * @param {number} y The y offset * @param {number} width The new images width * @param {number} height The new images height * @returns {Image} */ crop(x, y, width, height) { return this.__apply__(this.__crop__(x, y, width, height)); }
/** * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @returns {Image} * @private */ __crop__(x, y, width, height) { x = ~~x; y = ~~y;
const sharedArrayBuffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(width * height * 4 + 4); const destinationBuffer = new Uint8ClampedArray(sharedArrayBuffer); destinationBuffer.set([width >> 8 & 0xff, width & 0xff, height >> 8 & 0xff, height & 0xff]);
for (let tY = 0; tY < height; tY++) { const idx = ((tY + y) * this.width + x) * 4; const tIdx = tY * width * 4; destinationBuffer.set(this.bitmap.subarray(idx, idx + width * 4), tIdx + 4); }
return new Image(sharedArrayBuffer); }
/** * Draws a box at the specified coordinates * @param {number} x The x offset * @param {number} y The y offset * @param {number} width The box width * @param {number} height The box height * @param {number|colorFunction} color The color to fill the box in with * @returns {Image} */ drawBox(x, y, width, height, color) { if (typeof color === 'function') { for (let tY = 1; tY <= height; tY++) { for (let tX = 1; tX <= width; tX++) { const nX = tX + x; const nY = tY + y; if (Math.min(nX, nY) < 1 || nX > this.width || nY > this.height) continue;
const tC = color(tX, tY); this.__set_pixel__(nX, nY, tC); } } } else return this.__fast_box__(x, y, width, height, color);
return this; }
/** * @private * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @param {number} color */ __fast_box__(x, y, width, height, color) { if (x < 1) { width += x; x = 1; }
if (y < 1) { height += y; y = 1; }
const right = Math.max(Math.min(x + width, this.width), 1); let xPos = right; while (x <= --xPos) this.bitmap.set(Image.colorToRGBA(color), 4 * (xPos + y * this.width)); const end = 4 * (right + y * this.width); const start = 4 * (x + y * this.width);
let bottom = Math.max(Math.min(y + height, this.height), 1); while (y < --bottom) this.bitmap.copyWithin(4 * (x + bottom * this.width), start, end);
return this; }
/** * Draws a circle at the specified coordinates with the specified radius * @param {number} x The center x position * @param {number} y The center y position * @param {number} radius The circles radius * @param {number|colorFunction} color * @returns {Image} */ drawCircle(x, y, radius, color) { const radSquared = radius ** 2; for (let currentY = Math.max(0, y - radius); currentY < Math.min(y + radius, this.height); currentY++) { for (let currentX = Math.max(0, x - radius); currentX < Math.min(x + radius, this.width); currentX++) { if (Math.min(currentY, currentX) < 1 || currentX > this.width || currentY > this.height) continue;
if ((currentX - x) ** 2 + (currentY - y) ** 2 < radSquared) this.__set_pixel__(currentX, currentY, typeof color === 'function' ? color(currentX - x + radius, currentY - y + radius) : color); } }
return this; }
/** * Crops the image into a circle * @param {boolean} [max=false] Whether to use the larger dimension for the size * @param {number} [feathering=0] How much feathering to apply to the edges * @returns {Image} */ cropCircle(max = false, feathering = 0) { const rad = Math[max ? 'max' : 'min'](this.width, this.height) / 2; const radSquared = rad ** 2; const centerX = this.width / 2; const centerY = this.height / 2;
for (const [x, y] of this) { const distanceFromCenter = (x - centerX) ** 2 + (y - centerY) ** 2; const alphaIdx = ((y - 1) * this.width + (x - 1)) * 4 + 3; if (distanceFromCenter > radSquared) this.bitmap[alphaIdx] = 0; else if (feathering) this.bitmap[alphaIdx] *= Math.max(0, Math.min(1, 1 - (distanceFromCenter / radSquared) * feathering ** (1 / 2))); }
return this; }
/** * Sets the images opacity * @param {number} opacity The opacity to apply (0..1) * @param {boolean} absolute Whether to scale the current opacity (false) or just set the new opacity (true) * @returns {Image} */ opacity(opacity, absolute = false) { if (isNaN(opacity) || opacity < 0 || opacity > 1) throw new RangeError('Invalid opacity value');
