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zero-dependency JavaScript image manipulation
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import {Image} from '../ImageScript.js';import * as ImageTest from './image.js';import {equals} from "";
const panic = message => { console.error(message); Deno.exit(1);};
(async () => { { const binary = await Deno.readFile('./tests/targets/image.png'); const image = await Image.decode(binary);
const target = await ImageTest.default; if (!equals(target.bitmap, image.bitmap)) panic('arrays are unequal'); }
{ const binary = await Deno.readFile('./tests/targets/external.png'); const image = await Image.decode(binary);
if ([image.width, image.height].some(v => v !== 638)) panic('dimensions don\'t match');
if (!equals(image.bitmap.subarray(0, 4), Uint8Array.from([70, 65, 62, 255]))) panic('pixel doesn\'t match'); }
{ const binary = await Deno.readFile('./tests/targets/external.jpg'); const image = await Image.decode(binary);
if ([image.width, image.height].some(v => v !== 638)) panic('jpeg dimensions don\'t match'); }})();