this.__set_channel_value__(opacity, absolute, 3);
return this; }
/** * Sets the red channels saturation * @param {number} saturation The saturation to apply (0..1) * @param {boolean} absolute Whether to scale the current saturation (false) or just set the new saturation (true) * @returns {Image} */ red(saturation, absolute = false) { if (isNaN(saturation) || saturation < 0 || saturation > 1) throw new RangeError('Invalid saturation value');
this.__set_channel_value__(saturation, absolute, 0);
return this; }
/** * Sets the green channels saturation * @param {number} saturation The saturation to apply (0..1) * @param {boolean} absolute Whether to scale the current saturation (false) or just set the new saturation (true) * @returns {Image} */ green(saturation, absolute = false) { if (isNaN(saturation) || saturation < 0 || saturation > 1) throw new RangeError('Invalid saturation value');
this.__set_channel_value__(saturation, absolute, 1);
return this; }
/** * Sets the blue channels saturation * @param {number} saturation The saturation to apply (0..1) * @param {boolean} absolute Whether to scale the current saturation (false) or just set the new saturation (true) * @returns {Image} */ blue(saturation, absolute = false) { if (isNaN(saturation) || saturation < 0 || saturation > 1) throw new RangeError('Invalid saturation value');
this.__set_channel_value__(saturation, absolute, 2);
return this; }
/** * @private * @param {number} value * @param {boolean} absolute * @param {number} offset */ __set_channel_value__(value, absolute, offset) { for (let i = offset; i < this.bitmap.length; i += 4) this.bitmap[i] = value * (absolute ? 255 : this.bitmap[i]); }
/** * Sets the brightness of the image * @param {number} value The lightness to apply (0..1) * @param {boolean} absolute Whether to scale the current lightness (false) or just set the new lightness (true) * @returns {Image} */ lightness(value, absolute = false) { return this.fill((x, y) => { const [h, s, l, a] = Image.rgbaToHsla(...Image.colorToRGBA(this.getPixelAt(x, y))); return Image.hslaToColor(h, s, value * (absolute ? 1 : l), a); }); }
/** * Sets the saturation of the image * @param {number} value The saturation to apply (0..1) * @param {boolean} absolute Whether to scale the current saturation (false) or just set the new saturation (true) * @returns {Image} */ saturation(value, absolute = false) { return this.fill((x, y) => { const [h, s, l, a] = Image.rgbaToHsla(...Image.colorToRGBA(this.getPixelAt(x, y))); return Image.hslaToColor(h, value * (absolute ? 1 : s), l, a); }); }
/** * Composites (overlays) the source onto this image at the specified coordinates * @param {Image} source The image to place * @param {number} [x=0] The x position to place the image at * @param {number} [y=0] The y position to place the image at * @returns {Image} */ composite(source, x = 0, y = 0) { for (const [sX, sY] of source) { const tX = x + sX; const tY = y + sY;
if (Math.min(tX, tY) < 1 || tX > this.width || tY > this.height) continue;
const bgPixel = this.getPixelAt(tX, tY); const fgPixel = source.getPixelAt(sX, sY); if ((fgPixel & 0xff) === 0xff) this.__set_pixel__(tX, tY, fgPixel); if ((fgPixel & 0xff) === 0x00) this.__set_pixel__(tX, tY, bgPixel); else this.__set_pixel__(tX, tY, Image.__alpha_blend__(fgPixel, bgPixel)); }
return this; }
/** * @private * @param {number} fg * @param {number} bg * @returns {number} */ static __alpha_blend__(fg, bg) { const fgRGBA = Image.colorToRGBA(fg); const bgRGBA = Image.colorToRGBA(bg);
const alpha = fgRGBA[3] + 1; const inv_alpha = 256 - fgRGBA[3];
const rR = (alpha * fgRGBA[0] + inv_alpha * bgRGBA[0]) >> 8; const rG = (alpha * fgRGBA[1] + inv_alpha * bgRGBA[1]) >> 8; const rB = (alpha * fgRGBA[2] + inv_alpha * bgRGBA[2]) >> 8; const rA = Math.max(fgRGBA[3], bgRGBA[3]);
return Image.rgbaToColor(rR, rG, rB, rA); }
/** * Inverts the images colors * @returns {Image} */ invert() { for (const [x, y, color] of this.iterateWithColors()) this.__set_pixel__(x, y, ((0xffffffff - color) & 0xffffff00) | (color & 0xff));
return this; }
/** * Inverts the images value (lightness) * @returns {Image} */ invertValue() { for (const [x, y, color] of this.iterateWithColors()) { const [h, s, l, a] = Image.rgbaToHsla(...Image.colorToRGBA(color)); this.__set_pixel__(x, y, Image.hslaToColor(h, s, 1 - l, a)); }
return this; }
/** * Inverts the images saturation * @returns {Image} */ invertSaturation() { for (const [x, y, color] of this.iterateWithColors()) { const [h, s, l, a] = Image.rgbaToHsla(...Image.colorToRGBA(color)); this.__set_pixel__(x, y, Image.hslaToColor(h, 1 - s, l, a)); }
return this; }
/** * Inverts the images hue * @returns {Image} */ invertHue() { for (const [x, y, color] of this.iterateWithColors()) { const [h, s, l, a] = Image.rgbaToHsla(...Image.colorToRGBA(color)); this.__set_pixel__(x, y, Image.hslaToColor(1 - h, s, l, a)); }
return this; }
/** * Shifts the images hue * @param {number} degrees How many degrees to shift the hue by */ hueShift(degrees) { for (const [x, y, color] of this.iterateWithColors()) { const [h, s, l, a] = Image.rgbaToHsla(...Image.colorToRGBA(color)); this.__set_pixel__(x, y, Image.hslaToColor((h + degrees / 360) % 1, s, l, a)); }
return this; }
/** * Gets the average color of the image * @returns {number} */ averageColor() { let colorAvg = [0, 0, 0]; let divisor = 0; for (const [, , color] of this.iterateWithColors()) { const rgba = Image.colorToRGBA(color); for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) colorAvg[i] += rgba[i]; divisor += rgba[3] / 255; }
return Image.rgbaToColor( => v / divisor), 0xff); }
/** * Rotates the image the given amount of degrees * @param {number} angle The angle to rotate the image for (in degrees) * @param {boolean} resize Whether to resize the image so it fits all pixels or just ignore outlying pixels */ rotate(angle, resize = true) { if (angle % 360 === 0) return this; if (angle % 180 === 0) return this.__rotate_180__();
const rad = Math.PI * (angle / 180);
const sin = Math.sin(rad); const cos = Math.cos(rad);
const width = resize ? Math.abs(this.width * sin) + Math.abs(this.height * cos) : this.width; const height = resize ? Math.abs(this.width * cos) + Math.abs(this.height * sin) : this.height;
const out =, height);
const out_cx = width / 2 - .5; const out_cy = height / 2 - .5; const src_cx = this.width / 2 - .5; const src_cy = this.height / 2 - .5;
let h = 0; do { let w = 0; const ysin = src_cx - sin * (h - out_cy); const ycos = src_cy + cos * (h - out_cy);
do { const xf = ysin + cos * (w - out_cx); const yf = ycos + sin * (w - out_cx); Image.__interpolate__(this, out, w, h, xf, yf); } while (w++ < width); } while (h++ < height);
return this.__apply__(out); }
/** * @returns {Image} * @private */ __rotate_180__() { let offset = 0; this.bitmap.reverse(); while (offset < this.bitmap.length) this.bitmap.subarray(offset, offset += 4).reverse();
return this; }
/** * @param {Image} src * @param {Image} out * @param {number} x0 * @param {number} y0 * @param {number} x1 * @param {number} y1 * @private */ static __interpolate__(src, out, x0, y0, x1, y1) { const x2 = ~~x1; const y2 = ~~y1; const xq = x1 - x2; const yq = y1 - y2; const out_slice = out.bitmap.subarray(4 * (x0 + y0 * out.width), -4);
const ref = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0, };
Image.__pawn__(x2, y2, (1 - xq) * (1 - yq), ref, src); Image.__pawn__(1 + x2, y2, xq * (1 - yq), ref, src); Image.__pawn__(x2, 1 + y2, (1 - xq) * yq, ref, src); Image.__pawn__(1 + x2, 1 + y2, xq * yq, ref, src);
out_slice[3] = ref.a; out_slice[0] = ref.r / ref.a; out_slice[1] = ref.g / ref.a; out_slice[2] = ref.b / ref.a; }
/** @private */ static __pawn__(point0, point1, weight, ref, src) { if ( point0 > 0 && point1 > 0 && point0 < src.width && point1 < src.height ) { const offset = 4 * (point0 + point1 * src.width); const src_slice = src.bitmap.subarray(offset, offset + 4);
const wa = weight * src_slice[3];
ref.a += wa; ref.r += wa * src_slice[0]; ref.g += wa * src_slice[1]; ref.b += wa * src_slice[2]; } }
/** * @private * @param {Image} image * @returns {Image} */ __apply__(image) { this.__array__ = image.__array__; this.bitmap = image.bitmap;
return this; }
/** * Encodes the image into a PNG * @param {number} compression The compression level to use (0-3) * @return {Promise<Uint8Array>} The encoded data */ async encode(compression = 1) { return await png.encode(this.bitmap, {width: this.width, height: this.height, level: compression, channels: 4}); }
/** * Decodes a PNG image * @param {Buffer|Uint8Array} buffer The binary data to decode * @return {Promise<Image>} The decoded image */ static async decode(buffer) { return new Image(await png.decode(new Uint8Array(buffer))); }}
/** * Represents a frame in a GIF * @extends Image */export class Frame extends Image { /** * This is for internal use. * If you intend on creating a frame from an Image, use {@link Frame.from} instead. * @param {SharedArrayBuffer} data * @param {number} [duration = 100] */ constructor(data, duration = 100) { super(data); if (isNaN(duration) || duration < 0 || duration > 0xffff) throw new RangeError('Invalid frame duration'); this.duration = duration; }
toString() { return `Frame<${this.width}x${this.height}x${this.duration}ms>`; }
/** * Creates a new, blank frame * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @param {number} [duration = 100] The frames duration (in ms) * @param {number} [fillColor = 0] (0..0xffffffff) * @return {Frame} */ static new(width, height, duration, fillColor) { const image =, height, fillColor); return Frame.from(image, duration); }
/** * Converts an Image instance to a Frame * @param {Image} image The image to create the frame from * @param {number} [duration = 100] The frames duration (in ms) * @return {Frame} */ static from(image, duration) { if (!(image instanceof Image)) throw new TypeError('Invalid image passed'); return new Frame(image.__toSharedBuffer__(), duration); }
/** * @private */ __toSharedTimedBuffer__() { const imageBuffer = this.__array__; const data = new Uint8Array(imageBuffer.byteLength + 2); data.set([(this.duration >> 8) & 0xff, this.duration & 0xff], 0); data.set(imageBuffer, 2); return data; }}
/** * Represents a GIF image as an array of frames * @extends Array<Frame> */export class GIF extends Array { /** * Creates a new GIF image. * The maximum frame count for a GIF is calculated based on its dimensions: * ```js * const frameCount = Math.max(1, Math.min(240, Math.floor(30 * 512 / Math.sqrt(gif.width * gif.height)))); * ``` * @param {Frame[]} frames The frames to create the GIF from * @param {number} [loopCount=0] How often to loop the GIF for (0 = unlimited) * @property {number} loopCount How often the GIF will loop for */ constructor(frames, loopCount = 0) { for (const frame of frames) { if (!(frame instanceof Frame)) throw new TypeError(`Frame ${frames.indexOf(frame)} is not an instance of Frame`); }
if (loopCount < 0 || loopCount > 0xffff) throw new RangeError('Invalid loop count');
super(...frames); this.loopCount = loopCount;
const sizeSqrt = Math.sqrt(this.width * this.height); const maxFrames = Math.floor(30 * 512 / sizeSqrt);
if (Math.max(this.width, this.height) > 0xffff) throw new RangeError('Invalid GIF dimensions (<= 65535px)'); if (this.width * this.height > 2048 ** 2) throw new RangeError('Invalid GIF size (<= 2^22px)'); if (frames.length > maxFrames) throw new RangeError(`GIF cannot exceed ${maxFrames} frames at this resolution`); }
toString() { return `GIF<${this.width}x${this.height}x${this.duration}ms>`; }
/** * The GIFs duration (in ms) * @return {number} */ get duration() { return [...this].reduce((acc, frame) => acc + frame.duration, 0); }
/** * The GIFs width * @return {number} */ get width() { return Math.max(...[...this].map(frame => frame.width)); }
/** * The GIFs height * @return {number} */ get height() { return Math.max(...[...this].map(frame => frame.height)); }
/** * @private */ __toArray__() { return [this.loopCount, ...[...this].map(frame => frame.__toSharedTimedBuffer__())]; }
/** * Encodes the image into a GIF * @return {Uint8Array} The encoded data */ encode() { const frames = []; for (const frame of this) { frames.push({ delay: frame.duration, width: frame.width, height: frame.height, pixels: frame.bitmap }); }
return gif.encode(frames, { width: this.width, height: this.height, comment: 'powered by ImageScript', loop: isNaN(this.loopCount) ? 0 : this.loopCount }); }}